Tianfei's face is dignified!

She knew that she had a plan after all.

Is this your own doom?

At this time, that day light song and light smile, said: "Tianfei, you don't have to worry. We are well prepared. If we are not fully prepared, we will definitely not do it. You still have a chance to survive now, that is to submit to us. Come back to the imperial sky boat with us immediately. At that time, we can use the power of the imperial sky boat to draw out your destiny of blood shadow. It's your only way to live

He paused and said, "Tianfei, you have lived so long. Even in the fairyland, he is also a famous emperor. In such a long time, nothing is more important than your life. Do you really care about the life and death of the earth? Submit to us, and you will get a very high position in our empire Tianzhou. "

Tianfei's face is gloomy. She stares at tianqingge and says with a smile, "you seem to think that you have won?"

Tianqingge laughed and said, "Tianfei, I won't fight with you again. I'm not your opponent, but now, I just need to wait. Wait slowly, and you will die. The more you start, the faster you die! "

"And there's one thing you don't know." Tianqingge suddenly whistled, "come out!"

As soon as his words fell, the rebellious cangshui and Ouyang Yu came out of the dimension and came to tianqingge. One person was caught in the big handprint of anti Cang water!

That person is exactly Wu Fei!

The imperial concubine can't help losing color!

Princess Wu had been seriously injured. She was very ashamed and said to the heavenly princess, "master, it's a disciple who is incompetent. Don't worry about the disciples! "

There was a chill in her eyes.

She was completely infuriated.

Tianqingge said with a smile: "it seems that you must be surprised. Why do they meet in different dimensions?

Tianfei gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really curious!"

Tianqingge said: "we, come prepared!"

Tianfei took a deep breath and said, "let me go!"

The sky light song lightly says: "impossible!"

Tianfei said: "seek death!"

She immediately turned on the hybrid mirror

"Let's go!" At this time, the sky light song from the inverse Cang sailors took the wind Phoenix crystal!

The light flashed on the Phoenix crystal, and then they disappeared directly. Even the hybrid mirror can't catch their trace.

The scene has lost the trace of tianqingge and others.

Tianfei was furious, and her mind shot in all directions in an instant, hundreds of millions of miles in the void

But there is still no trace.

The other three took her disciples, and now they went into the sea without any trace.

At the same time, Tianfei felt the world in her body, and the cells began to show weak signs of decay.

This feeling is like natural aging.

But in fact, Tianfei lived for more than ten thousand years. She was once at ease in the fairyland, and also experienced the war between gods and demons. She has not been able to feel the passage of time!

Not to mention the decline of life!

She will live for at least millions of years!

That's at least one thing.

But now, Tianfei felt that her body began to accelerate aging.

The blood shadow lamp has been put out!

The fate of the blood shadow lamp was penetrated into her body. She would have died long ago if she had not had profound skills and strong laws.

But now, she can barely resist this aging.

"The ebb and flow, the ebb and flow!" Tianfei experienced too much life and death.

Even at this moment, she did not panic.

Her mind was electrified, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

"If I go after these people at the moment, it's hard to find them. Second, if you push the mana too much, it will accelerate aging. I am a dead end. Wu Fei has no hope! They came to catch Wu Fei, obviously not to kill her. "

Tianfei said in secret: "the only place where I can find life like this is the earth."

"I have to go to earth and try to find a way to save Princess Wu!"

The imperial concubine's heart is certain, immediately escapes into that Hunyuan mirror inside.

Hunyuan mirror envelops all directions and leaves quickly.

"I'll take revenge for that!"

At the moment when the imperial concubine left, her heart was filled with hatred.

Since she became famous, she has never suffered such humiliation or suffered such a great loss.

In the void, above a Death Star

Tianqingge stands aloof.

Rebellious cangshui and Ouyang Yu have imprisoned Wu Fei.

The sky light singer is still holding the Phoenix crystal.

He's been calculating the princess!

But at the moment, he could not find the trace of Tianfei.

Originally, although Tianfei was highly cultivated, she had the fate of blood shadow lamp in her body. Tianqingge can trace Tianfei even if it doesn't need fengxiaojingshi.But now, it's completely out of the question.

"It's a miscalculation!" Tianqingge said in a deep voice: "I can't imagine that the magic weapon of Tianfei is Hunyuan mirror, which can cover many secrets!"

Inverse Cang water also sink a voice to say: "can Tianfei still survive?"

Tianqingge said: "according to the truth, in a month, she will die. But a month is full of too many variables. If I guess correctly, she should be going to earth now. The only life she has on earth. "

Ouyang Yu said: "let's stop her. If a master like her recovers, it will be a serious trouble in the future!"

