Longnu did not let Chen Yang and others leave.

She asked the people to sit down here, and then she also sat cross legged and began to repair ah Qing's soul fragments with mana.

People are already in different dimensions, even if they want to go, they can't go.

Although Chen Yang and others can't travel through different dimensions, they also have feelings in their hearts.

This time the battle, also let people appreciate the higher level of magic.

It's just like a bumpkin who has experienced high technology, but also has seen the world.

Next, the Dragon girl sits, and the whirlpool of the world appears in her hands. The vortex is pure white, and I don't know what material is inside.

Ah Qing's soul fragment receives nourishment in it.

As for ah Qing's body, ah Qing's cheek had been beaten, but now it has recovered under Chen Yang's pills.

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to the Dragon Girl.

Everyone got together. Taoist priest Luo Tong, Qin Lin and Luo Feng were all seriously injured.

It's like a brother in need.

LAN Tingyu is OK.

"Brother, are you ok? Can't you fix it indefinitely? " Chen Yang asked Luo Feng.

Luo Feng said in a deep voice: "my injury at the moment is different, so it can't be repaired for a while. But it should be all right. I need to cultivate myself and recover the damage caused by the damage of the great fatalism talisman. "

Anyway, Luo Feng can't die, so Chen Yang doesn't worry too much.

Although Qin Lin and Taoist priest Luo Tong were seriously injured, they were not fatal. So, there's nothing to worry about.

Luo Feng asked Qin Lin, "what's the situation with you these days, second brother?"

Qin Lin was slightly stunned, and then he said: "at that time, the crystal was broken and completely integrated with me. Time has been in my blood, I am the crystal of time itself. But at the beginning, it was difficult for me to master the power of time. Later, when I saw that you were in danger, I had to manipulate the power of time. As a result, an carelessness brings us all to the depth of time. "

Fu Qingzhu said: "in fact, we have nothing to do inside. We have been practicing together all the time. But we're trapped in it, too, and we can't get out. When you see us sleeping, it's just an illusion that time is still. "

Chen Yang and Luo Feng suddenly realized.

Chen Yang then said: "it seems that second brother, you have mastered the time crystal now?"

Qin Lin was a little excited and said, "I have mastered some skills. This is not my modesty. The mystery of time is beyond our understanding. Time is like living in my body, I can only carry a little time out. The movement is too big, I'm afraid the long river of time will devour me. I'm careful now, too! "

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang is really happy for his second brother. He forgets his predicament and says with a smile, "even if you use a little skin, you will block the master's moves. Taoist priest and I, brother Fu, LAN Tingyu didn't stop us

When Chen Yang said this, everyone couldn't help glancing at the Dragon Girl.

The girl's power is terrible!

"It seems that only my grandmaster can compare with this master," said roton

LAN Tingyu and Fu Qingzhu agreed.

On the other hand, Cheng Jianhua was not qualified to speak, so he was silent.

Qin Lin thought of something and said, "by the way, third brother, what's going on now? When we are in the depth of time, it seems that a lot of things have happened to you. "

Chen Yang felt embarrassed and said, "Oh, I'm just busy, and I haven't done anything useful."

People were shocked.

At this time, Fu Qingzhu suddenly said: "I almost forgot one thing. At that time, the Luo Feng brothers had not..."

Luo Feng then said: "these things are a long story. Let's talk about it later! "

LAN Tingyu said, "it seems that something is wrong with her."

He said she, of course, refers to the Dragon Girl.

They also looked at the Dragon Girl.

Although the Dragon Girl's cultivation is meritorious, she seems to have nothing to do with ah Qing's soul fragments at this time.

So now she looks sad, angry, even irritable, as if she is about to go away.

When Chen Yang saw this, he felt a thump in his heart.

If this aunt goes on a rampage again, we can't stand it.

So, he immediately got up and said, "master, if you can trust me, I can try to see if I can help restore these soul fragments."

"Do you have a way?" Longnu looks up at Chen Yang coldly and questions.

Chen Yang said, "I have great fatalism. You have just seen its magic. But it's at the cost of my life, and there will be looting. So, I never came to save ah Qing! "

The Dragon girl nodded and said, "OK, you can save her. As long as she is not hurt by you, I will remember youChen Yang said, "well, there are some things to be said by the younger generation."

Dragon Girl slightly surprised, said: "what?"

Chen Yang said: "before, ah Qing had a husband named Feng Shangren. Feng Shangren is the great prince of the Earth Star Palace... "

When he talked about it, he felt that the cause of the incident, at first glance, was that tolerance on the wind was the just side.

But in fact, tolerance on the wind is not a good bird!

