I can't help losing color.

He has always been playing the wishful thinking, but he obviously underestimated Luo Feng.

He didn't expect Luo Feng to control him before he left.

"My Lord, you have the blood of God, and your future is limitless. I dare not give you two hearts. Please trust me Mingyou said immediately.

Chen Yang doesn't speak. He is a man who can't wipe away his face. Recently, he was on his honeymoon with Mingyou, and he was too embarrassed to fight against Mingyou.

But to tell you the truth, if he can control Mingyou, he will be relieved.

So now, he's following his elder brother's orders.

In the face of Mingyou's plea, Luo Feng didn't blink, but said: "as long as you are loyal, I can control your brain, and it won't do you any harm. Even, my God blood may help you open a more mysterious realm in the future. Since you say you are loyal, why do you refuse? "

I'm stunned!

Luo Feng then said, "well, Mingyou, my patience is limited. There are two roads ahead of you now. Either declare war or obey. "

It's quiet.

At that moment, his mind was electrified, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The disadvantages of fighting, the advantages of not fighting, and so on are all in my mind.

In addition, Chen Bingfeng and Luo Xuanfeng are more aware of each other. He is definitely not a rival here!

So very soon, Mingyou said, "my Lord, how dare I declare war? I have only a center for you. " He said and knelt down respectfully.

Luo Feng's face softened, and he said, "don't worry, I just want to be more careful. Maybe, I will never come again in my life. Maybe in the future, we will ask you to help us when the earth is in trouble. But it's mutual. If you have any difficulties, you can also ask us for help. "

Mingyou said, "I'll take orders from you."

Luo Feng immediately set up the blood seal of the God in the deep of the dark brain!

The blood seal of God contains the power of destiny.

Even if Luo Feng returns to the earth, Mingyou can't untie the blood mark of the God.

After controlling Mingyou, Luo Feng said again, "go and call youfangdao over."

The dark is tiny a Zheng.

Then he understood what Luo Feng meant.

He couldn't help admiring Luo Feng for his old style. This young man seems to be cold and indifferent to everything. In fact, the mind is so meticulous.

Mingyou soon called you Fangdao.

You Fangdao always has hatred for Luo Feng and Chen Yang, but the hatred is buried in his heart.

You Fangdao salutes Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded lightly.

Today, when you meet in such a scene, you Fangdao has mixed feelings.

At the beginning, he met Chen Yang and Luo Feng for the first time.

He is like a high God, and Chen Yang and Luo Feng are just mole ants.

In the past few months, it has changed a lot. He has to grovel in front of Luo Feng and Chen Yang!

Luo Feng said lightly: "you Lao, we killed your son. You want revenge. Now I'll give you a chance. I'll fight you alone. As long as you win, you can kill me. And no one can get back at you. " After a pause, he said to Chen Yang, "third brother, can you follow what I mean?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "of course!"

Luo Feng looked at you Fang and said, "Mingyou has been controlled by me. In fact, I want to kill you. Now it's easy. But I know what it's like to hate, so I'll give you a chance now. "

You Fangdao couldn't help looking at Mingyou more. He said in a deep voice: "you, what you said is true. You Self respect

You Fang Dao took a deep breath, he said to Luo Feng: "duel, seriously?"

Luo Feng said, "of course it's serious!"

Youfang said, "well, since you have this spirit, you are not unreasonable. I want to call all the disciples of Yaotian sect to watch the battle over Yaotian palace. If I lose, if you want to kill or cut, I'll do as you please. In the future, the hatred of killing children will never be mentioned again. "

Luo Feng said, "good!"

They're moving fast.

Luo Feng asked Mingyou to arrange it immediately.

Chen Yang is not worried about Luo Feng's safety. His eldest brother has infinite life and great fatalism.

Plus the blood of God!

It's OK to call you old man.

Now he can go up to solve the problem of you Lao.

The sun is burning.

The God of heaven wants to settle personal grudges with you Lao and fight fairly.

The news immediately spread all over yaotianzong.

In the sky above Yaotian palace, all the masters and family members have arrived.

Chen Yang and Mingyou, Luofeng and youfangdao soon arrived in the air.When Chen Yang passes by Fu Yue, he sees Fu Yue and her husband Ming Wuji together. But Fu Yue's eyes always stay on Chen Yang, quite out of his mind.

Chen Yang glanced at Fu Yue.

This time, Chen Yang came to Yaotian palace as a king, but from the beginning to the end, he didn't talk to Fu Yue. Not even eye contact!

Chen Yang does not have no feelings for Fu Yue. It can even be said that they have a good feeling.

But Fu Yue is a married woman.

Chen Yang's moral code does not allow him to do so.

