Later, Zhang Daoling stood behind Tianfei and pointed out the door of Tianfei's forehead.

His mana and divine sense are connected with the brain of the heavenly concubine.

Just for a moment, Zhang Daoling had understood the physical condition of Tianfei. Then he took back his hand and said in a deep voice: "master Tianfei, you can't resist this fate with your strength, so I don't have this ability."

Chen Yang has heard about fatalism several times. He is a master of great fatalism. Therefore, he tried to say: "master Tianfei, if you don't mind, can you let me have a look?"

The imperial concubine looks at Chen Yang with some doubts.

Chen Yang is still Taoist priest Luo Tong. He used to call himself poor, but now he calls himself younger. The name of the subtle change, Tianfei is noticed.

So at the moment, Tianfei was a little confused.

However, we are not so familiar with each other. Therefore, Chen Yang is not willing to show his true face to others.

Xuan Zhenghao and others naturally understand this.

Although Tianfei had some doubts, she didn't say much, but she nodded.

Chen Yang immediately pointed to the crown of the imperial concubine.

He felt the physical condition of Tianfei!

Tianfei's brain is like the vast Milky way world!

In her body, mixed hole flows, everywhere mystery!

When Chen Yang perceives the body of Tianfei, Chen Yang's eyes seem to open a new world.

However, even if Tianfei's body is so strong, she still can't bear the power of the world.

It's weird, but it's easy to explain.

Because they used to be able to withstand the power of the world. But when the arc element changes, the power of the world becomes tough and cannot be fused, so the body can no longer bear it!

At the same time, Chen Yang also found the fate of the imperial concubine!

Everywhere, the body of the princess is the kind of fate. But this fatalism is not a simple force, but a kind of fatalism. Therefore, even if the imperial concubine was cultivated to pass the heaven, she could not get rid of this fate.

When Chen Yang's mana came into contact with that kind of fate, he was immediately shocked.

He seemed to see the universe disappearing rapidly, like a long river of time turning into a waterfall, rushing down and gone forever.

Ordinary people's lives are flowing slowly!

Flowing slowly towards death!

And Tianfei's life has been in lightning, thunder, running to death, running to ruin!

This kind of predestination sneaks into life, which can't be dispelled by power.

Chen Yang then withdrew his hand. He said strangely, "master Tianfei, your destiny is very strange. This destiny is extremely powerful, eh, younger generation... "

He is deliberately no longer claiming to be poor, but also want to expose the identity in the future when not so embarrassed.

At that time, Tianfei is easy to understand.

Chen Yang said: "the younger generation is proficient in great fatalism and has never planted fatalism on the enemy like this. I don't know how many years it will take to live such a fast and cruel fate. "

Tianfei's eyes lit up and said, "do you know the great fatalism? The great fatalism is in three thousand Avenue. It seems that no one can learn it. I have been in touch with it in those years, but I can't understand it. "

Xuan Zhenghao said on one side: "he really knows great fatalism."

The imperial concubine then looked at Chen Yang and said, "haven't you consulted yet?" There was hope in her beautiful eyes.

Chen Yang hesitated slightly.

Xuan Zhenghao said directly: "his name is Chen Yang, in fact, this is not his real body."

This is xuanzhenghao's decision after careful consideration.

Chen Yang could not be the winner himself. Xuan Zhenghao said so, but he was relieved.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "he is Chen Yang, the king of the universe. That's why he's fatalistic. And this one... "

He wants to introduce Suzhen in black!

Suzhen in Heiyi understood and came out of the puppet's brain.

She is a black long gauze skirt, standing proud, valiant, imposing!

"This is Bai Suzhen. She is the reincarnation of Goddess Nuwa!"

Tianfei was stunned.

At this time, she could see Su Zhen's extraordinary cultivation. In her breath, thunder seemed to exist, but it seemed to be everywhere.

"This man's cultivation doesn't seem to be under me." Tianfei said in secret.

She finally understood why the woman was so confident in front of her.

The imperial concubine looked at these people in front of her. They were all extraordinary and had a bright future. Although she was proud, she had to bow her head now. After all, their lives depend on them.

Suzhen in black was not arrogant when she faced the imperial concubine. She hugged her fist and said, "it's polite!"

Although she felt that she was a new individual, she was also the reincarnation of Goddess Nuwa, so she could not call herself the younger generation in front of the imperial concubine.

Tianfei nodded and said: "white girl, you and I misunderstood before...""You're very kind," said Suzhen Hei. "It's because my words are too abrupt."

