"The true blood of the gods?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Luo Feng said: "everything, the living beings have the genes and blood of ancient ancestors. Some animals can also awaken the memory of ancient ancestors. On the first day, the blood of God is no exception. In the body of each god family, when it reaches a certain level, it will wake up. This kind of blood makes them advance bravely in their cultivation! But this kind of blood is just the general blood of God. And what I woke up to was the real, purest blood of the gods. It is also because of the magical fire robbery that their bodies can be tempered to this degree. Otherwise, no matter how high their accomplishments are, they will not be able to purify their bodies! "

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he suddenly realized it and said, "I understand that robbing fire will turn their souls into ashes. And just then, your soul entered that body, so that's what it is now

"That's right," said Luo Feng

Chen Yang said, "but why does your soul live secretly under the fire?"

Luo Feng said: "at that time, when the robbery burned my body, it was all on him. My soul is hiding in the body of the queen. Her body will not be destroyed, that's why I am able to preserve it! "

Chen Yang understood thoroughly and said, "I see!"

Luo Feng continued: "I always want to know all the history of God on the first day. In addition, I am also paying close attention to the second younger brother. They're fine. They're fine. So I'm waiting, waiting for the right time. If I had not seen you in trouble today, I would not have come

Chen Yang said, "brother, it's great that you're back now. Now, our brothers join hands. We don't have to be afraid of anyone on this planet. "

Luo Feng laughed and said, "that's just right. After you recover completely, we'll pick up the second brother."

Chen Yang said, "good!" He then some worry, way: "don't know ice Xuan heart they at present how."

Luo Feng said: "don't worry about these, just rest at ease!" Then he said, "I'll see. You're hiding in the black hole crystal. I put the black hole crystal in my ear, OK? "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Later, Chen Yang escaped into the black hole crystal.

Luo Feng grabs the black hole crystal and puts it in his ear.

He followed and flew away

In short, Chen Yang's ability to escape the refining of tolerance on the wind is really due to his elder brother's fatalistic power. He himself has the magic power of great destiny. When the destiny strikes, his fragments are absorbed immediately, and all the fragments break the seal of fengshangren, and finally merge together. Later, under the package of destiny, he leaves fengshangren's armor.

On the battlefield, it has already disappeared.

Luo Feng came to the original battlefield, it is nothing to see.

Luo Feng didn't know what happened here, so he flew to Yaotian palace.

There was peace in Yaotian palace, as if nothing had happened.

Luo Feng arrives at the mansion where you Fangdao is, you Fu!

The first thing he wants to see is you Lao, of course.

His identity is Tony, and Tony is the man in front of you. Therefore, Luo Feng's journey is smooth.

In you Lao's meditation room, Luo Feng meets you Lao.

Mr. you is wearing a black robe with a golden winged tiger on it, which is lifelike.

You Lao's complexion did not change. When he saw Tony, he said faintly, "where have you been?"

Luo Feng half kneels to salute, sink a voice to say: "belong to go down to pursue the wind up to endure."

"Why do you want to leave the battlefield without my consent? Do you think you can deal with him?" You old cold way.

His eyes were cold and suspicious.

Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Tony and suspicious.

Luo Feng said: "at that time, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and his subordinates didn't think much about it."

"Did you find tolerance on the wind?" You Fang asked.

Luo Feng said: "no, if found, I'm afraid I'll die."

Youfangdao was silent.

After a while, he waved and said, "go down."

Luo Feng couldn't help saying, "what happened to the war?"

You Fangdao took a look at Luo Feng, and then said: "both sides suffered heavy losses, but later, Bing Xuanxin and the Lord got the initiative. But just when we were about to win, fengshangren came back. Now, the wind took people away. A lot of people died on both sides. Feng Shangren gathered all the people from the dark gods, the light and shadow gate, and the nihilist sect, and took them back to the Earth Star Palace. "

"Well?" Luo Feng was surprised and said, "what about Bingxuan

You Fang way light say: "you care about ice Xuan heart very much?"

"Luo Bingfeng said," our ally. "

You Fangdao flashed a chill in his eyes, suddenly pointed to Luo Feng and said: "enough, you are not Tony. I have long felt that something is wrong with you. You go with the wind because you want to save Chen Yang. You're not Tony. Tony's been killed in that fire. You are Chen Yang's elder brother, Luo FengLuo Feng was slightly stunned.

So at that moment, his face began to change, and his voice began to change.

His face begins to change with his will, which is not a great change, but a fission of self gene.

Luo Feng returned to his original appearance.

