Mingyou also knew that the situation was serious, so it was just a joke. Of course, there's a little bit of temptation in the joking. He and Chen Yang are the best of people.

After that, Mingyou also agreed to meet bingxuanxin.

The meeting between the three parties was facilitated by Chen yanglai, which was very secret.

The meeting place is outside Guangyao star.

That is the place where the sun shines directly. The sun is so fierce that Chen Yang is not used to it. But he is very happy. Two of them, one of them has yaori armor and the other has Moyan armor. Fighting in such a place is twice the result with half the effort!

When the three met, Bing Xuanxin was quite moved. She hugged her fist and said, "my little sister always wants to meet brother Mingyou and have a talk with you. But I haven't had a chance to meet you today. I'm very lucky to meet you

Mingyou is also quite emotional. Before, he didn't think much of Bingxuan heart. He always wanted to support fengshangren, because he thought it would be easier to master fengshangren. But now it seems that this idea is totally wrong.

At the same time, Mingyou was embarrassed. He said with a smile, "Xuanxin, you are so polite."

Bing Xuanxin then said: "after everything is stable, I just want to keep the Earth Star Palace, and I have no ambition. I also hope that brother Mingyou can give me a way to live! "

Mingyou immediately burst out laughing and said, "if Xuanxin's younger sister is a weak woman, who dares to call herself a man in the world?"

Chen Yang coughed and said, "I think we'd better go back to business."

Mingyou and bingxuanxin agree.

Mingyou said, "I'll make use of yaori armor to make a gorgeous array, and let us hide in the light of the holy star." When he had finished, he cast the spell.

After all this is done, the three people sit relative.

Mingyou said: "Xuanxin sister, what you just said, I know you are testing my big brother. But don't worry, big brother, I don't have any ambition. Over the years, yaotianzong has been restrained by nihilism and guangyingmen, which makes me very unhappy. It's just internal and external troubles. At that time, what I want is the unity of the God clan and the powerful clan. As for dealing with you, it's totally impossible. When was the world occupied by one person? Even if there is, it is only temporary, and the end is not very good. What we pursue, after all, is Wuji Avenue! The universe is so big that it's meaningless for us to fight each other on this small planet. "

Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang were surprised when they heard the speech, but they didn't expect that Mingyou had such knowledge.

Then, Bing Xuanxin said, "if you have big brother Mingyou, I will be relieved."

I laugh.

Then, he said: "I haven't been in touch with the wind now, so I hope you can tell me more about how powerful he is."

Chen Yang immediately said all the glorious deeds of Feng Shangren, instantly killed six masters of holy land like cangxuetian, and killed wantonly and left in the dark Protoss!

After hearing this, Mingyou can't help frowning.

Chen Yang said: "his strength is the fusion of yin and Yang, which is changeable and omnipotent. If you want to kill him, you'd better sneak into his armor As long as ah Qing is dead, tolerance on the wind is nothing. "

"Sneak in?" "It's not easy," he said

"If it had been easy, he would have died long ago," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin looked at Chen Yang and said, "what can you do?"

Chen Yang pondered and said, "I was thinking about using some unique array to trap the wind. But then I thought about it, and it didn't work. What if juejian is trapped? We still have to go in and surround him. The stronger we surround him, the stronger his resistance will be. Maybe we'll be wiped out. Of course, there is a certain chance that we will kill him. But the probability is no more than 50%, so this plan is not feasible. The most reliable thing is to sneak in, separate them, and control ah Qing inside. On the one hand, you can hold back the wind outside. In this way, great things can be achieved! "

"So it's back to the beginning. How can you sneak in? We are all people who have divine armor. We also know that it is almost impossible for each other to enter our divine armor. "

Chen Yang pondered and said: "I seem to have thought of a way."

Mingyou and bingxuanxin immediately brighten their eyes and look at Chen Yang together.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Zang Jiu, the supreme of the dark gods, is our friend. At the critical moment, if Zang Jiu is defeated, he will be seriously injured. Will Feng Shangren watch him die? "

"No!" Ice Xuan heart suddenly excited, she said: "the wind will save nine, nine will be hidden in his God's armor to protect."

"That's right!" Chen Yang laughed, he said: "I'll make a portal with Zang Jiu at that time. After he goes in, we will lead me in through the mark."

"This is really a good way!" Mingyou also said with a laugh.

So next, they worked out some details.After that, the party just left.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin leave.

On the way back, Bing Xuan couldn't help asking Chen Yang, "we've told Mingyou everything now. Is Mingyou reliable?"

