The imperial sky boat is so huge that it is no longer a big mountain or something to describe it.

Ouyang Yu and nicangshui are standing in front of the imperial Tianzhou. They can't see the top when they look up.

I saw that the front like a black iron mountain towering into the sky.

On the black iron, there is a light blue light shining! Obviously, this light blue is a kind of guardian energy shield. Once someone breaks in by force, it will lead to very terrible consequences.

But no one knows what the consequences are.

When the imperial heavenly boat sails in the universe, it will always encounter such and such risks! Quantum storms, levitation storms, stellar flares, meteorite swarms and so on

But the imperial Tianzhou has never been damaged, and it doesn't even need to be solved!

Occasionally, when encountering quantum storms and some energy storms, imperial Tianzhou will even directly open the suspended magnetic antimatter, directly absorb all of it, and devour it, so as to use it as the energy of Tianzhou!

At this time, the rebellious cangshui and Ouyang Yu have already felt the majesty of the imperial Tianzhou!

This Black Big Mac has surpassed any ancient beast in the universe. Its majesty makes people shudder!

Then, the blue magnetic field in front of it dissipated.

Then came an iron gate, which opened!

It was dark outside, but there was a dazzling light inside the iron door.

As if it were Heaven!

Rebellious cangshui and Ouyang Yu follow lingzun to enter the iron gate smoothly.

Next, the iron door closes!

After entering the imperial sky boat, Ouyang Yu and inverse Cang water are suddenly enlightened.

In front of my eyes, there are beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the sun is all over the sky.

It's about 12 o'clock in the middle of the day.

Look up, blue sky and white clouds!

In front of you is a hundred thousand green mountains!

There is a lake in the middle of Daqingshan. At first glance, the lake looks like an ocean, but it is very calm.

On the edge of the lake, there are some modern villas!

It's a very beautiful place.

The air is fresh, too.

This place makes people fall in love as soon as they come. If you want to stay here.

But the lingzun emissary did not stop and said, "come with me."

He reached out and opened a door to the void.

Inverse cangshui and Ouyang Yu follow lingzun emissary through the door of void.

The next second, they appeared in front of a magnificent palace.

That palace is the Royal Palace of Longdu, the highest power of the whole empire!

The whole palace was filled with the air of dragon power and king, as if they could only be admired, not looked directly at.

Fortunately, both of them are people who have seen the world. If ordinary experts came here, they would have been suppressed by the authority and could not speak.

Around the palace, there are many gardens, showing the royal style and dignity.

Here, the air and aura work with each other, more refreshing.

Take a breath of air, it's all sweet.

Inside the palace, there are surveillance and guard patrols everywhere, with supreme spirit in the strictness.

Nine twists and eight bends, vast!

After walking for a while, they passed through some palaces, gardens and corridors. Finally, they passed the lake and square, and then came to the front of Zhengwang palace.

The emperor long qianjue attached great importance to this matter. Together with his confidants, Tian Qingge, who was also the imperial master of the Empire, he met Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui.

Tianqingge played an important role in the whole empire. He was the emperor's teacher, once the teacher of long qianjue, and also the nobleman of the whole empire.

Tianqingge's accomplishments are unfathomable, and his skills are especially mysterious and powerful.

Even the emperor LongQian absolutely tianqingge did not dare to neglect anything.

Tianqingge is only over 4000 years old now. In human eyes, he looks strange. However, in lingzun, he is young and handsome, and has a gentleman's style.

He is light, but he has a kind of dignity.

At the moment, in front of the main palace, the magnificent palace appears empty.

The carpet made of gold thread shows dignity!

Emperor long qianjue, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a golden crown, sat on the throne of the dragon head.

Tianqingge is dressed in a black robe and stands on one side.

Tianqingge looks like a monster and wears a black robe. This dress, if it's on the monkey, has the appearance of bathing the monkey.

But tianqingge dress, but give the inverse cangshui and Ouyang feather dignified, elegant feeling.

It's like that's what he's supposed to do. It's a normal dress for him.

The lingzun emissary followed him. He first paid a visit to the emperor and his teacher tianqingge, and then coldly said to the rebellious cangshui and ouyangyu, "kneel down!"

Rebellious Cang Shui was a proud man, and he was so self-cultivation. He was not angry that he was treated like this.Ouyang Yu was very receptive. He had already groveled in front of the surface of the water, so he immediately knelt down.

She felt that her knees could not bend down. He looked at long qianjue, but he only looked at him once, and immediately withdrew his eyes.

Just because, at this glance, he seemed to see the universe and the vast center in the eyes of long qianjue.

With a tremor in his heart, he knew that the emperor was an absolute master, no less than Zhang Daoling's master!

As soon as his knees softened, he knelt down.

Long qianjue scanned the past, his voice was light, and said: "get up and talk!"

"Thank you The two thanks and then get up.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Long qianjue asked faintly. He paused and said: "at present, the enmity between the Empire and the earth is irreconcilable. If you don't make it clear, you will be killed. This is the place of imperial power. If one of your words is false, don't blame the emperor for not allowing you to live or die! "

The reverse cangshui is about to answer.

At this time, the emperor's master tianqingge said faintly: "look up, look at your Majesty's eyes and answer the question!"

Against Cang water helpless, raised his head to see to dragon thousand absolutely.

At that moment, the reverse Cang water suddenly found itself irresistible as if into another dimension.

In an absolutely dark place, the only light ahead is dragon qianjue. Long qianjue sits on the throne of the Dragon King!

He can't see Ouyang Yu, can't see lingzun emissary, can't see the palace, can't see the emperor!

At the same time, Ouyang Yu also suddenly found the inverse Cang water motionless.

It's a magic power that neither Ouyang Yu nor inverse Cang water can understand.

Long qianjue is the absolute God in front of them.

Then tianqingge said, "what's your name?"

"I'm Ouyang Yu!"

"Look up and look me in the eye."

Ouyang Yu raised his head.

Then he came to a dark world.

There is a beam of light ahead. Under the light, the emperor's master tianqingge stands calmly.

"What's the purpose of your coming?" Asked Tian Qingge.

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "I want to take refuge in the Empire and take revenge on it!"

"Revenge?" The sky light song way: "revenge what?"

Ouyang Yu said: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang is my enemy!"

Tianqingge is slightly stunned. He is also very impressed by Chen Yang's two words. He even thought about catching Chen Yang himself. He wants to meet Chen Yang for a while. What kind of scheming is it

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