After everyone's greetings, Chen Yang said, "if you plant the fate of magic weapons in people's bodies, the key is that the magic weapons have been damaged. That's the hardest thing to reverse! "

The imperial concubine said immediately: "yes, that's the problem! Little brother, if you can save me, I will be rewarded in the future! "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "if you can save me, I will not say anything. Just now, I've run my life to the limit, with only a thousand years left. It's just a drop in the bucket for the injury of the elder. It doesn't work! "

Hearing the words, the imperial concubine flashed a thick color of disappointment in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Daoling said, "master Tianfei, don't be too disappointed. Because you haven't asked Mr. Xuan to check, he is the most capable person here. "

When Xuan Zhenghao heard the speech, he felt comfortable. He was busy and modest, and said, "if the Taoist priest says this, he will kill me!"

Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "the emperor doesn't have to be modest."

Xuanzhenghao said to Tianfei, "then I'll check it for you."

Tianfei nodded.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao also checked Tianfei's body.

After checking, Xuan Zhenghao said: "the key problem here is that the magic weapon has been destroyed, and it was destroyed by the elder himself. So it can't be reversed! To be honest, I can't think of any good way to deal with this situation. "

He paused and said, "but white girl's thunder force is the purest force in the world. Maybe we can try to quench this hateful fate!"

"I can have a try!" she said

Hope flashed in the eyes of the princess of heaven again.

Of course she didn't want to die!

"I can enter your body directly and try to quench it with thunder and lightning," she said

Tianfei nods!

Later, Suzhen in black left her body, and the spirit entered directly from Tianfei.

Her spirit can be turned into thunder water, can be turned into extremely flexible existence, it is changeable and immortal.

They all looked at the heavenly concubine.

They also hope Suzhen in Heiyi can create a miracle!

Under the thunder of Suzhen in Heiyi, Tianfei's body began to change.

She's starting to get younger

It was a surprise.

But Xuan Zhenghao is thinking.

No one can figure out his mind.

Tianfei's body began to be young, and her breath became strong.

This lasted for a long time, about one day and one night.

Xuan Zhenghao has other things to deal with, so he left first.

In the palace of Dakang.

Xuan Zhenghao has dinner with Emperor Xuan and empress Yongle.

The food is very delicate and helpful to them.

Emperor Xuan also heard about Tianfei. He clinked a cup with Xuan Zhenghao, and then said, "I didn't expect that Tianfei, an expert of this level, also appeared. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for us?"

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "obviously, it's a good thing!"

Empress Yongle poured wine for xuanzhenghao and Dixuan. She couldn't help but say, "but the injury of Tianfei, don't you say that even if it's white girl, it can't be saved?"

"Yes," said Emperor Xuan

You can search Weixing Palace Zhongzhe: Tiandao League, there are a lot of spoilers in it.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's not good to save! I've known for a long time that I can't save her. White girl's magic power is really unique, but she can't solve the bitter wine of fate. "

Emperor Xuan said: "that day, the imperial concubine has begun to recover her face. What's the matter?"

"It's like electric shock therapy, giving some life. But on the whole, the declining gears have not changed, so there is no way Xuan Zhenghao said.

Emperor Xuan said: "then I can't understand you more and more. If she dies, what's the good for the earth?"

"She won't die," he said

Emperor Xuan said, "do you have a way?"

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "of course there is a way!"

Emperor Xuan said, "what do you mean?"

Xuanzhenghao said: "Dixuan, you are stupid! This is a great favor. I don't want the princess to experience the taste of dying. Why should I save her? If someone like her is tied to our ship, it will bring unexpected benefits in the future. I don't say she has to help me, at least I can learn a lot from her. "

Emperor Xuan said, "you have learned a lot here in Zhang Daoling."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "we have to learn from the strengths of the experts. Besides, I will not be the one who saved her. But I need to create for her, and I've got a lot of credit

Emperor Xuan said, "will Chen Yang be the one who will be saved?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, but I have some words, and it's inconvenient to talk to Chen Yang."Emperor Xuan said, "Oh?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "if I tell Chen Yang that it's difficult to pretend, I want to make Tianfei feel grateful. Then he will think that I am a man of artifice and hypocrisy! "

Emperor Xuan laughed and said, "who doesn't know that you work by heart?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "people are separated from each other. We have no relationship with Tianfei, so we have to use some means. You don't see Chen Yang is very dependent on me now. He may not have been defending me in his heart. "

"No!" Yongle said: "you are good to him."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "because he can't see through me, it's so simple. People can't trust people who can't see through. "

Emperor Xuan said, "is that right? I can't see through you. Don't I have absolute trust in you? "

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "it's not strange, because you are stupid. Smart people will be wary of smart people, but stupid people will trust them! I also trust you, because you are stupid... "

"Damn it Emperor Xuan couldn't help laughing and scolding.

Xuan Zhenghao laughed.

Yongle couldn't help laughing.

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