Chen Yang felt sorry, he said: "Ming Jiaolong, don't say that. I'm sorry for you and soul Muyang. If I know his whereabouts, I will help you to save him. But now, I can't help it. "

He said, "well, don't worry too much. You wait until I get better, I'll use my great fatalism to find out about him. Maybe, there will be an answer. "

Mingjiao dragon was overjoyed and said, "really?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "yes!"

He has been trying his best to find the soul of Muyang, but he didn't worry about it. He also thinks it's a waste to use great fatalism to find soul Muyang. And at present, see Ming Jiao long so sad, his conscience is a little upset after all.

Then Chen Yang said, "now, you don't have to worry about your father marrying you to fengshangren. As long as you find the soul of Muyang, my elder brother and I will decide for you to get married, OK

"It's a deal!" Ming Jiao dragon broke tears into a smile.

Chen Yang said, "it's a deal!"

After mingjiaolong left, Chen Yang also returned to the room.

He continued to sit, recuperate and recover.

Great fatalism can make him recover all the injuries in an instant, but the immediate injury just takes some time. So Chen Yang is not in a hurry to recover.

He also wants to go to the Obsidian tunnel.

But a person to go or some guilty, to Obsidian tunnel have to shout big brother.

Now elder brother is busy with the God ceremony three days later, so it's inconvenient for Chen Yang to call elder brother.

He's not in a hurry anyway.

The southern hemisphere, the underground sea, the mysterious depths of the underground sea, the Earth Star Palace

It was night.

The island of the Earth Star Palace is in the deep sea. The island gives out a soft and bright light, which will illuminate all around.

Within the island, the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers are shining.

It's a very beautiful and magical island.

In the Earth Star Palace, in the lonely star palace!

Feng Shangren sat on the big bed of his bedroom. Just now, he summoned all the palace ministers.

This time, he returned with equal dignity, and scared the people in Bing Xuan's heart out of their wits.

Many royal families expressed warm welcome to fengshangren, and some even cried with joy.

No matter what their mood is, the vanity of tolerance on the wind has been greatly satisfied.

Tolerance on the wind is also rare to show the magnanimity, let bygones be bygones.

This lonely star hall is where Feng Shangren grew up.

No matter how far he goes, what he knows most and cares most is this place.

"Ah Qing!" A gentle call on the wind.

Ah Qing came out of the armour of the gods, and she sat on the side of the wind.

Ah Qing is so beautiful, pure and peaceful. She is always light green skirt, such as a light green flowers to bloom.

Bear on the wind will be a Qing into his arms.

Ah Qing was quiet and didn't speak.

At this time, is already silent than sound.

"I always hated my father!" Said the wind.

Ah Qing clenched his hand on the wind.

Feng Shangren continued: "I hate him. I love my concubine and hate him for neglecting my mother. Hate him, even my mother is poisoned by ice Xuan heart, he knows nothing. He doesn't believe us either... "

"Just now, I knew that he had been killed by Bing Xuanxin." Feng Shangren murmured, "I suddenly think of many things before. He has been treating me all the time Not bad. Only later, he had been hurt by Bing Xuan's heart. It's not that he doesn't want to protect me. He can't help it. And I never found out. He In the past, I was treated very well. If he is still alive, I don't want to be the master of the Earth Star Palace. I'm willing to let him be the Emperor... "

When ah Qing raised her head, she felt cold on her face. She immediately saw the red eyes on the wind.

He actually Tears!

At this moment, ah Qing felt extremely distressed.

"Husband, I will always be with you!" Ah Qing is not good at words, so he said after a while.

"Thank you, ah Qing!" The wind held ah Qing tightly.

He is glad that he still has ah Qing.

It's not easy for him to walk all the way.

Even now, he is in power, but there is no one to talk to except ah Qing.

This loneliness, deep into the marrow!

Just when I was immersed in the pain on the wind, suddenly, my bedroom suddenly changed

In the bedroom, there was a soft gem light, which made people very comfortable, comfortable and even calming.

But all of a sudden, it was dark!

Then, everything around begins to pass!

it's like the black hole of the universe devours everything, everything is being devoured, passing, collapsingReality seems to be gone.

"What's the matter?" Ah Qing couldn't help losing face.

On the breeze endure also facial expression big change, immediately way: "go in!"

What he meant, of course, was to get ah Qing into the armor of the gods.

Ah Qing nodded and immediately flashed into the armor of heaven.

She went straight in.

Feng Shangren immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but soon his face changed greatly. Because he didn't find ah Qing

Ah Qing seems to be in the God's armor, but there is no ah Qing in the God's armor.

