Chen Yang and Luo Feng understand this in their hearts. But Obsidian dragon's clear answer still made them feel a little uncomfortable.

From the point of view of the Obsidian dragon predecessors, such as Yuanjue Dharma God, they are just puppets.

Then, Chen Yang also felt that he would not be better than the God of Dharma.

What the Dharma God can't get rid of, he can't get rid of either.

Chen Yang didn't lose heart. What he did was not so much the will of the great emperor of the universe as the arrangement of fate.

He got a lot of happiness and harvest in it.

That's enough.

Therefore, Chen Yang has no regrets.

But at the moment, Luo Feng's mood is not very good.

He can't be as free and easy as Chen Yang. Their situation is not the same at all. It's like a man with a lot of money. One owes a lot of money and is deep in the swamp. They stand together and bathe in the sun at the same time. They look the same, but can they be the same?

Luo Feng's fist clenched tightly, the color of resentment flashed in his eyes.

He always understood that his experience was an arrangement.

He can accept many arrangements, whether to use him or ask him to be the executioner.

But his bottom line is his wife and daughter

Therefore, Luo Feng wants to break away from this arrangement. He wants to die.

However, he is really dead now and can't even die.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Luo Feng are in different moods.

Later, Luo Feng thought of something and said to the Obsidian dragon, "master, you are an expert in the world. I have something to ask you."

"The god dragon says:" you

Luo Feng told the story of his wife and daughter. Later, he asked, "in this case, how can I make them live. Now, the soul is complete, the body is complete. There are also magic scriptures. It is natural for the spirit of the universe to be warm. But after a few years, their souls didn't want to recover at all. If they can come back to life, you are my benefactor. I want you to be a pig and a dog, and I am willing to do so. "

The Obsidian Dragon said in a deep voice: "at first, I don't understand why you have such a strange fate. Now I understand that you are the one who is in charge of robbery

Chen Yang and Luo Feng were surprised.

Luo Feng said, "what do you mean by that?"

The Obsidian Dragon said, "there are some things that should not be said. Later, you will understand! As for the situation of your wife and daughter, the key point is that your wife and daughter have no magic power. It seems that all the soul particles have gathered back, but in fact, it is Yuanjue's great magic power. It looks like a mirror is broken and has been put together, but in fact, the inside is in disorder. "

Luo Feng said: "warm up with the spirit of the universe Can't you repair the soul? "

The Obsidian Dragon said, "you don't seem to understand very well. Even if the soul is restored, the memory can't come back. As a matter of fact, there are still ways to save those who are not dead. There is no salvation for the dead. Unless... "

"Except for what?" Luo Feng seems to have grasped the last straw.

The Obsidian Dragon said, "it's nothing, it's nothing. You'll go that way anyway. "

After a pause, he continued, "unless you find the door to immortality. In the gate of eternal life, there is everything in the universe. In the gate of eternal life, you can completely reverse the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, and reverse their lost memories. However, if you reverse the Yin and Yang inside, then the Yin and Yang outside will be in chaos. At that time, the five decays of heaven and man, countless planets will fall, and countless substances will change or even disappear. "

"What's the way?" Chen Yang was very scared.

He said immediately: "great fatalism can be created out of nothing. What if the great fatalism is used to restore his memory

as like as two peas, the siren dragon smiled, and said, "your pet animal has died, and you have turned a pet beast with a big destiny. But is it really the same? Besides, how long will it take! "

The Obsidian dragon then said, "but there may be other possibilities besides immortality. And that's part of the soul particles that you're grabbing are memories. Maybe, after resurrection, there will be a little memory. Well, I haven't seen the real situation, so it's not easy to say absolutely. "

Luo Feng was already desperate, and his heart burned with hope.

He has decided to do whatever it takes to revive. Even if they have no memory, as long as they can survive, they are good.

"Thank you for your advice!" Luo Feng said sincerely.

The Obsidian dragon waved his hand and said, "I haven't done anything."

In fact, he wanted to say nothing, but he didn't say anything after all.

It's too complicated and contains too many secrets, and it's not clear in a few words. In addition, he is not sure about the future.Before leaving, the Obsidian Dragon said, "before leaving, I have a gift for you!"

He pointed to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was stunned.

The Obsidian dragon ejected a black scale.

The black scale is the size of a washbasin. Chen Yang took it and the scale automatically shrinks to the size of a nail.

"Thank you, master!" Chen Yang didn't know the function of the scales, but he also knew that since the elder was giving gifts, it must not be ordinary. So first say thank you, there will be no mistake.