Chen Yang wanted to make a long story short and said, "ah Qing is very simple. Feng Shangren is an old fox. Feng Shangren and I are enemies. Ah Qing's husband was killed by people on our side. However, our friends here did not embarrass ah Qing and left directly. Don't want to, the wind bear before the control of yanri wheel, yanri wheel see the wind bear dead, on the ah Qing. I must make it clear to you. At that time, you can ask ah Qing by yourself! If we're going to kill her, isn't it easy? "

The Dragon girl said in a deep voice, "if what you said is true, I don't care about your killing her husband."

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

After that, the Dragon girl took the whirlpool in her hand and handed over those soul fragments to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took it and sat down.

So the people came and looked at it with concern.

Chen Yang begins to refine great fatalism!

Ah Qing's soul fragment is complete, in which the soul power has been preserved.

However, there are many wonderful neurons among the soul fragments.

It's too hard to fully recover!

Even if the Dragon nun's accomplishments are extraordinary, she is helpless.

Chen Yang condenses the great fatalism, and the gray fatalism begins to wrap the soul fragments.

Fate and soul are a natural couple.

Next, it's very simple.

Chen Yang spent 400000 years of his life successfully splicing all the pieces of ah Qing's soul.

Ah Qing's memory is complete.

However, all mana is lost.

When she becomes a soul fragment, the mana will gradually dissipate.

If Chen Yang restores ah Qing at the first time, ah Qing will still have residual mana.

In addition, ah Qing's body is dead.

All the neurons, all the brain cells die.

So, it's not ah Qing who can live if she goes back to her body.

The structure of the body seems simple, but it's really complicated, just like the vastness of the universe

However, this is not to say that ah Qing has no real possibility of resurrection.

She can re cultivate, cultivate the spirit, and when the soul is really strong, she can slowly repair the cells in her body and so on.

It's very complicated!

In the future, her soul will not fit her body.

It means she'll be a new soul.

This is a long and complicated process!

But anyway, there is hope.

So Longnu is very satisfied with this.

Ah Qing's soul is floating in the air

She's a lot stronger than the average soul.

Longnu creates a very suitable space for her soul. In that space, ah Qing feels very comfortable.

Ah Qing is like a normal woman at the moment.

She didn't even feel very different.

Ah Qing looks at everything around her. She sees the Dragon Girl, but she doesn't know her. But she knows Chen Yang and Luo Feng

"You..." Ah Qing was shocked to see Chen Yang and Luo Feng.

Seeing this, the Dragon Girl's killing intention flashed: "it's not your hand!" She snapped.

Chen Yang said: "master, don't worry. Let's make it clear."

He took a deep breath, looked at ah Qing and immediately said, "ah Qing, who is the person who forced you to death?"

Ah Qing was slightly stunned, and then her eyes became confused

Chen Yang was startled and felt that his heart was tightening. Aunt, don't play amnesia!

Everyone looked at ah Qing nervously.

Dragon girl also nervously looks at ah Qing!

"I'm dead?" Ah Qing began to fall into memories.

When ordinary people die, there will be some soul fragments, which will directly cause the soul to break up and die, that is, disappear.

Only when the resentment is strong and in a special environment can we survive!

This is also in the world, just a few days before the death of people, relatives can always feel the dead around. It's the residual soul current, and it's interacting with the brain waves of normal people in their sleep

But as time goes on, those soul currents will all disappear!

Ah Qing's soul is different, and Chen Yang and their timely disposal, so ah Qing's resurrection now.

At this time, ah Qing suddenly screamed, her face full of panic: "go away, don't, don't, go away!"Longnu's heart ached when she saw it. Her tears fell like broken thread beads!

"Qing, ah Qing, don't be afraid, mother is here, mother will protect you forever!"

Longnu said painfully.

Ah Qing eased down. She looked at the Dragon Girl unexpectedly and said, "mother?"

The Dragon girl nodded heavily.

"Are you my mother?" Ah Qing can't believe it.

Longnu wants to hug ah Qing, but she can't. She is too strong, ah Qing is too weak, a hug will let each other fly to ashes.

Ah Qing can only be trapped in the right protection circle.

The Dragon girl said, "sorry, ah Qing, I'm late."

"Are you really my mother?" Blood relationship makes ah Qing feel something.

"I'm sorry, ah Qing. I didn't mean to ignore you. At that time, your father had reached the point of madness. I had to go Guangyao star later became very unsuitable for us old people to live. Over the years, I have been avoiding the doomsday of the universe and cultivating myself on a certain death star. After your accident, I felt something in my deep sleep, so I came back

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