Everything around us has changed.

The place where fengshangren is no longer a bedroom, but a dark world.

This darkness is very different from the eternal night in the northern hemisphere. The darkness here is full of tranquility and peace.

There are particles flowing in the dark. It has become a dark world, boundless and endless, as if it were like the universe.

Those particles flow, let the whole world like Ganges quicksand general!

He knew that ah Qing had been lost in the quicksand of Ganges River.

"Who? Sneaky, still not coming out? " On the wind endures to feel frightened, sternly drinks to ask.

He felt that everything was baffling.

And it's full of incredible things.

With his current skills, even the experts like Chen Yang, Luo Feng and Mingyou can't sneak in and plot against him.

He had no idea what was going on.

As soon as his voice fell, a corridor suddenly appeared in the dark quicksand.

A man appeared at the end of the corridor.

The head wore a purple gold crown, natural and graceful, and his face was calm and calm.

The man was dressed in a silver robe and had silver hair.

He is The soul of Muyang!

The soul of the town of the soul of the soul of the world!

The five powers of creation.

Soul Muyang soon came to bear on the wind in front of.

The wind endures to stare at soul Mu Yang, his voice trembles, this pour is not afraid, but dross.

In the last two months, I thought it was a safe bet.

But since the sudden emergence of a Chen Yang, the fierce opponent is one after another. Before that, there was another Luofeng!

Now how come there's such a freak!

"Who are you? Do I know you? Why are you dealing with me? " On the wind endures a word to ask.

"I call my soul to Muyang!" Soul Muyang eyes cold, word said: "I'm here to kill you."

"Why?" "Why do you want to kill me?" he said

"Because you should die!" Soul Muyang cold hum a, way.

Feng Shangren wanted to ask why he should die.

But soul Muyang no longer plans to bear nonsense with the wind.

Because he doesn't have much time, he can't hold on for a long time because of the opening of such a soul power world.

Then he reached out and pinched Feng Shangren's neck.

It's like the whole universe is turning into the Ganges!

He wanted to move on the wind, and suddenly found himself unable to move.

He felt the quicksand flowing around him. There was also quicksand flowing in his body. The quicksand separated the armor of God from him.

He can't move!


The next second, the wind on the head of bear break

A generation of arrogant, trying to do the world, calculate everything, and finally, death is not clear.

The armor of God falls down and rolls in the quicksand!

Soul Muyang grabs the armor of God in his hand.

He then quickly left the Earth Star Palace through the psychic channel.

He could have killed ah Qing, but soul Muyang didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, so he didn't do it.

After the soul Muyang left, everything in the bedroom was restored to its original state.

Ah Qing saw a headless corpse lying on the ground.

This corpse, don't need to see more, ah Qing will know that this is her husband Feng Shangren.

Ah qingjiao's body trembled violently. She threw herself on the body of the wind and cried bitterly until she shivered.

All this happened so fast that ah Qing didn't understand what happened.

No one can explain to her.

At the same time, in the palace of the earth star, Yan RI Lun has been controlled by the wind.

But just after he died on the wind, the Yin and Yang imprints in his brain became lax. Yanrilun didn't know what happened, but he knew that the opportunity had come. Immediately without hesitation, use the mana to kill the Yin and Yang mark completely.

After finishing all this, Yan RI Lun's body flashed and came to the lonely star palace.

Yanrilun immediately saw that fengshangren was dead, and ah Qing criedAt this moment, the idea of immorality flashed in yanrilun's eyes It's really evil that starts from the edge of courage

"This girl's cultivation is good. Now fengshangren is dead. I want to get the armor of God and control her by the way. From now on, there will be no match for me on Guangyao star. Just, who killed Feng Shangren? Well, no matter what, the opportunity is just around the corner, and it's fleeting.... "

Yan RI Lun takes a deep breath. With a big hand, he controls the Jiuyou space on Feng Shangren. Then, Jiuyou space unfolds.

Ah Qing was surprised and turned around to see that he had fallen into the dark and boundless Jiuyou space. At the same time, she also saw Yan RI Lun, whose face was ferocious, approaching her

Ah Qingdun feel bad, she immediately flashed back, glared at the wild goose wheel, said: "what do you want to do?"

She has always been on the wild goose wheel has no good feeling, but she is usually too lazy to take care of the wild goose wheel.

At this time, she felt that Yan RI Lun was so terrible.

Yan RI Lun sneered and said, "you are a wonderful person. Now the wind is gone. If you are obedient, we can avoid a lot of trouble."

"Obedience?" Ah Qing's delicate body trembled and said angrily, "you are shameless!"

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