Tianqingge wants to see how Chen Yang can escape in his palm! However, his idea was finally pressed in the bottom of his heart. Although he is a proud man, he is also a man of incomparable wisdom. He understands that the biggest obstacle to catching or killing Chen Yang is not Chen Yang, but the shackles around him!

His majesty ZuLong has such a god like existence that he has made a big fall on the earth.

Moreover, his majesty ZuLong also found the Dark Lord in the depths of the universe, and finally all fell near the earth.

Therefore, tianqingge knows the terror of the earth, and dare not underestimate the earth!

At this time, tianqingge takes back his thoughts, and his voice can never be heard of any sadness or joy. He asked Ouyang Yu faintly: "I see that you are the one of destiny, and you were the king of destiny before. You are the best chosen by the great emperor of the universe, and Chen Yang is also the king of destiny. You should have shared a common hatred. How could you have become enemies? "

Ouyang Yu couldn't help sneering and said, "my Lord, since ancient times, have the prince and the prince been brothers?"

Tianqingge was silent for a moment. Although he stayed in the imperial Tianzhou for a long time, he knew about the earth culture and other planetary cultures. Then he said, "well, tell me about your grudges."

Ouyang Yu said: "before, some experts from the fairyland came and wanted to take back the grain and country tree in Chen Yang's body. Although Chen Yang is the king of destiny, he seems to be the enemy of the fairyland. This man, everywhere he goes, is barren of grass. Few people have a good impression on him. Just in time, I want to take advantage of his destiny. So I'll kill him together with those fairyland experts. In the end, he didn't expect that he had an eternal crystal in the universe, which could not be killed. After that, I was seriously injured by him, wandering in the universe. He has made me suffer humiliation several times. The year before last, I was hiding on Phoenix. He took Zhang Daoling, the founder of Taoism, to go there and almost killed me again. I don't just want revenge, I also know that he will try every means to kill me. Therefore, between me and him, either he died or I died. The strongest power of the whole earth is to help him. I have to help you. "

Tianqingge said, "but this is against the will of the great emperor of the universe. It is also against the whole earth. Are you not afraid that you will be the eternal sinner of the earth in the future? "

Ouyang Yu said: "the emperor of the universe almost destroyed the whole earth. Is he a sinner? In our generation of cultivation, we pay attention to the understanding of ideas. Thousands of years later, the earth's human beings are gone, who still remember the history of that year? All these are useless names. If I care, can't I see through them? "

Tianqingge said with a faint smile: "you can see it through. But how can I believe your sincerity? Maybe you're undercover and want to find out about us. "

Ouyang Yu took a deep breath and said, "how can you believe my sincerity?"

Tianqingge said, "you can tell me about the earth. In your opinion, how much chance do we have to win over the earth? "

Ouyang Yu said, "my Lord, I know the earth very well. But I know little about Empire, so if you want me to tell you the odds, I don't know where to start

Tianqingge said, "do you want to know the strength and defense of our empire?"

Ouyang Yu said: "my Lord, I don't mean that. I just don't know the winning chance."

Tianqingge said, "tell me what you know about the earth. I'm very interested."

Ouyang Yu said, "yes, my Lord!"

At the same time, the emperor long qianjue is also asking the words of the rebellious cangshui.

They just want to ask separately to see if they are telling the truth.

Long qianjue's question was not very smooth, because she knew little about the earth.

Inverse Cang water tells long qianjue that he has Phoenix crystal, which can calculate many things. However, fengxiaojingshi is unable to calculate Chen Yang's position and so on.

He also talked about his understanding of Ouyang Yu, why he has come to this stage, and the purpose of coming here.

In the eyes of the rebellious cangshui and Ouyang Yu, their eyes were full of darkness. They could only see the Dragon qianjue and tianqingge in the light.

But in fact, long qianjue and Tian Qingge are still in the palace, and they can communicate with each other.

These two dimensions belong to them.

Long qianjue asked Tian Qingge, "do you think what they said is true?"

Tianqingge said, "it should be true."

Long qianjue said: "these two people's accomplishments are not weak. Although Ouyang Yu is weak, he has strong plasticity. And he knows the earth. Both of them are destined by heaven. If they are really used by us, the beauty is endless! "

Tianqingge said, "but your majesty, you must be careful when using it. Although they don't seem suspicious, we have to be skeptical. "

Long qianjue said, "I understand what you mean. I have to be suspicious when I use people. I have to be suspicious when I use people."

Tianqingge said: "they have a role in the early stage, we should make use of them."

At this time, tianqingge is still asking Ouyang Yu.Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "tell me, I don't think Zhang Daoling is the most dangerous person on earth today."

Tianqingge said, "it's just Zhang Daoling. It's really not enough to be afraid of."