The Obsidian dragon smiles and says, "you rely too much on fatalism, so the fire in your body is also very heavy. At present, you are still in the destiny, so bad luck will not come. Once you are no longer the body of destiny, if you use great fatalism again, there will be retribution. Even if the retribution isn't in you, it's all around you. This dragon scale was left when we finally degenerated into a dragon vein. One day when you rob fire and burn yourself, you can swallow this dragon scale quickly to protect your life! "

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he was overjoyed. He has always been worried about the robbery on his body. The Obsidian dragon has solved his big trouble, which is tantamount to reassuring him.

The Obsidian dragon waved and let them go.

They are out of the Obsidian tunnel right now.

Just as they were about to leave, suddenly, a shrill scream penetrated the Jiuyou cave and the underground sea, and accurately conveyed to Chen Yang and Luo Feng's ears.

"Well?" Chen Yang and Luo Feng were surprised at the same time.

The sound came from Jiuyou cave.

The voice is a woman's.

Chen Yang is not familiar with it.

Luo Feng doesn't want to meddle, but he knows that his third brother is a meddler. At that moment, he said, "go and have a look!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Chen Yang was born to be more sympathetic to women.

They quickly entered the Jiuyou cave.

The border of the Jiuyou cave has been damaged, and it has not been repaired at this time.

They followed the sound source and came to a cave.

There are many barriers outside the cave. Inside, it is dark and gloomy.

"This is Jiuyou space!" Luo Feng is familiar with it.

Chen Yang saw the darkness ahead. In the darkness, there were countless ripples.

Time, space in the peripheral cycle, very magical.

"It's really a good thing. It seems that there is a wild goose sun wheel inside. What evil does this old thing do in it? " Chen Yang's secret way.

Saving people is like fighting a fire!

Chen Yang is not wordy, quickly to find a big fatalism.

Jiuyou space is mysterious. If Chen Yang uses other methods to find the crack, he is afraid that the day lily will be cold.

He spent two thousand years of life, and immediately found a loophole in Jiuyou space!

Then, he enveloped big brother with black hole crystal, turned into a glimmer, and shuttled in.

In the blink of an eye, they entered the Jiuyou space.

In the center of the space, there is a stone cave.

Inside the cave, the decoration is luxurious and pearly.

There is a bed at the top of the bed, on which a beautiful woman lies.

The woman's face was red and swollen. She couldn't see her face clearly.

There is blood spilling from the corners of a woman's mouth, not only from the corners of her mouth, but also from her ears and eyes

Chen Yang immediately saw it. "Ah Qing!"

"My wife in the wind?" Luo Feng was also surprised.

Chen Yang nodded.

"It seems to be dead!" Chen Yang feels that ah Qing on the bed has no breath.

"Where is the yanri lunren?" Chen Yang's anger rises in his heart. He searches everywhere, but he doesn't find the figure of Yan RI Lun.

"I know we're here. It looks like we've run away." Luo Feng also looked around.

Although Chen Yang does not like to endure the wind all the time, he doesn't have much aversion to ah Qing.

At the same time, I also feel that even if yanrilun and ah Qing have a grudge, they should not torture a woman like this.

The yanri wheel is fast and silent.

Moreover, the nine secluded spaces of Yan RI Lun are not taken away. This is because yanrilun knows that once he takes away Jiuyou space. He would have no chance to escape.

Chen Yang comes to ah Qing. Her clothes are complete. It also shows that she has not been violated before she died.

Chen Yang grabs ah Qing's hand and probes into ah Qing's body with magic power.

Ah Qing's body has been completely powerless, and the whole body is empty. Indeed, he has already died and can't die any more.

But at this time, Chen Yang felt the soul fragments floating around the Jiuyou space through ah Qing's body!

These fragments are the fragments of ah Qing's soul.

Chen Yang immediately reaches out his hand and grabs all the soul fragments of ah Qing in the blink of an eye.These fragments are crystal clear, in which there are profound laws, the existence of profound meaning, and the extremely rich power of the soul..

Once swallowed, these fragments can be of great use.

Whether it's melting into the black hole crystal, or Chen Yang swallowing it himself, refining its laws and absorbing its soul, it's of great benefit. It can even help Chen Yang quickly ascend to the four levels of creation!

But Chen Yang doesn't plan to do so. There is infinite cause and effect in integrating the fragments of other masters into himself. It will be good for the time being, but in the long run, it will be a great danger.

It's not only Chen Yang who doesn't like to do this, but many other experts know that this kind of thing can't be touched.

However, at present, ah Qing's soul fragments are somewhat different.

These pieces of soul, too pure.

There are few such pure soul fragments!

Obviously, Yan RI Lun tried to force ah Qing, but he didn't succeed in the end. Therefore, I also want to collect ah Qing's fragments to increase my ability.

Unfortunately, it's too late for him.

If he wants to collect ah Qing's fragments, he's afraid that he'll have to drink bitterness on the spot.

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