Yanrilun has no pity for ah Qing. He laughs and says, "shameless? My age can be your grandfather, but when Feng Shangren took me as a dog, did you ever say a word for me? The truth in this world has never belonged to anyone. You're the ones who provoked me first. Now, since Feng Shangren is dead, he has to bear the retribution. If he owes me something, his wife will pay it back... "

Ah Qing takes a deep breath. She is not familiar with Jiuyou space. Her figure flashes and she suddenly moves!

"Ha ha..." Yan RI Lun laughed: "I really don't understand how you stinky girl got to this point. You have all your strength, but you have no experience in fighting. It's as easy as killing you! "

Yanri spoke with no carelessness.

Ah Qing shot instantly. At this time, she had no armor on her body, which was to gather all her mana

Her clothes are flying, her strength is flowing, and her hands are sealed

"Eight pole dragon ball!"

Her body suddenly blooms the strong dragon spirit, her hair also blooms the green brilliance!

Those green lights suddenly rose, and formed eight green dragon balls in all directions of her!

Eight green dragon balls turn into eight dragons in an instant!

The eight dragons roared and roared. In an instant, the heaven and earth were full of dragon Qi and dragon power.

These eight dragons are flying in the air. The green light is flowing, suppressing and wrapping the yanri wheel

"Full wish dragon power, eight pole Dragon Seal, crack!"

Ah Qingsi didn't dare to be careless and made fingerprints again.

Her forehead was blue and her whole body's mana was at the limit.

In any case, her strength has reached the sixth level of creation.

The realm is here. At this time, she really has extraordinary ability to exert her original power.

Eight dragon instantly into the green light inside, followed by, there are sharp claws in all directions!

Dense, there are tens of thousands of dragon claws, dragon claw crack kill, within a hundred miles, all creatures no longer exist!

Green light will be immersed in the human body, and then split from the human body!

Everything is silent, sudden change, unexpected!

Wild goose day round was surprised, he was caught off guard, almost touched a way.

In the green light, he didn't know how to defend.

At that critical moment, he suddenly escaped into the wordless sky monument!

Countless dragon claws immediately split out from the inside of the wordless stele!

But the wordless stele is not physical, so the problem is not big.

Ah Qing's face was frozen and scratched

All the Dragon claws suddenly shrink, disappear, and finally burst out from the center of the wordless stele.

"Take it!" At this time, the wild goose sun wheel roared.

The rune on the wordless stele turns, his mana urges his luck!

In the blink of an eye, the golden Rune runs like an oven in heaven and earth, absorbing the power of many dragon claws directly.

The green brilliance in the world will fade with it!

"Little girl, do you dare to be presumptuous in front of me The wild goose sun wheel grins grimly. He drove the wordless stele, and the golden runes on the stele flew out quickly, forming a rune storm.

In the blink of an eye, the rune storm covers ah Qing's cage!

The rune is twisted and golden!

"Sure!" Yanrilun gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, the runes are fixed!

The wordless stele is above ah Qing.

Ah Qing felt that the surrounding space was solidified, time seemed to be solidified, and her magic power was also condensed.

At this moment, she can't move!

The wild goose sun wheel sneered and grabbed again. All the golden runes wrapped ah Qing.

Then, ah Qing was caught in the wordless sky monument.

Yan RI Lun catches ah Qing, but he doesn't want to fight. He immediately takes in nine secluded spaces and leaves the Earth Star Palace.

Soul Muyang came to Yaotian palace.

He had the armor of the gods in his hand, and the fragments of his head in the wind.

He's here to see Mingyou.

Outside Yaotian palace, soul Muyang asks for a meeting.

At this time, the dawn is coming, and the sky has shown a white belly.

The voice of soul Muyang's appeal spread all over the world

Ming Jiaolong is dreaming of the soul Muyang. Hearing the sound, she immediately rushes out

When mingjiaolong, with a long red dress, a pretty face and tears in her eyes, stands in front of hunmuyang

At this moment, Hun Muyang suddenly felt that all his forbearance and hard work were worth it.

"Master Mingjiao dragon wanted to jump into his arms, but suddenly she was shy. After all, she just called out.

Soul Muyang has always been forbearing to feelings, but at this moment, he doesn't want to manage so much. Jiaolong said, "do you want me to be your wifeMing Jiao long nodded heavily and said, "I do!"

Then she fell into his arms.

They have been helping each other for three hundred years and have never gone beyond the ceremony.

Today, they don't want to suppress their feelings any more.

In Yaotian palace, Yaotian palace, Luofeng, Chenyang, bingxuanxin, Mingyou and youfangdao are all there.

Mingjiao dragon stands beside the soul Muyang.

Soul Muyang took out the armor of the God, and caught the fragments of his head on the wind.

"What?" People are surprised, feel incredible, but also can't believe it.

"You killed him? How is that possible? " First of all, Chen Yang said that he could not believe it.

Others don't believe it.

However, the armor of God is in front of us.

The brain fragments are listed together, which is indeed the breath of tolerance on the wind.

The fact is, the wind is killing me.

"Damn it It's so weird, how can it be Chen Yang can't accept it.

"How did you kill Feng Shangren?" He asked.

In the face of many big men, Hun Muyang has no stage fright. He glances at everyone and is surprised how Chen Yang and Luo Feng have such a position here.

He then said: "after I got to Guangyao star, I always wanted to kill fengshangren. Because I can't allow Jiaolong to marry someone else! Later, I found out that within Guangyao, I could communicate with the world of soul power again. So, I first try to take refuge in the wind. I entered the Earth Star Palace through various channels. Originally, I hid my identity and strength to be a minion. Later, I found that fengshangren left guxing hall. So, I dived into the lonely star palace to arrange the soul power killing array! "

Soul Muyang said here, also feel some doubt, he said: "I hide in the soul world, in his lonely star hall day and night layout killing array. I used the quicksand of soul power to spread the soul power all over the palace of lonely star palace. As long as he enters the bedroom, I can instantly launch my soul power killing array to fill all time and space with soul power quicksand. But I've been waiting for a long time, and I haven't come back. I thought I couldn't wait for him, but last night, I waited for him to come back. I saw that he had already had a wife, which made me even more angry While he was talking to his wife, I directly launched the soul power killing array. Then, I'll kill him! "

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