Ouyang Yu said: "there are three threats to the earth. If only one of them is solved, the Empire will have a great chance of winning."

Tianqingge said: "yes, you say, the three threats?"

Ouyang Yu said: "first, the star master and the star hall! Second, xuanzhenghao of Tianzhou Dakang imperial city! Third, Chen Yang

Tianqingge said: "now it seems that zhongxingdian is indeed the biggest threat to our imperial Tianzhou. However, the speed of imperial Tianzhou can never catch up with the hall of stars. Without imperial Tianzhou, no matter how many experts we go to, we can't destroy the hall of stars and kill the star master. "

Ouyang Yu said, "it's true!"

Tianqingge said: "Er Xuan Zhenghao, Xuan Zhenghao, we have found out. This man is really a genius. Sometimes we all suspect that he is the real incarnation of the great emperor of the universe. He knows the secrets of the universe, knows everything, and seems to be omnipotent. However, we are also afraid of the past at the same time startled the star. At that time, our elite will be destroyed, but the imperial Tianzhou will not play a role. This is the most terrible thing. Moreover, Xuan Zhenghao would not leave the earth. He never left the imperial city. He can't be calculated by any calculation

Ouyang Yu said: "not only can't calculate him, but he can calculate us. We're a secret in Phoenix, so he can figure it out. "

Tianqingge said, "we all know the three threats you mentioned. What we need is not to know, but to crack. "

Ouyang Yu said: "the three threats are closely related. If one of them is involved, it may lead to the other. "

Sky light song light way: "say!"

Ouyang Yu said: "we can give up the star master. It's good if he doesn't trouble us. Moreover, there are few weaknesses. Then Xuan Zhenghao, this guy is calculating everything, calm and weak. In other words, Chen Yang is the weakest. Chen Yang, in fact, is impulsive and sentimental. It's better to make use of him! "

Tianqingge said: "his cultivation is also the weakest, but you say, how to deal with him?"

Ouyang Yu said: "while Chen Yang is out Now Chen Yang is still looking for the star stone. If we have a star stone to lure him, it's possible

Tianqingge said: "although Chen Yang is impulsive, he is not stupid. Seduce him, how to seduce him? "

Ouyang Yu said: "it was originally very difficult, because we can't find Chen Yang in anything. This is the protection of the great emperor of the universe. If we send someone to guard him, Xuan Zhenghao will calculate our existence. However, many difficulties, it is best to break through from within. Chen Yang also has a trustworthy friend named Tang Ling. Tang Ling is also a destiny, just in time, Tang Ling has a wife, called nishang. They have a good relationship. Let's go and catch nishang, and then force Tang Ling to ask Chen Yang to find Xingchen stone. "

Tianqingge is silent.

Ouyang Yu is careful.

In another dimension, tianqingge's eyes flashed with joy. He said to long qianjue, "Your Majesty, this is really a good plan!"

Long qianjue said: "we really have to make enough chances to win. It's always frightening to do nothing. Therefore, his strategy can really be implemented. Just, who should I send to find and control Tang Ling? Who will be sent to set up an ambush to arrest Chen Yang? This plan can only be used once. We have failed too many times. "

Tianqingge said in a deep voice, "I can go there!"

Long qianjue said, "no, the Empire still needs you. Before the war, you can't have any accidents. So you can't go! " Tianqingge said, "I understand what you said. All of a sudden, I was a little worried that it would be counter productive. What if Ouyang Yu is deliberately cheating our experts out? "

Long qianjue said: "it's not that there is no such possibility!"

Tianqingge immediately asked Ouyang Yu: "this plan may be calculated by Xuan Zhenghao. At that time, our experts will be sent, and the whole army will be destroyed. "

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "the adult's worry is very reasonable, so I just offer some advice. Whether it can be implemented or how it can be implemented depends entirely on adults. "

The sky light song is silent.

After a while, he said, "well, you've come all the way. You're our guests. You only need to do well for the Empire. Naturally, the empire can't do without your benefits! "

Over there, long qianjue also ended his conversation with the rebellious cangshui.

All returned to the reality dimension.

At this time, long Qian absolutely said, "your Phoenix crystal is so magical. I want to borrow it to study it. I wonder if you would like to borrow it? "

The water was silent.

Naturally, he didn't want to.

But can he refuse?

"I dare not borrow it!" Inverse cangshui is also a man of temper. He said at last.Long qianjue laughed and said, "you are a real person, Ni Aiqing. You can rest assured that the emperor will definitely only borrow it and return it in three days. You go down to have a rest first. In the past few days, we will discuss what kind of position we will give you. " If you want to know if the strategy will succeed, you can pay attention to my official account, which will be discussed and announced.

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