Although you Fangdao showed his loyalty, Luo Feng still planted the blood mark of God in his brain without mercy.

At this point, Luo Feng's position in yaotianzong was confirmed.

Luo Feng also established his absolute authority in yaotianzong through youfangdao.

It's a big event for Ming Jiaolong to get married to Hun Muyang.

All the dignitaries on Guangyao will come to attend.

Bing Xuanxin also prepared a big gift.

The day before the wedding, Bing Xuanxin asked Chen Yang to meet him in a private palace in the underground sea. The private palace was hidden in a magic weapon.

The place Bing Xuanxin chose is very hidden.

There was no servant in the palace. Only Chen Yang and Bing Xuan are at heart.

It's late at night, in the bedroom, the red candle tent is warm.

Bingxuan's heart is covered with graceful gauze, and there are immortal wine and delicacies beside the bed. Her body is as white as snow.

When Chen Yang arrived at the palace, he was called to the palace.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, I saw the scene in front of me.

At that moment, Chen Yang felt a burst of blood.

In front of the bed, jade body, he is a normal man. On the bed is a peerless creature

Chen Yang took a deep breath and almost wanted to quit.

Because he's afraid he can't hold it.

Chen Yang turned his back and didn't look at Bing Xuan's heart. He immediately said: "Xuanxin, you and I have a deep friendship. You don't have to. At present, yaotianzong has been controlled by my elder brother. You don't have to worry any more. "

The sound of footsteps

But Bingxuan got out of bed.

She walks slowly towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's heart is pounding

Later, he felt a warm and soft touch on his back. But Bing Xuanxin hugged him from behind

Bing Xuanxin whispered, "I'm not for the situation, or to please you. Chen Yang I'm a woman, too

She pause, said: "tonight, nothing, stay, accompany me, OK? I'll always remember tonight. "

Chen Yang can feel the temperature of Bingxuan's heart. His nose is full of the pure fragrance of her body.

Bing Xuanxin's hand rubbed on Chen Yang's chest, and there was a tendency to continue downward.

Chen Yang feels that there is a fire in his body starting to burn

At this time, how can we hold back?

At this time, if you can hold back, is it still a man?

However, Chen Yang finally held back.

He gently broke ice Xuanxin's hand, and then turned to face ice Xuanxin.

A touch of loss and sadness flashed in the beautiful eyes of Bingxuan heart.

But she soon hid the emotion. She is not really a sentimental woman!

then, Bingxuan's clothes naturally changed, and she was still in a palace suit, dignified and luxurious.

Obviously, she was still angry.

"I'm sorry!" Bingxuan heart suddenly took the initiative to speak, she said: "well, no matter what, I used to be fengtaixuan's concubine, and for you, I'm still an old woman. It's my problem... "

Chen Yang's body was shocked, and he felt heartache in his heart for no reason. This is the love for Bing Xuanxin.

He gazed at Bing Xuanxin and suddenly said, "Xuanxin, look into my eyes."

Bing Xuan's heart looks like a casual glance at Chen Yang. Then he sits down at the table and says, "go ahead, I'll listen."

"No, you look at me. Because some words, not only to listen to, but also to see! " Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuanxin raises his head and looks at Chen Yang. Chen Yang's eyes are full of sincerity. He can't help coming to Bing Xuanxin and holding her hand.

Ice Xuan heart wants to pull away, but slightly hard, but Chen Yang dead caught.

So, Bing Xuan's heart didn't struggle any more. She is so strong and hard, but at this moment, her eyes are a little red.

Chen Yang said: "Xuanxin, believe me, I am a normal man. You know, it's hard to refuse you. In my heart, of course, I will not dislike you. God, who in the world has the right to dislike you? I like you. I really want to leave you alone, and then I'll stay here with you. "

He said with a wry smile, "I'm such a playful person. I always meet a lot of women. They are so beautiful. But I really don't want to hurt any more women. I'll lie on that bed with you. I'm happy. But I'm sorry for them So, Xuanxin, I like you, but I'm sorry that we met late. "

Bing Xuanxin always looks into Chen Yang's eyes. At this moment, she can feel Chen Yang's sincerity.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

After a long time, she laughed bitterly, and then said, "I'm sorry, Chen Yang. I didn't expect you to think so. I thought that you have so many women, so you can let go. I don't think it's going to put any burden on you. But I forget that you are different from all the men in this world. You're not playing with your women, you're serious. "Chen Yang said: "I hope I don't bring you any harm. I even hope that I can give them a lifetime. However, it is doomed to be impossible, so I don't want to increase the damage! "

Ice Xuan heart nods, say: "I understand."

She then said seriously, "but I won't give up on you. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you all the time. In this life, I will not fall in love with other men, nor let other men touch my body. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He looked at bingxuanxin. At this moment, he couldn't tell whether bingxuanxin really thought so or whether it was another kind of capture.

But he said, "don't wait for me!"

Ice Xuan heart lightly hums a, say: "this you can't manage."

After Chen Yang left bingxuanxin's palace.

He soon got to the sea

At this time, it is the wind blowing, the moon in the sky, the sea sparkling

The scenery, beautiful, quiet, infinite!

Chen Yang feels more relaxed than ever.

He thinks it's good. Life is about making choices.

If you give up everything, you are doomed to suffer!

if you take everything, it will be more painful!

Chen Yang finds an uninhabited island and falls down.

He has a life span of one million years and 50 billion ice potions on him.

There is more space for Jiuyou!

He hasn't had time to digest all these good things.

Today, I'm just pure.

So he started to do what he wanted to do.

First of all, he wanted to make sure if he could save his sister-in-law Ziqing and Silan with infinite fatalism.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help thinking of monk Linghui.

If Linghui is there, he will be able to give his own answer.

Chen Yang thought of the elf Chen feirong.

That sound, brother, seems to be sweet to the heart.

"Feirong, feirong, if only you were still alive. Now that I have got the magic power, I will give you all I can give you. "

Chen Yang also thought of Luoning!

Along the way, those who have passed away are doomed to never come back.

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