Chen Yang said: "master, what do you mean when you say that the aura of Guangyao star is not suitable? This kind of aura is not suitable. Can it make the minds of masters like master Wan Gu confused? "

Chen Yang has a lot of curiosity in his heart.

Guangyao star used to be a brilliant Taoist culture, but even now, it is also a master.

However, does Guangyao star also exist like the great emperor of the universe?

Chen Yang didn't understand, so he wanted to find out from the ancient predecessors like Longnu.

Perhaps, many things are similar?

Ice Xuan heart also looked at the Dragon Girl, she was also very curious about that year.

Longnu took a look at them and said, "it's not clear in a few words."

She simply sat down and said, "since you are interested, I'll talk about it."

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin immediately sat down and made a gesture of listening.

The Dragon girl said, "first of all, I want to start with strength. The strength of an ordinary person, from infancy to adulthood, is growing. The strength at this time is determined by the Qi, blood and strength of the body. Later, we began to use mana, the power of spirit. Mana and ordinary power are a qualitative leap. You have the power of a thousand pounds, but if I break your head in a moment with mana, you will be useless. You know the power of mana. Ever changing, and many things are closely related. The stronger the belief, the stronger the mana will be But there are limits to the power of magic. "

"The limit?" Chen Yang said: "we often say that the road is endless! The body is limited, the power is unlimited. Is the mana limited? "

Longnv said: "of course, the mana is limited. The power controlled by your mana, especially Chen Yangyou, is unimaginable. If I simply compete with you, I may not be much better than you. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "but I can't even touch the corner of your clothes."

Dragon girl said: "in the flesh, two people with the same strength compete. What does it depend on?"

"Skill!" Chen Yang said. He is a master of fighting and naturally understands that.

In fighting, it is not only the skill, but also the use of strength.

Among them, there are push grinding force, wear force, three inch force, dark force, and so on!

It's complicated and abstruse.

Dragon girl said: "yes, skill! I don't know much about physical combat. Physical combat is relatively simple compared with mana. In terms of mana, if equal mana is exerted in different realms, it is quite different. I don't say far away. Take me for example, I am now in the eightfold holy land with the power of Taichu. Bingxuanxin, you are the six fold holy land, with the power of Prajna. The power of Prajna has great wisdom. Prajna particles and the universe have infinite wisdom

Chen Yang knows the wisdom of Prajna. He once fought against God.

It's really great!

Chen Yang couldn't crack it, but relied on the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu to absorb it.

Bing Xuanxin listened carefully.

Longnu continued: "when you reach the seventh level of the holy land, the power of nirvana. Prajna wisdom with the power of Nirvana, Nirvana, that is rebirth! It's a very profound method, and you don't understand me now. "

Chen Yang has also fought against experts like emperor Shengtian.

He knew the suppression and terror of these realms, but he survived. Chen Yang is very clear in his heart that this is not because he is powerful, but because he relies on xuanhuang Shengu seed and great fatalism and so on to achieve this effect.

If he lost his great fatalism, it would be a problem for him to fight the Ming Jiao dragon on this planet. Let alone suppress the dark. At this point, Chen Yang's heart is still a little empty.

He only has 100000 years left to live. He really can't be king.

Fortunately, big brother, they have risen.

Dragon Girl continued to talk, she said: "everyone who reaches the holy land is equal to touching the truth of the universe, and begins to resonate with the power of the universe. When you close your eyes and meditate, thoughts can travel billions of miles. However, the vastness and profundity of the universe still require us to pursue for a lifetime. Therefore, the Tao is endless! At the beginning, when I was with eternal, the holy land was six times! In front of Fang Xue, I can't see enough. Basically, there is no qualification to fight. However, the eternal double cultivation method, let me help him, played a key role in the war. It can be said that Wangu and I played a great role in the death of Xingyun emperor. Therefore, Fang Xue naturally hates us to the bone. Even now that I have practiced the eight sacred places, I dare not face Fang Xue. I dare not even think of it

She paused and said, "from Prajna to Nirvana, this is a further understanding of cosmic matter. Taichu is a kind of deep-seated power, which merges and refines the wisdom of the front seven, and finally forms a kind of transparent energy. This kind of energy changes my constitution, so that I can feel the deeper level of the universe. It's like letting an ordinary person see more. So, I can travel through dimensions, I can open a door and lead to the purple thunder hole. More able to create their own mixed hole vortex outChen Yang listened very carefully. It's really hard for such a master to give a lecture.