He then stood up, a cold smile, said: "well, since you have seen, then I do not have to do this disguise."

"Good, good!" In the eyes of you Fangdao, you have to fight.

"I advise you not to do it!" Luo Feng said: "because you are not my opponent!"

At this time, Chen Yang also flashed out. He stood beside Luo Feng, facing you Fang, and said, "you Lao, I can't bear the wind. Now I'm so rampant. It's not that I can't help my elder brother. I advise you not to insult yourself. You're just a dead son. It's no good for you or the whole yaotianzong if you go on. At that time, I'm afraid that you can't live in the dark. "

"Only a son died? Easy for you to say. What if it was your son who died? " You Fangdao is furious.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "well, it's really painful to die a son. But I'm not to blame for your son's death. He wanted to kill me. He didn't want to kill me, and I didn't have to. No nonsense, you want revenge, I'll follow. But right now, it's not the right time for us to settle personal grudges. What happened to Bing Xuanxin? "

Before you opened his mouth, Chen Yang said, "it's really troublesome to find you. I'll find Mingyou!"

Then he left with Luo Feng.

You Fangdao wanted to stop him, but reason eventually restrained his impulse.

He didn't move.

He knew that the two people in front of him were not what they used to be.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng meet Mingyou in the quiet room.

To Chen Yang's surprise, Bingxuan's heart is also there.

Bing Xuanxin is overjoyed to see Chen Yang. She is sitting in front of Chen Yang. She looks like a cheerful girl.

Her eyes were red, but she cried with joy and said, "Chen Yang, are you ok? That's great. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "if you want me to die, it's so easy."

"It's very nice of you to come back!" Ice Xuan heart says.

"Who is this?" Then, Bing Xuanxin looks at Luo Feng strangely.

Mingyou also passed. Obviously, he didn't know Luo Feng.

Chen Yang introduced Luo Feng to them.

Luo Feng light point first, then regarded as had said hello.

Chen Yang said to Bing Xuanxin, "at the moment, what's going on in the Earth Star Palace?"

Bing Xuanxin said: "our main personnel have been withdrawn, including the men, women and children of the shadow clan, all of them have moved here. It's just that we can't stay in the Earth Star Palace. It's all occupied by the wind. "

Chen Yang was slightly relieved and said, "it's ok if people are OK!"

Ice Xuan heart eye socket once again a red, say: "Lan mother-in-law, still have long Xin, all suffered poisonous hand."

"Long Xin?" Chen Yang was shocked.

He is very fond of Long Xin.

But I didn't expect that long Xin died in this battle.

He felt sad in his heart. He also felt that the world was changeable.

At this time, Mingyou doubts and says, "Chen Yang, I heard that your elder brother has Dead? "

He looked up and down at Luo Feng, always feel that there is something wrong with Luo Feng.

Chen Yang touched his nose again and said, "master Mingyou, to be honest, I really thought my elder brother was dead. It's good and bad for you. Originally, he was always by your side. In fact, Tony who is around you is already dead. My elder brother's soul is integrated into Tony and wakes up the purest blood of God. So my elder brother can change the real body of the beast infinitely. "

"What?" Mingyou was shocked again. He looked at Luofeng and felt that it was incredible. His voice trembled and said, "is this really true?"

Luo Feng took a look at Mingyou, then nodded and said, "that's right, it's true!"

After he finished, his body began to change, and soon he became the God of heaven.

Glittering gold, mighty as God!

More importantly, he showed the body of the beast, and there was no beast in him. Instead, it is incomparably sacred and dignified.

This kind of sacredness and majesty has a kind of blood suppression to the dark and ice heart.

Both Mingyou and Bingxuan have an impulse to worship.

Luo Feng then regained his human form.

Mingyou and Bingxuan completely believed that Luofeng was the blood of the first God.

After a long silence, Mingyou suddenly knelt down to Luo Feng and said, "I'd like to see the LORD God. I'd like to follow him forever and be loyal to him!"

"Well?" Luo Feng stayed for a while.

Even Bing Xuanxin, Chen Yang also stayed for a while.Some of them don't understand this kind of divine operation.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yang couldn't help saying.

Luo Feng is also puzzled, way: "what do you want to do?"

Mingyou raised his head, full of piety, and said: "Lord God, you are the first one who has the true blood of God. You should be the real leader of our God family. Therefore, my subordinates are willing to be loyal to you forever and go through fire and water without hesitation! "

Chen Yang couldn't help thinking.

The ice Xuan heart on one side also fell into a daze.

Bing Xuanxin considers whether she should be loyal to Luo Feng. But, she is not reconciled!

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