Chen Yang said: "my plan really doesn't work if I say it out. But I have to say it. If I don't say it, I'm sure it won't work out. As for you, is it reliable? I think it's reliable. Mingyou is not a fool. He knows the importance of it. Unless he wants to die, he must be on our side. "

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "well, I believe your judgment."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "do you really believe me?"

Bing Xuanxin blushed slightly, and she said, "if you didn't insist on going to the dark Protoss first, I don't think I would even know how to die in the end. You are my Savior

Chen Yang laughed and said, "how can you repay me for saving my life?"

Ice Xuan heart is tiny a Zheng, then suddenly charming up, say: "I with body mutually promise good?" As she spoke, she suddenly took Chen Yang's arm.

The softness of the chest also squeezed over!

Chen Yang immediately seemed to be scalded and quickly avoided. He gave a ha ha and said, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"Coward!" Ice Xuan heart couldn't help spat.

There was a sense of loss in her heart.

No man has ever been able to resist her

Can Chen Yang, but repeatedly refused her, like a false really throw in arms!

Time passed in a flash, and soon it was about ten days.

Over the underground sea in the southern hemisphere, on a secluded island, Zang Jiu, the supreme dark god, brings his experts to meet with Feng Shangren.

Zangjiu is the top six master of holy land, plus the throne of eternal night, he is absolutely strong!

He's also under the control of pudalong, the quintessence of Holy Land!

A Yue, Holy Land quadruple!

Blood fog God King, holy land six!

The shadow hall is the master of Canghai, the holy land of quadruple!

Wu Yun, one of the inspection elders, is also here.

The worst of all is the quadruple cultivation of Holy Land!

The four sacred realms are people who can walk horizontally on the whole Guangyao star.

This time, the team led by Tibet nine is absolutely a super first-class expert.

On the island, the wind and yanri meet cangjiu.

The salute of respect to jiuzang.

Fengshangren has reviewed the team of zangjiu. He is very satisfied and says, "OK, OK, zangjiu, you've done a good job. When it's done, I'll get a big reward! "

Zang Jiu said, "thank you, your highness."

Feng Shangren said, "when you do it, it will be under the sun. I want you masters to launch the eternal night power together, so that they can't absorb the power of Shengyao star. "

Zang Jiu said, "this is what we are good at. When the time comes, we will launch the eternal night array, so that it will be a long night in a hundred miles. Don't worry, your highness

On the wind endures to ha ha a smile, say: "this temple nature is at ease."

Next, the wind on the bear with wild goose wheel went to yaotianzong.

In the main hall of Yaotian palace, Mingyou meets fengshangren.

Fengshangren proposes to marry mingjiaolong.

This is the marriage that had been discussed before, and Mingyou also agreed.

In the main hall, you sit on the head.

"Lord, I've always been in love with Princess Jiaolong. I wanted to marry you before, and you have agreed. But I met the ice Xuan heart's trouble, the whole Earth Star Palace also fell into the ice Xuan heart's hand. Today, I am in trouble. Please take me in and let me marry Princess Jiaolong. From now on, my staff and I will be loyal to you! "

Bear on the wind, is with chips!

With the strength of him and Yan RI Lun, this can definitely make Ming you move.

Gazing at Feng Shangren, he said slowly, "I have already heard about bingxuanxin and you. I've always been worried about your safety. Now I'm relieved to see that you are all right. Just, do you really want to marry my daughter? How can I hear that you already have a wife? "

He said that on purpose. If he pretended to know nothing, it would be insulting Feng Shangren's intelligence.

In fact, he had already said something in his heart. At this time, he was just putting on airs. Later, he said, "it's definitely not true. It's all intentional rumors. You have to believe me! Some people are afraid that I will marry Princess Jiaolong with you. We can't fall for the enemy's trick

"Is it true?" said Mingyou

"Absolutely not," he said

Mingyou said, "well, I believe you are."

"Thank you, Lord!" I'm very grateful.

Mingyou then said: "only, if you want to marry my daughter, you need to do one more thing."Feng Shangren then said: "please say, as long as the younger generation can do, never refuse!"

Mingyou said: "nihilism, the light and shadow gate has always been a great trouble for us. If you can take the head of Mo Pengyu, the leader of nihilism, and the head of Xinghun, the leader of Guangying sect, it will be no problem! "

Feng Shangren suddenly changed his face and said, "if you want to refuse, just refuse directly. Why should we embarrass the younger generation like this? Mo Pengyu and Xinghun have always been your troubles. You can't get rid of them, let alone the younger generation? "

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