Ming Wuji also noticed that his wife was out of her mind. He didn't quite understand. But at this time, when he saw Chen Yang appear, he finally understood something.

Ming Wuji was secretly annoyed and angry, but he didn't dare to say anything more at this time.

The heaven of yaotianzong is no longer Ming.

He knew that very well.

After Chen Yang appeared, Mingjiao dragon and soul Muyang came to Chen Yang.

In the field, Luofeng and youfangdao stand opposite each other.

All the spectators were scattered in all directions for fear of being disturbed by the aftershocks. In addition, Mingyou also laid the yaori array, which enveloped them in a decisive battle.

The decisive rule is that both sides must not escape from the yaori array. If there's a escape, it's a loss.

Mingjiaolong asked Chen Yang, "what's the situation?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "you know, we killed Mr. Yu. Yugongzi is youlao's son, so my elder brother said that he would fight youfangdao to solve this resentment. "

"Oh," said Ming Jiaolong She suddenly realized, but some worried, "is your elder brother your opponent?"

She is not clear about the strength of Luo Feng, because she has never seen Luo Feng.

To be exact, she has seen Luo Feng before. She can beat Luo Feng in any dish.

In Ming Jiao Long's heart, you Lao is an insurmountable mountain!

"You worry too much." Chen Yang smiles when he hears the speech.

Chen Yang, Ming Jiaolong and soul Muyang, after so many ups and downs, are very close to each other and have deep feelings.

Soul Muyang is on one side. He is very elegant and dotes on Mingjiao dragon. He doesn't talk much.

Chen Yang also admired the soul Muyang. He admired this guy for his patience. He was silent and killed him.

At this time, Luo Feng and youfangdao have already begun to fight.

You Fangdao has put on the alchemy armor!

the sun shines.

Youfang road stands in the air, the Dharma is solemn, and the Dharma seal is made in both hands!

Then, the red scales on his body turned quickly.

The scales were 3600.

In every piece, there is a small world!

In every scale, there is a great red fire.

In front of Youfang Road, many scales melt into a furnace, red flame burning!

In the red flame, there is a majestic world, as if the stars of heaven and earth were burned to ashes.

Then, you Fangdao gave a big drink and put out the two palms together.

The red flame in front of the eyes of the world roared, lightning like attack to kill Luo Feng.

Luo Feng naturally can't retreat. If he withdraws from this border, he will lose.

He can't hide!

For a moment, he stood in the same place, but he did not move.

Red flame world quickly condensed into a pill, and finally shot into the eyebrow of Luo Feng.

With a roar, the seal in his hand changes, and his mana and armor are integrated.

Alchemy armor and red flame world are one!

"Crack You Fang roars.

The sound wave vibrates, heaven and earth is vast!

In Luo Feng's brain, the pill exploded instantly. The supreme power, the flame and the infinite world burst out.

Even a planet can't bear such an explosion!

It seems that Luo Feng is dead.

But at this time, Luo Feng's eyes were red. In the inner world of his brain, the blood was boiling, and there were countless magical particles in the blood. There are tens of millions of these particles, and each particle is a small world!

At this time, a lot of blood particles gathered and formed a blood mixed hole in Luo Feng's brain!

The mixed cave is like the creation of heaven and earth. Outside the mixed cave, it looks very small. Inside, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of stars

Mixed hole, there are thousands of miles long vortex, the scene of spectacular, unimaginable!

It's as if the whole world collapsed in it!

The muddle hole appeared in Luo Feng's eyes. When outsiders saw his eyes, they felt that it was the deep place of the universe.

A lot of flames exploded, and all of them were quickly absorbed by the vortex of the mixed hole!

Soon, Luo Feng's eyes returned to normal.His face was ruddy, but his strength increased a lot.

Then, those blood particles began to dissipate in Luo Feng's blood

Powerful force began to make Luo Feng's body change.

Soon, Luo Feng's body was enlarged, and countless golden scales grew.

He's a beast!

But it's only ten feet high!

His face is very handsome and bright.

There was a sacred, majestic air in him.

You Fangdao hit with all his strength. Luo Feng didn't dodge. He was not only OK, but his strength increased greatly.

This time, the whole audience was shocked!

All the masters and family members of Yaotian palace have a real understanding of the power of the first God's blood.

Luo Feng looks at Youfang road.

His face was cold.

You Fangdao is disgraced. How can you fight this battle?

"Will you fight again?" Luo Feng asked coldly. "Once I do it, you don't have to turn around," he said

You Fangdao felt real fear when he faced Luo Feng!

Luo Feng's blood had a natural suppression on him.

"My subordinates are willing to be loyal to you forever!" You Fangdao pondered for a moment and knelt down in public.

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