Xuan Zhenghao then said, "I'm here to work out my destiny. Unfortunately, time is too tight. For the time being, I haven't found a way

Tianfei sighed and said, "well, you don't have to worry about me any more. I think that my destiny has been exhausted. In this case, I will not bother any more and leave here

"Wait a minute!" Xuanzhenghao said immediately.

The imperial concubine was slightly stunned.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "when the destiny is over, no one can recover it. But for now, it's not the last time. Great fatalism lies in Chen Yang, but Chen Yang's life span is not enough to resist the decline of your body. But I believe that if the antidote is around, there must be a solution. So, I don't think it's the last time. I'm just looking for a solution! "

He then said, "besides, white girl can help you to continue your life. I don't believe it. Your destiny is done! "

Hearing this, the imperial concubine's eyes glowed.

Xuanzhenghao's words are really in her heart.

"I'm going to be closed for three days now!" Finally, Xuan Zhenghao said: "in these three days, I will use the great fatalism as a guide to find a solution!"

Tianfei deeply looked at xuanzhenghao, but she didn't say much.

Emperor Xuan asked everyone to leave the main crystal wall room first!

In these three days, the situation of Tianfei became worse and worse.

At this time, Tianfei had no time to worry about her apprentice Wu Fei.

Her decline accelerated, and in less than three days, she was even older than before.

It's hard to survive for three days.

However, Suzhen in black had to refine her body again.

But people also know that the decline will be more rapid after quenching again.

Sure enough, after Suzhen in black tempered the princess, she was young again. But then the decline is even faster.

Fortunately, at this time, xuanzhenghao is out of the pass.

People have been waiting for Xuan Zhenghao outside.

When Xuan Zhenghao appeared, people saw that Xuan Zhenghao's eyes were red and his hair was white. He looked very haggard.

"I've got a way. Chen Yang, you bring in the elder Tianfei! " Xuan Zhenghao said.

Everyone was overjoyed.

After that, Chen Yang takes the weak imperial concubine into the crystal wall room.

The imperial concubine in the center of the position barely cross knees and sit.

"What do you think of, emperor?" Chen Yang asked in a hurry.

Xuanzhenghao said: "you and Tianfei are sitting opposite each other, hands against each other!"

Chen Yang immediately did as he said.

At this time, Tianfei, with aging face and silver hair, looked like a 90 year old woman.

Xuan Zhenghao also sits cross knee, he drives crystal wall. The innumerable crystal walls immediately shot out the colorful world, all kinds of mottled space flow.

Countless energy convergence!

"You take great fatalism as a guide to absorb the decaying fate in her body! My space is maintained and becomes a bridge! That is to say, the fate of decay has to walk through these many spaces before it can reach your body at last! "

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "I hope it can offset some decline, and finally let you bear it. But you also have to think well, in case your great fatalism can't be absorbed, you will die of decay in the end! "

Chen Yang was surprised.

Although Tianfei was weak, she could hear them clearly.

"Forget it!" Tianfei took a deep breath and said, "although I don't want to die, you are not related to me. How can you take such a strange risk?"

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to have a try. Come on!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "if you think about it, you have to take the risk of life and death. If you do die, I can't tell your family. "

Chen Yang said, "if I have to die, I don't want to. But now that we can do it, why not? Come on

"Are you really not afraid of death? Do you think you really have nine lives? " Xuan Zheng Hao cold voice says.

Chen Yang was stunned.

He pondered for a long time, and then said, "it's not my generation who can't help you when you see death. Master Tianfei will be our greatest help in the future. At this time, I take some risks, which is totally worth it. Emperor, the elder is about to lose support. Let's stop talking about this nonsense. "

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "it's just because time is running out, otherwise, I won't do this. If you really have something, how can I explain it to your family? "

Chen Yang said: "I have experienced many lives and deaths. I don't believe it. What will happen to me this time."

Xuan Zhenghao was helpless and said, "OK!"

Then, Xuan Zhenghao runs the infinite space with great magic power!

Colorful and colorful!The power of space, the power of time, such as the flow of the sea!

Chen Yang's great fatalism works. At this time, he just works a little bit of fatalism.

It took almost a year to live!

The fateful force entered the body of Tianfei.

In fact, Chen Yang has always been very uneasy. It's not that he didn't want to absorb Tianfei's ruined fate. But now that he is only a thousand years old, he really can't stand the ups and downs.

But he knew that it was also very likely that this thing would be inhaled directly into the fatalism.

So you can increase your strength!

These are not necessarily.

Chen Yang didn't rush into danger.

