"What else can I do for you?" said the Dragon Girl

Chen Yang said: "senior, I thank you for your trust in me. But if you still trust me, I'd like to ask for something

Dragon Girl slightly a Zheng, then way: "you say!"

Chen Yang said: "the armor of the gods is still in Mingyou's hands. Of course, don't blame Mingyou. I mean, I hope you can get the armor back and give it to a friend of mine. My friend's name is LAN Tingyu. He has a woman in his body, who is born with ice spirit. If the two of them use the combination of yin and Yang in the armor of the gods, they will certainly play a great role in the future battle of the earth. If you sell him, he will protect ah Qing. What's more, I can assure you that if you want to take back the armor of the gods in the future, he will certainly return it to the original wall! "

Hearing this, the Dragon Girl immediately said, "if you don't talk about the armor of the gods, I almost forgot about it. Since you say you believe this man, I believe you, too! "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "go and get it. Just give it to me. But don't say I proposed it. "

The Dragon girl was surprised and said, "why?"

Chen Yang is not willing to explain, just said: "please!"

"All right!" Dragon girl no longer asked.

Then the Dragon girl left.

After the Dragon girl left, Chen Yang put the dragon ball into the depth of the black hole crystal.

Bing Xuan can't help but ask Chen Yang and say, "if you want the armor of heaven, you can directly ask Mingyou for it. He doesn't dare not give it. Why bother the Dragon Girl? "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "you don't understand. God's armour was given to Mingyou by soul Muyang, and to his father-in-law by his son-in-law. Who wants to take it? You want us to get it. What do you think when Mingjiao dragon and soul Muyang know? But let the Dragon girl go to get it, then no one has anything to say! "

"It's human, you understand, silly girl!" Chen Yang finally said with a smile.

Ice Xuan heart white Chen Yang one eye, but her heart is very enjoy Chen Yang to her this kind of intimate nickname.

But then she thought that Chen Yang was going to leave, and she couldn't give up.

When the Dragon girl arrived at Yaotian palace, she saw Mingyou and asked for the armor of the God. When Mingyou saw the Dragon Girl, she was terrified. She dared to say nothing. He immediately took out the armor of God

After the Dragon girl got the armour of God, she grabbed LAN Tingyu by the way.

LAN Tingyu looks confused

At that time, on an island in the underground sea of Guangyao star, the Dragon Girl handed the armor of the God to LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu thought that his time had come, but he didn't understand why the Dragon girl would stare at him.

At this time, the Dragon girl sent out the God's armor, which really surprised and puzzled LAN Tingyu.

The Dragon girl said, "I know that there is a woman in your body who can practice Yin and Yang with you. The armor of God is just right for you. However, the armor of God is not for you, but for you to resist the earth disaster in the future. "

"The earth disaster, you know?" LAN Tingyu was surprised.

The Dragon girl said faintly, "I can count. In addition, my daughter has asked Chen Yang to bring her back to earth. I hope you can take care of her! "

LAN Tingyu was not stupid. As soon as he heard this, he immediately guessed the reason.

At that moment, he hugged his fist and said, "in that case, I will obey you. As for you, I will try my best to take care of ah Qing

The Dragon Girl gazed at LAN Tingyu for a long time, then said with a smile, "you are also very good!"

Then, turn around and leave!

Chen Yang and his party left Guangyao star after that. When they left, they didn't have much worries about leaving. Chen Yang didn't inform bingxuanxin, and bingxuanxin didn't come to see him off. Because, it will be more painful.

They left Guangyao star quickly!

The next step is to go to the soul star to get the soul fruit.

Luo Feng tells Hun Muyang that he just borrows it Of course, if it's used up, there's no way to return it. However, they can go to the soul star to help the soul Muyang to eradicate the opponent.

Although soul Muyang doesn't want to borrow it, now it has become the trend of riding a tiger, so it's no good not to borrow it.

It's a long way from Guangyao star to Puluo star I'm afraid it will take another four months.

Chen Yang actually wants to go back to earth first, but he won't say it.

Elder brother's business is the most important thing. He has to be with him anyway.

The rest don't say either.

Luo Feng took the initiative to speak.

In fact, people who understand will take the initiative to speak. Luo Feng said, "it's too far away to go to BOLUO. And this place is very close to the earth, plus the second younger brother, the Taoist priest was injured. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to BOLUO. Anyway, I've already talked with them about soul Muyang, so let me go with Jianhua. Third brother, Tingyu, take Taoist priest and second brother back to earth. "

Fu Qingzhu said, "just in case, brother Feng, I'll go to BOLUO with you."

Luo Feng refused, said: "you also return to the earth, the earth is not very peaceful now."

Fu Qingzhu insisted, "I'd better go with you."Chen Yang also said: "if brother Fu goes with his elder brother, it will really make people feel more at ease."

Luo Feng saw that Chen Yang also said so, and now he no longer insisted.

Soon, the group split up again.

Before leaving, Luo Feng said to Chen Yang in private: "if zhenhun really works, third brother, blood and tears..."

Chen Yang felt a thump in his heart. He was always afraid to face this matter.

However, he has never been able to refuse big brother.

At that moment, he said, "it's on me!"

Luo Feng nodded.

After that, he expressed his thanks to Director Luo. Taoist priest Luo Tong was very polite. He even said it was not necessary.

Finally, Luo Feng looked at LAN Tingyu. He patted her on the shoulder and said, "there are a lot of helplessness in life. I don't know whether these helplessness are arranged by the emperor of the universe or how. However, you and I are suffering from it. No matter what, you brother, I recognize you. "

LAN Tingyu didn't feel anything, but Luo Feng's words came out. For a moment, he had the impulse to burst into tears.

Luoning's death is Chen Yang's heart knot, not his eternal heart knot!

later, he found that even if he died once, this sin would always follow him.

If he doesn't like Rochelle, it's OK. But

This is really the arrangement of the emperor of the universe!

Sometimes, he thinks the same.

Luo Feng, Cheng Jianhua and Fu Qingzhu left quickly.

Taoist priest Luo Tong and Qin Lin practice in the black hole crystal. Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu also look at each other.

Chen Yang saw what elder brother said to LAN Tingyu just now, as well as LAN Tingyu's emotional reaction.

He also wants to recognize LAN Tingyu!

But Chen Yang will never forget Luoning.

So, in the end, he couldn't say anything.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang finally said.

He let LAN Tingyu into the black hole crystal.

It's very fast to go to the earth from here

However, there is no wormhole for jumping, and the speed is limited by shuttling the sunlight. So it took about three days to get back to earth.

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