"What?" Chen Yang was surprised again.

"So you have to be very alert," he said. Ouyang Yu has dealt with you twice, and he almost killed you twice. These two times, the reason why you escape, the first time is that he does not know you have the eternal body. The second time is that he didn't know that you had the claw of the first dragon and the wordless stele of heaven. But now it's different. He already knows enough about you. If he does it again, I'm afraid you'll be bad! "

Chen Yang said: "Ouyang Yu was a guy who could escape the capture of the star master at the beginning. I really don't dare to underestimate him. "

Xuanzhenghao said: "he will give lingzun advice, the earth now three threats, the three threats, you know?"

Chen Yang was stunned, and then said, "I, you, star master?"

Xuan is a Hao smile, said: "you are not stupid."

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "besides, he can only attack me. Because I have weaknesses, and you have few. Even if there are weaknesses, they have nothing to do

"That's right," he said

Chen Yang said, "so what do you think he will do if he does it again?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "one is to lead you out, the other is to guard you out. They can't calculate you, and in fact I can't calculate you. So they should choose to lead you out. "

Chen Yang said, "give me some false news about the star stone?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's not that there is no such possibility!"

Chen Yang said, "Ouyang Yu is hiding in the imperial sky boat. We really can't help him. Therefore, this thorn will be stuck in the throat all the time. "

"Xuan Zhenghao said:" to lead you out, then, how to give you news? I think it's through someone you trust. And it's not going to be that easy. "

He paused and said: "the other side is also interfering with my calculus with Phoenix crystal, so I can't figure out a lot of things. You must be alert, especially the people around you, to protect well

Chen Yang nodded.

Chen Yang was confronted with a great enemy.

He wanted to pull out Ouyang Yu's thorn, but now there was no way.

The day is still calm!

Due to Xuan Zhenghao's warning, Chen Yang hasn't been out for a while.

Xuan Zhenghao is also investigating whether there is an ambush around the earth.

But a month passed quickly without any harvest.

Chen Yang was a little depressed. He was so worried that it really didn't taste good. But now we can't fight, we can't leave, we can't fight. We really can't find any way.

It seems that we can only wait!

Chen Yang, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu discussed the situation. But there is no good way!

Finally, Chen Yang also discussed with Zhang Daoling, Taoist priest Luo Tong, Emperor Xuan, Xuan Zhenghao, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu.

Zhang Daoling was open-minded and said with a smile, "you don't have to worry too much. I believe that you can turn the bad into the good. Although Ouyang Yu is a bit of a genius, I don't think he can defeat you! "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "thank you for your kind words."

Xuan Zhenghao thought of something at this time and said, "I have a compromise."

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed. Chen Yang said, "what can I do?"

Xuan Zhenghao glances around, and then confirms that they are all trusted people. After that, he said: "Chen Yang, don't you have a puppet that is equal to your accomplishments, and the breath is also the same, no one can recognize it?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "puppets are the four elements of creation."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's OK. Anyway, when you go out and walk, you are always a puppet. No one will doubt you! "

What do you mean by Chen Yang

Xuan Zhenghao said: "find another person to replace you, you give the puppet to another person. Let all their calculations fall on the puppet. Your real body, let me use a big change sign to help you change. In this way, we can take our time to resolve their tactics. "

People's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

Zhang Daoling said, "but who is the stand in? This is a matter of life and death. Who wants to be the stand in? The cultivation of this double can't be bad. "

Taoist priest Luo Tong pondered for a moment and said, "I'm willing to be the substitute."

Chen Yang immediately felt wrong and said, "how can I let Taoist priest you take such a risk for me?"

With a smile, Taoist priest Luo Tong said, "there must be one person standing up! We are all for the sake of the earth, but the division of labor is different. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this matter must be solved. Otherwise, Chen Yang's future actions will be very difficult. As for doubles, I have a candidate. But it's not Taoist priest Luo Tong. His behavior and temperament are very different from Chen Yang. It's easy for people to see his flaws! "

Chen Yang said, "emperor, who is your candidate?"Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "Bai Suzhen is the most suitable. She has an immortal body. Who can kill her? Not only can't kill them, but they may be killed by her. I think it's most appropriate for her to come. "

Chen Yang's eyes brightened and he thought it was a way. But he said immediately, "but I don't know where she went."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can find her. In a few days, I will send someone to find her. You don't have to worry about this. Recently, let's all be at ease. Within the earth, there will be no problem. "

Chen Yang and others were also slightly relieved.

