Feng Shangren then inhales those fatalistic forces into the armor of the gods!

The fog filled the sky of the sea of yin and the sea of Yang. The sea of extreme Yin and the sea of extreme Yang are intertwined and begin to burst out with incomparable power.

It's a trial and error!

There is no power that can't be swallowed by the fusion of yin and Yang!

Thick fog rolling in the ocean

Time goes by.

However, the fog did not disappear.

"How is that possible? Why can't you swallow it? " The wind endures continuously refining the dense fog, but it has no effect.

"It's so strange. What is it?" There was a fluster in the wind. Then, he and ah Qing work together again.

"The combination of yin and Yang breeds all things, creates something out of nothing, and destroys this kind of power!"


There was an incomparable light in the sea of yin and Yang, the golden light shining on the thick fog, but the thick fog still did not disperse.

"The fog It's fate When he thought of something in the wind, he suddenly understood something.

"Fate?" Ah Qing was also surprised.

Feng Shangren said, "yes, it's fate. Yin and yang can breed and devour all things. But Yin and Yang also have a destiny. The sea of Yin, the sea of Yang, including the armor of God, all have their destiny. So fate is above the armor of the gods

Ah Qing said, "what should we do now?"

Feng Shangren said, "if you can't destroy it, drive it away. Come on... "

Two people work together to imprison the thick fog to a place, and then quickly drive it out of the armor of the gods.

There was still heavy fog all around.

The fate here is incredible.

That is at this time, the color of shock flashed in the wind. "Bad!"

Ah Qing was surprised and said, "what's the matter?"

"The fragments of Chen Yang are gone," he said

Ah Qing said, "this Are those fragments mixed into the fog of fate and driven away by us? "

Hate on the wind!

Before he could say anything, at this moment, the thick fog outside began to dissipate.

Soon, all the heavy fog dispersed, and it was icy underground again.

Everything's back to normal!

Obviously, that's why he just left because he has already saved people.

"I should have thought that the power of Tony is very similar to that of Chen Yang. It turns out that it's all fatalistic power. I inhale that fatalistic power into the armor of the gods. It's like finding a channel for Chen Yang. What a fool I am

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and finally he was furious.

Ah Qing quickly comforted Feng Shangren.

Feng Shangren said, "this Chen Yang is so hard to deal with. After a long time, he was about to be killed, and now he escaped. Not to mention, there's such a freak Tony. I'm going to take revenge and take back the Earth Star Palace. How long will it take? "

"No way!" Feng Shangren said, "I can't wait any longer. I'll fight with you like this. Why don't I take people back to the Earth Star Palace first and take back the support of the other royal families in the Earth Star Palace. I'll drive Bingxuan away first. "

Ah Qing said: "husband, I support you in whatever you want to do. Now, are we going back to earth

Feng Shangren said, "no, go to the battlefield first. Gather the remaining troops and then go to the Earth Star Palace. "

Ah Qing said, "but I'm worried. Can we deal with Chen Yang and Tony?"

Feng Shangren said: "Chen Yang is not enough to be afraid. Tony's strength must pay a greater price. They are not good at attacking, we hold the Star Palace, and when they attack, they will fall into passivity

Ah Qing didn't know whether what Feng Shangren said was right or not, but she didn't want to think about it. After all, she will do as her husband says.

On the surface of Guangyao star, under the sun, the Guangyao star is dazzling to the point of snow white.

Tony sat cross knee.

Opposite Tony, Chen Yang also sits cross legged.

Chen Yang's body is rapidly recovering, Tony took out a lot of pills for Chen Yang to take. Chen Yang needs to take a lot of pills, plus a certain period of rest, so as to quickly restore strength.

This time, Chen Yang suffered too much damage.

This is no less than the previous simple explosion into pieces, he was tempered in the original pure fire for not a short time.

Three hours later, Chen Yang felt that his body had recovered 30% of his power!

He looks across at Tony.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Tony is Luo Feng!

Luo Feng smile, said: "not used to me now this way?"

The tone is not like Luo Feng before.

Chen Yang wry smile, said: "really not used to."In the meeting just now, Chen Yang was already ecstatic. Now, Chen Yang can calm down.

Luo Feng said: "I can break my face, and then quickly grow back to what it was before. Including sound, it can also be changed back. But I've been studying some things in Yaotian palace, so I haven't changed back to the original. "

Chen Yang said, "it's so good that you didn't die. I thought, you have... "

When he said this, his eyes turned red.

Luo Feng sighed a little and said, "it's not bad to die. It's worse to live. Because as long as I live, I can't help thinking about them. If I don't try to revive them, I'm going to go crazy. I often dream that their mother is suffering in the cold hell. They're begging me to help them. Xiaosilan also asked me why she didn't come to save them

"Big brother!" Chen Yang can understand Luo Feng's mood. He loves his elder brother, but he can't help it. "But you know, when a man dies, he dies. What hell will there be? "

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "none of us has really died. The universe is so big that the multiverse may not exist. You have been to the parallel world. How can you be sure that there is no hell? It's just that maybe it's not hell, but another kind of Torah. Hell is our name

Chen Yang couldn't help saying things.

After a pause, he said, "brother, you haven't told me how you survived?"

Luo Feng naturally will not hide something from Chen Yang, he said: "to be exact, it's not how I live, but how I didn't die. When the fire broke out, Tony was the beast. However, the fire robbed him of the impurities and brutality in his divine beast blood. My mana and spirit are all on him. His soul has been tempered clean, and because it is so clean, his body is very suitable for me. So, I naturally integrated into his body. His mana and blood are all absorbed by me. "

"And it's just the beginning!" Luo Feng continued: "after I entered Yaotian palace as Tony, every time I meditated cross legged, I could feel the solar energy coming into my body. Very pure solar energy Deep in my mind, with the absorption of this energy, the true blood of God began to wake up. "

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