If he had a few hundred thousand years to live, he would have tried.

Another is also before by black clothes Su Zhen in the test, later Xuan Zhenghao said closed for three days and so on!

So this is the end of it.

Chen Yang has never done so.

At present, Xuan Zhenghao has set up such an array, and Chen Yang is relieved.

He has an unconditional trust in Xuan Zhenghao.

This kind of trust doesn't mean the character. But in the face of danger, Xuan Zhenghao stands behind, can give Chen Yang a strong sense of security!

When Chen Yang's fatalistic power penetrated into the decaying fate of Tianfei's body, the great fatalistic talisman had a connection with the decaying fate with fatalistic power.

It's a wonderful feeling!

Generally speaking, destiny is something that can't be seen or touched.

As if it didn't exist!

But the great fatalism is to materialize the fatalism at the cost of life.

It is obvious that the ruined fate in Tianfei's body is also a kind of materialized thing.

So, there was a connection between them very quickly.

The next is also very smooth!

Under the guidance of Chen Yang's fatalism, the ruined fate quickly ran to Chen Yang's great fatalistic talisman like the liquid in the infusion tube!

This is the most critical time.

It's uncertain whether this dilapidated fate is a tonic or a poison!

Thus, the space array set by Xuan Zhenghao played a role.

The fate of the dilapidated immediately transmitted from those spaces!

Although these spaces are mysterious, they can't be set up for thousands of miles. Because Chen Yang and his ruined fate are like being connected by an infusion tube. It's too far away. Can they still suck in?

It can only be said that more bending is added to achieve the effect of slow absorption!

But at this time, Xuan Zhenghao also seems to bear the fate of this decline.

His body began to age.

Some decadent fate also infiltrated into his body.

After all, he's casting, and he's the linker

Chen Yang also finally absorbed the fate of dilapidation.

There was no bad feeling in his fatalistic talisman. On the contrary, there is a very moist feeling.

Chen Yang feels comfortable and comfortable.

What's more, there are signs that the shadow of terror in the great fatalism will fade away.

"And such good things?" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao's idea was introduced into Chen Yang's brain: "silly boy, don't show it. You and I have to behave very hard. Don't you understand this worldly wisdom? "

Chen Yang was stunned.

In fact, when he talked with Xuan Zhenghao before, he was a little aware of the meaning of Xuan Zhenghao.

It's just that he doesn't like to do the twists and turns.

But under the eye, Xuan Zheng Hao since said so, Chen Yang also not good refute his face.

In addition, Xuan Zhenghao also wants to win favor.

Therefore, Chen Yang also cooperated.

After a long time, all the decaying fates in Tianfei's body were absorbed.

Xuan Zhenghao's face is aging and he faints.

Chen Yang forced some fate of decline, let it walk in the body.

Then, his face also follows aging!

Tianfei's Qi and blood recovered quickly, and she became young and beautiful again. The fate of decay in the body has disappeared.

She's completely back to the top.

And she looks at Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao in front of her, all of them are white haired.

Chen Yang's great change has completely lost its effect at this time.

There's no way to cooperate with the performance!

Chen Yang must cooperate, because this is what Xuan Zhenghao wants. If he has nothing to do with it, xuanzhenghao seems suspicious. If Chen Yang gives all the credit to Xuan Zhenghao, Tianfei will doubt the composition of the drama when she learns about Xuan Zhenghao's reputation.

Tianfei immediately goes to check the bodies of Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao. She feels that the fate of decline is rampant in both of them.She was taken aback.

But in this case, even her, there is no way.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Yang began to absorb the fate of decline.

"How are you?" Tianfei asks Chen Yang with concern.

Chen Yang was in great pain, but he endured the pain and said, "don't worry, master. I'm absorbing it slowly. After a long time, I'll be OK. What's the matter with the emperor? This time, if the emperor had not helped me to bear and delay the fate of decline, I would have been dead. "

Tianfei's eyes were complicated. She said: "I have checked his body. The fate of decay is rampant in his body. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will have a big problem. "

Chen Yang couldn't help losing face. He said, "I need some more time. Please take care of the emperor first!"

Tianfei nodded.

Chen Yang crossed his knees again.

In fact, he is worried about the situation of Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao is not like he has a big destiny.

"Mr. Xuan, how long can you hold on?" Tianfei asked Xuan Zhenghao.

Her mana is input into Xuan Zhenghao's body.

Xuan Zhenghao wakes up. When he looks up and sees that Tianfei's face is as good as before, he nods happily and says, "if you don't mind, I'll be fine!"

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