Bing Xuanxin could not help but said: "master, I found that no one on our planet has been able to reach the nirvana you said in the past ten thousand years. Are we all stupid? "

Chen Yang also said: "not only on this planet, but also on many other planets, it's hard to find a master who can reach nirvana. Is Nirvana really a huge threshold? "

The Dragon girl said, "there are many barriers to cultivation. From having no mana to having mana is a barrier. It is a huge threshold to reach the holy land from having magic power. Nirvana, on the other hand, is a threshold. In the past, it was easier for those old people to reach nirvana because there was more material in the universe, so they absorbed more and understood more thoroughly. But later, the masters caused a kind of imbalance to the universe ecology, so, out of a kind of cosmic self-protection mechanism, like the human body's self immunity, some substances are decreasing. So, it makes Nirvana more difficult. In the future, you will find that fewer and fewer people can practice mana. Fewer and fewer people will be able to reach the Holy Land This is an inevitable process. "

Chen Yang said: "but the age of the universe is beyond our imagination. How old is the oldest ancient giant. Compared with the age of the universe, it's still far behind. Why is it being suppressed now? "

The Dragon girl said, "you are not wrong. However, how many years will it take for the universe to evolve to adapt to the survival of living beings. It will take many years for living beings to evolve into intelligent ones. Humans, dragons, these species may have been around for hundreds of millions of years? Of course, that's my guess. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "what you said is also reasonable."

Dragon said: "in a word, in the universe, it's really more and more difficult to practice."

Chen Yang said: "you haven't said the later changes of Guangyao star's gas field?"

Dragon Girl light a smile, way: "really is I pull far." She then said, "ordinary people are born to die. And what is the end of us, the end of the road? This is a question we often think about at the end of our cultivation. Guangyao star was originally not suitable for the existence of creatures, but it was changed by the arrival of God on the first day. After the first ten thousand years, on the first day, the flesh and blood of God merged into Guangyao, and his will protected Guangyao. "

"Well?" Chen Yang was surprised.

He thought of the universe.

The Dragon girl looked at Chen Yang and said, "how?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "on our earth, there are also the great emperors of the universe incarnating in the way of heaven to protect the earth. It seems that the road God took on the first day is also the road taken by the great emperor of the universe. "

The Dragon girl said, "I don't know what you call the great emperor of the universe, but with the passage of time, the advancement of cultivation, the understanding of civilization, wisdom and the universe, our emotions will gradually fade away."

"But thousands of years have passed, and your feelings for ah Qing are still there," Chen said

Dragon girl said: "this is my obsession, but not everyone has it. Moreover, my cultivation is far from the real gods. On the first day, whether God or the emperor of the universe, what they show us is the final form. Perhaps, there were many great gods in the early days, but later, they all became part of the universe. We can't understand why they do it, but they're not as stupid as we are, right? "

"I don't think I'm smarter than them," Chen said. But I'm not willing to give up my family and friends. "

The Dragon girl said, "you are too young now, so you still have a lot of good things. But along the way, in the long years, there are countless disasters. Your family and friends will leave you sooner or later. Of course, maybe you'll fall first. Not everyone can go to the end. The old people who are with me only know Fang Xue now. I'm afraid most of the others are more or less unlucky. The more you go back, the more lonely you are. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "it's understandable that when a person is lonely, there are no old friends around him. His power can destroy the stars, at that time, it is difficult to find new friends. People's bad taste and even some emotions will be ridiculous. So at the end of the day, it's possible to sit down or defend a planet. "

The Dragon girl said, "you're right. On the first day, God was guarding Guangyao star. It was his power that made us unable to concentrate on Guangyao star's aura. Sometimes when we practiced, we felt that Sanhua was in chaos and the heavens were shaken. I can't stay here for a long time now. If I stay here for a long time, I will feel very uncomfortable. "

"So it is," Chen Yang said

Dragon Girl then said: "I have said so much, I believe you all know a lot. So, if it's unnecessary, I won't say it. I really have to go. "

"Or wait!" Chen Yang said immediately.

The Dragon girl was surprised.

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