Chen Yang and Luo Feng soon noticed the change.

Both faces changed.

The place where they were standing suddenly collapsed, but there was a vast whirlpool of black fog below

The center of the black fog vortex is vast, as if it contains the universe. The center of the vortex is also covered with purple lightning, which is dense

"It's a mixed hole!" In Luo Feng's brain area, naluo fell in love and immediately lost his voice: "mixed holes, the universe is too early, and the universe is full of mixed holes that devour everything."

Luo Feng did not have time to respond, and then a huge force pulled over.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng are powerful, but they can't react at this time. In the collapse, it's like time, space and all the vital signs are passing.

After Chen Yang and Luo Feng react, they have been involved in the lightning hole.

It's like lightning in the roaring dragon!

But strangely, the lightning didn't touch Chen Yang and Luo Feng.

Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the black hole crystal, wrapped him and Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's face is calm. Although he is suffering from this drastic change, he is not in a panic.

Chen Yang also felt that the mana in his body began to stabilize, and he was not in a hurry to fight back. Instead, he wanted to see what was going on.

After that, Chen Yang and Luo Feng fell to the ground.

By the time it fell, Chen Yang was clear.

Below the black ground is a dragon!

Obsidian dragon!

Chen Yang was surprised. He didn't expect that the Dragon had such a powerful and terrible power.

What's more, the Dragon suddenly starts. Is it still conscious?

After falling into the dragon vein, Chen Yang and Luo Feng looked up, and the black fog dragon Qi in front of them began to condense, and finally formed the Obsidian dragon.

The dragon spirit around is very strong, and the dragon power makes the masters like Chen Yang and Luo Feng feel dignified and inexplicable.

The figure of the Obsidian dragon is not big, but a pair of longan seems to contain the dark yellow of heaven and earth.

Deep, vast, majestic, boundless, endless!

In the face of such an obsidian dragon, Chen Yang couldn't help but have an impulse to worship at the bottom of his heart.

Luo Feng's eyes were gloomy. He was not frightened by the Obsidian dragon.

But Chen Yang was afraid that the elder brother would conflict with the dragon, so he immediately clasped his fist and said respectfully, "master, I'm so offended. Please forgive me!"

Chen Yang is really guilty. He gets too much in this Obsidian tunnel. He himself felt that he was greedy, so now, when the dragon is powerful, he also feels that he is in the wrong.

Luo Feng didn't intend to bird the Obsidian dragon. He was really not afraid. In his blood, he had the blood of the first God. How could he be frightened by the Obsidian dragon.

However, he also understood Chen Yang's mind and said nothing more at the moment.

The Obsidian dragon glanced at Luo Feng, and then his eyes fell on Chen Yang.

"You are chosen by the great emperor of the universe. You have your mission. I had a friendship with the great emperor of the universe in those years, so I'm not going to embarrass you today. It's just that you've mined too much obsidian. No more mining, understand? " Obsidian Dragon said word by word.

Chen Yang was surprised, but he didn't expect that the Obsidian dragon had a friendship with the emperor of the universe. He quickly nodded and said, "I know my sin, and I dare not come back to mine it again."

The Obsidian Dragon nodded. He looked at Luo Feng, and then he looked puzzled. He said, "you are the one chosen by the great emperor of the universe, but you have the pure blood of the first day God. It's really strange, strange!"

Luo Feng said in a deep voice: "what's so strange?"

The Obsidian Dragon said, "your current status is too special and strange. Maybe It's all right. We can't let it out. "

Luo Feng's heart leaped.

Chen Yang is also extremely curious.

Luo Feng said, "what do you want to say? Please make it clear that it's good to come. "

The Obsidian dragon was silent for a while, and then said, "maybe you have a special mission. Will make you so strange I'm afraid something will happen in the entire solar system and even the Milky way. I can't make it clear. In the future, things will change so much that no one can make it clear. "

"Have you ever seen the emperor of the universe?" Chen Yang thought of something and immediately asked.

The Obsidian Dragon said, "in front of the great emperor of the universe, I am nothing but a mole ant. At that time, I was lucky to get a touch of Enlightenment from the great emperor of the universe, so I realized the nature. "

Chen Yang was very interested and said, "how many years ago was that?"

The Obsidian dragon looks at Chen Yang and Luo Feng. Chen Yang and Luo Feng are very interested.

Obsidian Dragon said: "100000 years ago, in the universe..."

"What does the universe look like?" Chen Yang asked.The Obsidian dragon thought that Chen Yang was asking some strange questions. He said, "he's a very handsome young man. His eyebrows are similar to yours. However, tens of millions of years ago, the great emperor of the universe has transformed himself into the earth. What I see is just a small incarnation of him. Even if it is a small incarnation, it should be able to traverse the universe and be invincible. He deserves to be called the great emperor of the universe. It was he who told me that if you want to live forever and avoid doom, you have to give up your body and integrate fate with mountains and rivers. Only in this way can you avoid doom. It's a pity that although I have survived, I have been trapped in the dragon vein. I can't get rid of the dragon vein. I want to stay here forever. "

At this moment, Chen Yang and Luo Feng seem to see the new world.

Both are excited.

Chen Yang said, "then why can the great emperor of the universe produce an incarnation far away from the earth?"

The Obsidian Dragon said, "how many people in this world can compare with the great emperor of the universe? What's more, even he, the incarnation, was bred in the earth for millions of years and cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years before he had that kind of accomplishment. "

"Is my third brother also the incarnation of the great emperor of the universe?" Luo Feng thought of what, asked.

The Obsidian dragon shook his head and said, "no, you are not."

"Well?" Luo Feng Road.

The Obsidian Dragon said, "even if it is the great emperor of the universe, only one of those incarnations can be cultivated. And it takes a lot of effort, a million years to conceive. "

Chen Yang said: "on our earth, there is a Dharma God of Yuanjue, who is the will of the great emperor of the universe."

The Obsidian Dragon said, "that's not the incarnation of the great emperor of the universe. I understand what you said. It's just the universe's supernatural power. Such as those masters, although powerful, but thought is in accordance with the will of the universe. They can be said to be the puppets of the great universe, not the great universe! "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I understand what you mean. Such as younger generation and elder brother, are they not puppets of the great emperor of the universe? "

The Obsidian dragon was slightly stunned.

After a long pause, he said, "you really can't get rid of the will of the great emperor of the universe!"

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