Tianfei's body began to decline, but it was still fierce!

She no longer has the power of the world in her body, but the magic power of the heavens has become a small world of its own. A lot of profound and profound meanings are condensed, and a terrible mixed hole is formed in the palm of her hand!

The power of the hundong strangles, and the lightning attacks Suzhen in Heiyi!

The imperial concubine didn't do her best.

She didn't want to kill her if she didn't agree.

Suzhen in black immediately realized the strength of the old woman's hand. She was afraid that Chen Yang's puppet quadruple body could not bear it.

She dropped out one after another subconsciously!

She didn't want to show her real body until she had to.

In fact, this is what Suzhen in Heiyi didn't expect. She saw that the woman's popularity was not strong, but she didn't expect that she was Zhang Daoling's level.

This kind of luck, is really not!

She hasn't dealt with such a strong man yet!

However, at this time, Chen Yang has taken the lead.

Of course, he knew that this palm could not defeat Suzhen, but it might expose something that should not be exposed. He himself is wearing a Taoist robe, between lightning, green silk sacrifice!

That green silk has been catalysed by Chen Yang into a sharp green sword!

Green silk cut out with one sword!

The power is ferocious, the meaning is unparalleled!


One sword will destroy the power of the imperial concubine's palm!

The powerful meaning and spirit of the sword surprised Tianfei.

Chen Yang then made a big move and grasped the green silk sword in his hand. He gazed at the imperial concubine and said, "it seems that my predecessors are also people on earth?"

He judged from the old woman's words.

He then said, "we have no malice, but we have never seen such masters as our predecessors."

The sword just now, although he defused the power of the imperial concubine's palm. But he was also not very comfortable. He felt the boundless power in the palm.

Tianfei was also surprised. She didn't expect that the Taoist priest's sword power was so fierce.

At this time, she really did not want to make trouble. She had to take a deep breath and said, "I'm the princess of Greece. I don't think you've heard of it."

"Well?" Chen Yang and Suzhen in black were all surprised.

Chen Yang immediately said, "it turns out that I was the elder Tianfei. I was lucky to have been to Greece. I have heard of the rumors of my predecessors. But the elder generation, today suddenly want to go to the earth, is why? "

When Tianfei saw that they had heard their names, she was slightly surprised, and then said, "I go to the earth, of course, I have my own business. What, the earth has become your territory? Can't outsiders get in? "

Chen Yang immediately said, "don't misunderstand me, master. I have no such intention."

The imperial concubine says: "have no this meaning, then get out of the way!"

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black look at each other, and their thoughts instantly communicate.

"Since it's not the enemy, there's no need to worry about it." Chen Yang said.

Suzhen in Black said, "I didn't plan to do much. I thought it was the lingzun. This man is a great master with profound cultivation. He is definitely not the dogleg of lingzun. But she seems to have been seriously injured, otherwise she would not have had such a weak breath. "

Chen Yang thought of something and immediately said to Tianfei, "it's like I've been hurt? Master Zhang Daoling, the master of poor Taoism, is also on the earth. I don't know if I would like to go there? "

Tianfei's eyes brightened, she said: "Zhang Daoling is also here?"

Chen Yang said: "dare not deceive!"

Tianfei believed Chen Yang's words. After all, Chen Yang was dressed as a Taoist.

She said, "OK, take me to see Zhang Daoling quickly."

Chen Yang nodded.

Then he and Suzhen in black flew to the earth with her.

Then, they entered the world.

The great world is the first gateway to the earth. No matter how high the cultivation is, if you want to go to other worlds, you must go to the great world.

In the vast world, thunderstorms, rules, magnetic suppression!

The higher your accomplishments are, the more powerful you are. If you are careless, you will die.

The Qi of ZuLong and the power of rules can't be easily resisted by several ninefold masters of creation.

Tianfei and Chen Yang, Suzhen in black leave the world quickly and arrive at Tianzhou!

In the future, if the lingzun masters step into the world together and use the power of the imperial heavenly boat, it is likely to break all the rules and magnetic fields of the world.

Once broken, the world will become an undefended place. Any demon or ghost can come on the stage!

Iron rules, iron rules restrict the normal order of human beings!

This is like the country and the army! But when the country and the army are defeated, what else can the people do?

In the face of the invaders, the people can only wait for death!

When people are bound by rules, some will abide by them and others hate them. But when there are no rules, people will miss rules and order!After entering Tianzhou, Chen Yang did not directly bring Tianfei into the boat of one yuan. But first communicated with Xuan Zhenghao.

This is a big deal!

Chen Yang has not yet fully trusted the imperial concubine. The reason why he dares to bring her here is that he knows that no imperial concubine can lift any storm.

If the imperial concubine is the enemy, there are masters hidden in the weapon. So Chen Yang and Suzhen in black can't stop it!

So at the moment, there is no problem.

Chen Yang is very cautious sometimes.

He told Xuan Zhenghao about the situation.

Xuanzhenghao immediately said: "bring in the boat of one yuan!"

Chen Yang is relieved to get Xuan Zhenghao's consent.

They entered the boat of one yuan.

This time, it was directly brought to Zhang Daoling's Taoist temple.

Xuan Zhenghao has been waiting in the Taoist temple. Zhang Daoling and he are waiting outside the Taoist temple.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black come with the imperial concubine.

When Zhang Daoling came forward, he glanced at Tianfei. He was surprised and said, "master Tianfei, what's the matter with you?"

At that time, he had the honor to witness the real face of Tianfei once.

At that time, it was such an outsider as he, who also felt that Tianfei was a beautiful woman.

I didn't expect to see her today, but she was like this.

Zhang Daoling doubted whether the person in front of him was the imperial concubine he had seen.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't talk much.

But she knew Zhang Daoling. She took a deep breath again and said, "lingzun's design attacked me secretly and planted a very strong magic weapon destiny in my body. The magic weapon has been damaged, and I'm getting old. "

"Lingzun?" Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help losing face when he heard the words.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are also surprised.

Tianfei glanced at the crowd, then said in a deep voice: "they also arrested my disciple wufei, who is the king of heaven in the Greek world!"

Chen Yang was horrified and said, "no, they have Phoenix crystal now. If we want to create more destiny, we can enter the world freely. "

Zhang Daoling did not pay attention to the surprise of the public. He was really the most calm.

Later, he said, "please don't be impatient. Now the elder Tianfei is here. It's a big help for us. Let me see the injury of the elder first! "

And they were quiet.

Zhang Daoling asked Tianfei to sit down first.

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