"Your soul power is so powerful?" Chen Yang can't help asking. He then said, "when you were fighting against us, I didn't see you show it."

Soul Muyang takes a look at Chen Yang and says: "soul power killing array is forbidden. It needs me to sign a contract with soul power world. It needs my blood and takes a long time. The biggest advantage of this forbidden skill is that it is secret. The soul power is the most secret power. The range of soul power killing array can't be large, and it takes at least three days to prepare. If I want to deal with you, I have to first determine where you are going, and then prepare for three days in that place... "

Soul Mu Yang also couldn't help grabbing his head and said: "I think it's impossible. When I hid in the lonely star hall and arranged the soul power killing array, I was always worried that I would come back in the wind. Because once he comes back, and my soul power killing array is not finished, then he will easily find the fragmentary array breath in his bedroom. Then, I will fall short! I started to worry that he would come back, and then I wondered, because he never came back. If he comes back later, my soul power killing array will not be able to support

"Soul power killing array? The world of soul power? " Murmur.

All this is a big surprise and a big Oolong for everyone.

"The world of soul power is unique and can only be perceived by us. Because we are in addition to humans and dragons, we run to help Bing Xuanxin resist Fu Feng. As a result, Feng Shangren is killed by Hun Muyang.

However, they somehow played a role. If it's not for him to drive away the wind, there's a chance for soul Muyang to start.

Chen Yang is more comfortable with this thought.

Bing Xuanxin is also happy.

The trouble was finally solved.

Bingxuan wants to go back to the Earth Star Palace immediately to take over everything.

Chen Yang asked Bing Xuanxin to come back to his hometown after the big brother's God ceremony. Because the eldest brother has to become a God before he can talk.

Chen Yang promised Bing Xuanxin that he would make peace for her.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Chen Yang's strength has not been fully restored. He was afraid that he would be ambushed by the wind, so he didn't go to the Obsidian tunnel. Now I don't worry so much

Chen Yang is going to the Obsidian tunnel by himself, but he doesn't ask anyone else. But before he went, he said hello to Luo Feng.

After listening, Luo Feng said, "I'll go with you."

Chen Yang said: "you still have a lot of things to do, I can go alone."

Luo Feng said, "I don't have anything to do. I'll go with you. I'll be relieved. Although the wind is dead. But what if he didn't die? Everything is possible. Besides, isn't there another yanri wheel? "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I've thought about Yan RI Lun. Even if I have him, I'm not afraid."

Luo Feng smile, said: "I know you are not afraid, but the big fatalism this thing, you can use less, or try to use it less!"

Luo Yang insisted that he would not go to see any more.

They quickly flew out of Yaotian palace.

In Yaotian palace, in the side hall of Mingyou's bedroom, you come to see Mingyou.

"Lord, do you really want to regard him as the God of heaven?" You Fangdao is not reconciled.

Mingyou took a look at Youfang and said in a deep voice: "the blood of the gods on Luo Feng is really pure blood! You and I have seen that. "

You Fang said, "so what?"

Mingyou Danleng said: "I think you are really dazzled by hatred. Even now, you can't help Luofeng. Over time, we will not be his opponents. In addition, he has Chen Yang around him... "

"Chen Yang is my defeated general!" You Fangdao said.

Mingyou said: "it's ridiculous that Chen Yang can make such a big storm. Do you think it was before? I've played against him and almost lost. "

You Fangdao was surprised.

In a word, you'd better put down your hatred. Otherwise, you will be killed for you. Don't blame me for not reminding you! "

Youfangdao was silent.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng were on their way to the Obsidian tunnel. Chen Yang said, "brother, you used a lot of fatalistic power to save me. How many years is that? "

Luo Feng slightly a Zheng, way: "good Duanduan, ask this to do what?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "as you said, if you can use less, you can use less. But how much did you spend last time? I'm worried... "

Luo Feng said: "you don't care about these, I now Shouyuan endless, no harm." But he didn't want to say it.

Chen Yang knows that he must have spent a lot of Shouyuan.

He couldn't make it clear what the consequences would be.

Luo Feng thought of something and said, "I've been thinking about a problem recently."

Chen Yang said, "hmm?"Luo Feng said: "if we say that the power of great fatalism is omnipotent, it can be created out of nothing. Can I directly use the great fatalism to revive Ziqing and Silan? "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He knows that death cannot bring back life.

But if we use fatalism by force and have endless life span, can we really achieve it?

Chen Yang dare not say no, nor can he say yes!

Because in the use of the power of great fatalism, that power is to let his heart bottomless. It's not that he can control that power.

It's like spending money, giving money to a team. Let the team do it!

After thinking about it, Chen Yang replied seriously: "there is no precedent for resurrecting people. But I know that there is a price to do anything with fate. This price does not only include life span, but also sacrifice, such as Qi Yun, shadow, fire and so on. If I use a lot of fatalism to revive my sister-in-law and Silan, I am most worried about one thing! "

"What?" Asked Luo Feng.

Chen Yang said, "even if you succeed, will this misfortune come to them?"

Luo Feng said, "I can't care so much."

Chen Yang said, "brother, don't worry. Isn't zhenhunguo still there? Then we'll go to Borneo and get zhenhunguo. Later, when I get to the Obsidian tunnel and complete the great fatalism, I will use the great fatalism to calculate the possibility of reviving them, OK

Luo Feng's eyes lit up and said, "I can do it myself."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He wanted to bear more for his elder brother, but then he thought, if it was calculated by himself, would he believe it? Big brother believes in himself in everything, but it's not necessarily true in this matter.

But no matter how big brother does it, he has to do it himself.

Chen Yang is really afraid that Luo Feng will go to extremes.

Soon, they reached the Obsidian tunnel.

Obsidian tunnel is still the same.

But, inside the tunnel, there have been a lot of deformities.

The original Obsidian tunnel is natural.

Chen Yang has a good idea of these deformities, because he did them all.

He himself felt a little sorry.

"One last time, and then I won't come again." Chen Yang said in his heart.

However, at this time, the interior of the Obsidian tunnel suddenly changed.

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