Tianqingge said: "in fact, we have been investigating these possible threats before you come here! None of the saints like Hongjun could have participated in the battle of the earth. The details of the earth are really frightening. All these saints are comparable to our ancestors. They can be sanctified and detached. But we can't, because we have a family. Saints, their hearts have long been beyond their home and country. They are beyond their home country, and they are not allowed by the earth, so they travel far away. This is our chance

After a pause, he said, "some of our old people in the fairyland have become saints. But they can't make it, so it's fair! "

Ouyang Yu originally asked Wu Fei about her accomplishments. Unexpectedly, tianqingge went elsewhere. Ouyang Yu did not dare to interrupt.

At this time, tianqingge said, "the cultivation of Wu Fei is nothing more than five levels of creation! But she was always with her master, Tianfei. The difficulty of going to arrest this time lies in her master. "

Ouyang Yu immediately bitter face, said: "her master's cultivation is?"

"We can't figure it out yet!" Tianqingge said. Against Cang water in the side can't help, said: "my Lord, and your majesty, we come, is to deal with Chen Yang. We bring sincerity, but we don't want to die. Let's go and deal with Wu Fei and Tian Fei. I don't think it's easier than going to earth to deal with Chen yanglai. "

Tianqingge smiles and says, "don't get excited. Wu imperial concubine gives you two, you have destiny breath, also easy to get her trust. Besides, your luck must be better. As for the imperial concubine, naturally we are here to deal with it. This time, I'll go with you. "

Ouyang Yu and inverse Cang water smell speech, this just relaxed a breath.

Ouyang Yu then said, "I don't want to question you. Do you think you are sure?"

Tianqingge said: "you don't have to worry about this. At that time, you can try your best to catch Wu Fei. As for Tianfei, even if I am not an opponent, I will never lose. I'll trap her! "

Inverse Cang water said: "why not send some more people in the past, sure is not better?"

Long qianjue said to one side: "we have a specific method to cover the sky. If we have too many hands, we will make each other alert and escape. Once they're back on earth, we won't have another chance. "

Inverse cangshui and Ouyang Yu suddenly realized.

In a certain void of the universe, two human figures fly in the void as fast as photoelectricity.

They are Chen Tianya and Shendi!

"I've been looking for it for two years, but I still haven't found any Phoenix wormhole!" Chen Tianya said.

The God Emperor said, "anyway, you are also looking for the star stone. It doesn't delay you looking for the star stone."

Chen Tianya said: "this universe is too big. So long, we are still wandering in the galaxy. If the Phoenix wormhole you said is not in the galaxy, we can't find the Phoenix wormhole even if we find death. "

God said, "for the past two years, I meditated every day. There are many Phoenix wormholes in the universe. There is definitely a phoenix wormhole in the galaxy

Chen Tianya said: "the key is that we can't find it. In the past two years, we have made no progress in our cultivation, and none of the star stones have been added. "

God said: "opportunity is not always there."

Chen Tianya sighed.

He missed the earth.

I miss my grandson Chen Nianci more.

He thought, that little guy should be twelve years old.

I haven't seen him for so many years. Does he still remember his grandfather?

Thinking of his grandson, there was a natural smile on his lips.

At the same time, Chen Tianya thought of Chen Yang.

He sometimes thinks that he is really wrong.

If that year, did not kill Lin Qian. Let the child grow up with Yihan. How good would it be?

However, maybe it is true, this boy will not have the present achievement, right?

What does it matter how successful he is?

Chen Tianya began to want to return to the earth. He felt that when he threw six star stones in front of the smelly boy, his expression would be very good.

Will he not?

No, although he has a hard tongue, he will recognize himself as Laozi.

Chen Tianya soon put his head, he will smile convergence.

He hated anyone to see his inner softness and weakness.

On this night, Shendi and Chen Tianya took a rest on a death star.

"I have a feeling that we are getting closer to the Phoenix wormhole." God Emperor suddenly said.

Chen Tianya said: "I hope it's too long for us to leave the earth. I'm really afraid that lingzun came that day. We haven't found the Phoenix wormhole yet. "

God Emperor suddenly light smile, said: "now you care about the earth?"? Didn't you say that it doesn't matter whether the earth is alive or dead? "

Chen Tianya's mouth suddenly twitched.

He wanted to defend something, but he didn't know what to defend.After a while, he said, "in any case, if the earth is to be destroyed, it will be our own destruction. How can't let those little monsters come to wreak havoc

God Emperor smile, said: "Chen Tianya, admit some inner feelings, for you, really so difficult?"

Chen Tianya shut up.

On this night, the God settled down in meditation.

In the dark, he saw a woman in white.

That woman is noble, cold and white, like the proud snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain!

The God Emperor had never seen this beautiful woman in white. He knew that he would not dream of such a woman for no reason.

There must be something strange about this woman.

There must be a reason.

God Emperor can go to today, in fact, there has always been some kind of guidance in his platform.

Just like when he was a mortal, he insisted that there was a way to become an immortal in the world.

Including the previous tianmang star core, and later he saw the Phoenix world!

These are not without reason.

"Let's go!" The emperor suddenly opened his eyes.

Chen Tianya is also entering the final stage. He also opens his eyes and says, "where are you going?"

"Meet a man!" The God Emperor has gone straight into the void. Chen Tianya followed in a hurry.

The two quickly flew together.

"All of a sudden, who do you see? We are not on earth now, and we haven't seen a living creature or a living planet for half a year. " Chen Tianya feels strange.

The God Emperor said, "follow me!"

This flight is a journey of one day and one night.

I don't know how many wormholes I've shuttled through!

Finally, they saw a planet ahead.

That planet is a livable one. Originally, the light of stars could not shine here.

But there seems to be light inside the planet.

This is a magical planet.

"We're going in?" Chen Tianya was surprised.

The emperor said, "that's right!"

Chen Tianya said: "that planet is obviously created by experts with great magic power. If you have the ability to make the Death Star livable, your accomplishments will be unfathomable."

God said, "are you afraid?"

Chen Tianya said: "I'm not afraid. We don't need to cause such trouble. Unless they have what we want. "

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