Tianqingge said: "the earth is so big, we are too close to fortify. I'm afraid we will disturb the experts in the earth first. But if it's too far away, it can't be blocked at all. Well, let her go. No one on earth can save her. What we need now is to take Princess Wu back to the boat! "

Ouyang Yu said, "it's not right, my Lord. We have been seen by Tianfei, and the Phoenix crystal also appears. In the past, the imperial concubine could guess some of our intentions with xuanzhenghao's wisdom. We must kill Tianfei! "

Tianqingge said, "what you said, I have taken it into consideration. But at present, there is no way to kill Tianfei! At this moment, it's not appropriate to create a new branch. "

Tianqingge said that he would leave soon. His character is decisive and does not procrastinate at all.

After that, the group returned!

Let's talk about Princess Wu. She was already hidden in the dimension, so she should be safe.

But tianqingge knew that there would be such a stubble, and it had already gathered the spirit. Let their own void Spirit help the inverse cangshui, and use the energy of Phoenix crystal, quietly open up the dimension.

The earth is still calm!

Chen Yang thought that he would be harassed and moved by the enemy.

But it seems that he and Xuan Zhenghao are worried about everything.

It took a year and a half to know that Ouyang Yu and inverse Cang Shui had taken refuge in lingzun.

Chen Yang has been waiting for Ouyang Yu and others!

But they didn't.

On the contrary, it makes Chen Yang uneasy.

It's not a good thing that the other side is in the dark and the other side is in the light.

On this day, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are wandering outside the earth. They didn't come back to the world

They go to a lot of places together. Sometimes, Chen Yang doesn't feel used to it. After all, Suzhen in black next to him looks like him. So he went to the black crystal of Suzhen in Heiyi. Two people meet chat!

Suzhen in black is not used to Chen Yang's appearance.

After all, it's a bit awkward.

It's a pity that Chen Yang can't get rid of this big change at will.

Most of the time, Chen Yang wants to go with Suzhen in black to places where they are not familiar with. It's like being in the sky. It's a very happy thing.

But sometimes, he thought of ling'er.

Think of Mo Nong, think of children.

Think of Qiao Ning outside the solar system and so on!

There are too many obstacles in his heart.

Therefore, it is a kind of extravagance to have a couple all one's life.

Suzhen in black doesn't talk about it at all. She doesn't like to talk about it.

Chen Yang naturally did not talk about it.

Sometimes, in the dead of night, Chen Yang will think of many things.

People and things that have gone.

Think of Chen feirong

As long as the thought of that ELF, little girl, he felt sad. Even hate yourself!

He hated himself for forgetting her.

Those sacrifice, pain, really can be washed away with the passage of time.

He felt that this was unfair to Chen feirong.

He'll think of ronin, too!

In this life, how many women did you bear? How many women?

Chen Yang often feels contradictory because he is an extremely emotional person. He couldn't help loving them, but he suffered because he couldn't love them with all his heart.

"Why?" In the void, Suzhen in black suddenly gave a cry.

Chen Yang said: "how?"

"There are masters close to the earth, and all the dark elements are within my perception. Moreover, this master wants to enter the earth directly. "

Chen Yang is not from a joy, said: "is they in a move?"

Black Yi Su Zhen way: "go to see to know, perhaps is the earth person?"

Two people immediately flash away.

In the blink of an eye, Su Zhen and Chen Yang in black stopped the people flying in the void.

It is Princess!

"Get out of here!" The imperial concubine sees unexpectedly someone to stop her, her eyes a cold, immediately shout a way.

It took her half a month to fly back.

Her beauty was gone, and she began to look like a fifty year old woman.

If it goes on like this, she will really die of old age!Suzhen in black is also a person with a bad temper. She sneered and said, "she's a good girl, dare to let her aunt..."

She relies on Chen Yang's puppet to speak.

The voice is Chen Yang's voice.

But this sound almost exposed my aunt.

Fortunately, she responded in time and said: "dare to let me go, you count that onion?"

The language of both sides is also the language of the earth.

Suzhen in black can't see the cultivation of Tianfei.

The imperial concubine's strength is weakened now, but the realm is there.

But Suzhen in black thinks this person is not strong!

So, she's not afraid at all.

However, in the eyes of the imperial concubine, Suzhen and Chen Yang in black are just small minions.

Both of them are about four and five levels of creation.

Even if she was seriously injured, it was as simple as killing a chicken and a dog to kill them.

Tianfei was in a bad mood. Seeing Suzhen's rampant language at the moment, she was angry in her heart: "it's really that she was bullied by dogs. Now even such minions dare to be arrogant in front of me!"

As soon as I read this, the anger flashed in Tianfei's eyes!

She claps a palm at random, then want to teach Black Yi Su Zhen hard.

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