In the universe, the imperial sky boat.

The imperial sky boat has a picturesque interior. In the Dragon capital, Ouyang Yu and the rebellious cangshui are not happy.

Long qianjue had no way to trust Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui.

However, they were given good jobs and housing, as well as many rewards.

Unfortunately, there is no beauty.

The beauty in lingzun's eyes is not what they like.

With the help of long qianjue, Ouyang Yu's cultivation has reached the fifth level of creation. He's a very malleable person.

On this day, Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui live in their lakeside villa.

Everything here is intelligent.

But every Dragon has its own rules. You can't use magic power rashly.

If you want to try and practice, you need to take the pass to try the space.

So life is boring for Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui.

The weather here is like summer all the year round.

It's beautiful and sunny in the morning.

In front of nuota's swimming pool, Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui lie side by side.

They have learned some of lingzun's secrets.

For example, why does lingzun have to go to earth.

Because, this is irreplaceable.

Because of their departure from the earth, together with the power of long-term belief and the energy change of the imperial Tianzhou, their body genes changed. They become very powerful, and at the same time, they have to breathe some kind of energy proton.

This kind of energy proton is unique to the earth, and it is also a kind of core existence of imperial Tianzhou.

Before, it was because of the energy protons that the Godfathers had been controlling the birth of the population.

But now the situation is that even if we keep it under control, energy protons will soon run out.

The gods who came to earth before, they are used to the earth. Because on the earth, there are endless energy protons everywhere.

At present, it's the life and death of the lingzuns!

They want to extract energy protons from the earth, extract enough protons, and let the Empire last tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years.

They believe that even if the earth dries up. But after 100 million years, it can also flourish again. So they don't feel guilty!

They think it's revenge, it's pleasure!

If the Earth wasn't that bad, they would have left some of them.

This is the arrangement of the spiritual masters!

"Do you regret it, my lord? Come here? " Ouyang Yu suddenly asked against cangshui.

He asked directly.

You can't talk to people about anything that's not right!

Inverse Cang water slightly a Zheng, then light cold say: "extremely regret!"

Ouyang Yu couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"You're coming because you know Chen Yang will continue to chase you," she said. But I'm different. I have Phoenix crystal. They can't kill me. So, I've been fooled by you! "

Ouyang Yu said: "but my Lord, if you go on like this, you can't get revenge. Can you understand such a disgrace? "

"So I'm here, but we're not important," she said

Ouyang Yu said: "I believe that one day, when Chen Yang dies here, we will be put in important position. But at that time, it didn't matter. Because at that time, it was time for us to leave. "

You can search Weixing Palace Zhongzhe: Tiandao League, there are a lot of spoilers in it.

"I hope," she said

While they were chatting, a servant, lingzun, came and said, "please call the king's palace and invite two adults to the palace!"

Ouyang Yu and inverse Cang water are slightly stunned.

They're in the Dragon capital, and there's nothing to be proud of. So I dare not neglect it.

They got up and said, "OK, we'll be right there."

Palace, main hall!

On the throne of the Dragon King, long qianjue and Tian Qingge are the same.

Inverse Cang water and Ouyang Yu belong to top secret, so basically other ministers can't contact them.

"See your majesty!" They saluted, but did not kneel. This is the privilege given by long qianjue.

Inverse Cang water and Ouyang Yu also basically can't remove other lingzun and so on.

Long qianjue said with a smile, "you are free!"

He paused and said, "teacher, please tell me!"Tianqingge nodded, and he said immediately, "we know that the two of you have been complaining about not being reused. So for now, we've decided to give both of you a chance! "

Ouyang Yu immediately said: "the earth, we will never go."

Inverse Cang water also said: "please your majesty and adult understanding, if we can go to the earth, we will not come here."

Tianqingge said, "it's not that you want to go to the earth, but that you want to help us catch one person. This man is the king of the Greek world. He's always hidden, never on earth. We need his breath of the king of destiny, and then to create more of them, so that they can penetrate into the interior of the earth! "

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "the Greek world itself is the most mysterious, the king of the Greek world?"

Tianqingge said: "the king of Greek destiny is called wufei, Greece. Wufei! A beautiful human woman. Her master is the founder of the Greek world, Tianfei! These two women are beautiful. Greece is sparsely populated. Most of them are women, and there is only one descendant of Tianfei, namely wufei. So, the king of heaven in Greece, really can't fall on anyone else. "

Ouyang Yu said, "where is Princess Wu now? What about cultivation? "

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