No one knows what happened in those years.

But no matter what, dragon girl cares about her daughter. The Dragon Girl and ah Qing are not all born blood, so in the dark, the mother and son are connected, which makes the Dragon girl feel the danger of ah Qing.

"Now, what's the matter with me? Why can't I feel my body? " Ah Qing began to look at herself. After all, she was not a little white rabbit and knew nothing. When she began to question, the memory came up like a tide.

"I remember..." Ah Qing is a strong person in the six aspects of creation. She soon sorted out everything.

Dragon girl also immediately said: "ah Qing, who hurt you? Is it them? If it is them, I will avenge you now and kill them all. "

Chen Yang has been listening.

Ah Qing also looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately yelled, his desire for survival is still very strong. "Ah Qing, we are enemies of Feng Shangren. But I'm still tolerant to you. It's very easy to kill you after that. You can't deny that, can you? Later, he let you go, and then you were forced by Yan RI Lun, right? "

"Is that so?" Dragon girl also asked ah Qing.

Ah Qing's eyes flashed hatred and said, "yes, it's the sun wheel of the wild goose! He was originally under my husband's hand, and when he saw that he was gone, he started on me. He tried to be strong to me and beat me. I blew the spirit Then, I don't remember anything. "

Chen Yang said: "at that time, my elder brother and I were in the Obsidian tunnel. We heard your scream, so we rushed there. But Yan RI Lun ran away when he saw us. I saved your soul fragments, and your body was also saved and warmed by me. Ah Qing, we don't mean you any harm. If I meant to be malicious to you, I should have absorbed the fragments of your soul. The reason why I didn't save you as soon as possible is that you and I are enemies. If I save you, it will cost too much. So, I'm not that noble! What I'm saying now is true. If there's any falsehood, I'd like to be devoured by heaven and earth, and I'll never live beyond that! "

Chen Yang is a good communicator, so he quickly tells the whole story.

Ah Qing looks at Chen Yang and others, and then she takes back her eyes.

She did not speak any more, but kept silent.

Seeing this, Longnu understood that what Chen Yang said was true. At present, the Dragon girl said to Chen Yang and other people: "well, this matter has been exposed."

Chen Yang and others were relieved.

The Dragon Girl then said, "anyway, my daughter was saved by you. I don't want to go into the past. I will repay you for your kindness. Now, let's go! "

After she finished, she opened a door with a wave of her hand!

Dimension gate!

Chen Yang and others naturally didn't want to stay, so they left immediately.

After returning to the correct dimension, Chen Yang and others did not go to Yaotian palace immediately.

Chen Yang is still worried. Most of them are seriously injured. At this time, run to, in case of dark you start, isn't that seek death?

Of course, this is unlikely.

After all, big brother controls their brain.

But I'm afraid of accidents.

There's nothing wrong with Guangyao star. It doesn't matter whether you go or not. However, Chen Yang and their soul Muyang are going to get zhenhunguo. In addition, Bing Xuanxin is also there. Chen Yang feels that he should always go to let her rest assured.

For now, Chen Yang wants to see if he can help everyone recover first.

The people are sitting on another death star.

Qin Lin and Taoist Luo Tong treat their own injuries.

Chen Yang came to Luo Feng, he said: "brother, your injury is because of the great fatalism. I suddenly thought, can I use the great fatalism to suck all the pieces of your body?"

Luo Feng eyes a bright, said: "perhaps feasible!"

Chen Yang smiles.

Then Chen Yang began to work.

His fatalistic power entered Luo Feng's body.

Chen Yang didn't quite understand Luo Feng's physical condition all the time. At this moment, the fatalistic force penetrated in, and he roughly understood his elder brother's body!

This is a very strange body!

Big brother has a strong ability to regenerate. The factors in those cells are composed of the eternal spar. However, there is another variation.

Therefore, the mother insect emperor and Linghui, they are not simply because of the radiation of the eternal spar. But in evolution, it becomes another constitution.

But this kind of variation and regeneration ability can't be compared with Chen Yang's eternal body.

The reason why Linghui was invincible at that time was that he was very powerful and his cultivation was involved in nature!

The reason why Chen Yang has eternal crystal is that he has not completely melted it. He can be destroyed, but the eternal spar will not!In addition, Chen Yang's level is too low.

So that's the key.

Luo Feng's body had strong regeneration ability before, but now it is even more magical in his blood. The blood particles are usually not exposed to mountains and water, but as long as they are in real contact, they will find that the blood particles are endless. In every blood particle, there is a world and a small hole. Once the blood particles merge, it's like the stars of the universe.

Chen Yang's power into Luo Feng's body is like shuttling through wormholes, black holes and the universe!

Chen Yang can't believe that a human body can reach such a level!

The human body, in itself, looks insignificant.

But actually, it coincides with the universe.

Immune system, nervous system, evolutionary system, all kinds of cells, platelets, extremely complex.

Luo Feng's body has obviously expanded these systems and cells.

His body is really like a God.

"It's really the right time, the right place and the right people. If the eldest brother didn't have the physical changes brought by the queen of insects, he would certainly not be able to withstand the transformation brought by the first day of God's blood. Plus the fire quenching, all these coincidences, simply can not say, too wonderful. Is it a coincidence, or is it going in the direction of the script? "

Chen Yang felt a trace of fear in his heart!

At present, Luo Feng's body is suppressed by the fragments of the great fatalism talisman!

Those fragments seem to have little power, but they are extremely special, unable to refine, and cause great damage to Luo Feng's body. It's like being attached to his neurons and various system nerves, which makes Luo Feng unable to exert his power.

It's like a giant being crushed to death!

What Chen Yang wants to do is untie the giant!

How wonderful, how mysterious, how vast and complex the fatalistic talisman is.

Even if the Dragon girl came, she could not digest and eliminate these talismans.

However, Chen Yang can.

After his great fatalism entered, it was easy for those fatalistic talismans to leave Luo Feng's body as if they had seen their relatives.

In a short time, Chen Yang absorbed all the fatalistic talismans into his own.

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