Tianfei is a sophisticated person. She can't hide any tricks from her. Her heart is like a mirror! But now, Xuan Zhenghao's trick is to hide her.

When she saw the appearance of Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang, she was touched and even moved.

This is mainly because she has learned the power of the decaying fate.

This decaying fate made her so embarrassed that she was on the verge of death. So Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao are so normal.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao said: "master, since you are OK, you should leave here first. I want to communicate with Chen Yang in a secret way. There shouldn't be too many people here. "

The imperial concubine has absolute trust, and there is no doubt about him now.

When she went out, she said to Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang, "I don't owe anyone in my life. But you two help each other today, and I will always remember it

Xuan Zhenghao said: "the earth disaster is coming, we are all earth people, the elders do not have to see."

Tianfei takes a deep look at xuanzhenghao, then nods and leaves.

After waiting for her to leave, Xuan Zhenghao seals the crystal wall room again!

For the sake of safety, Chen Yang still communicates with Xuan Zhenghao.

"May I speak?"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "yes, please come and help me suck away the decaying fate!"

Chen Yang also nodded, he quickly inhaled the decaying fate in his body into the great fatalism talisman.

Then his appearance returned to a young state.

Later, Chen Yang came to xuanzhenghao and quickly absorbed the declining fate of xuanzhenghao.

These decaying fates are like supplements when they enter into Chen Yang's great fatalism.

Chen Yang sits cross knee again, and feels the great fatalism talisman!

The shadow in the great fatalism has been reduced. Before, it was like a full moon. Now it's a quarter less shadow.

More than that, Chen Yang feels that there is an overflow of life.

Chen Yang feels that his life expectancy is increasing.

A thousand years, two thousand years, ten thousand years

20000 years, 30000 years

100000 years!

200000 years!

Five hundred thousand years!

Chen Yang was ecstatic.

I didn't expect that I not only saved the imperial concubine, but also got such great benefits.

From this, we can see how terrible and powerful the declining fate is.

You know, Chen Yang's great fatalistic talisman shadow is accumulated with millions of years of life. Millions of years of life. What's the concept?

Now, with less shadow, Chen Yang's life expectancy has increased by 500000 years.

It's incredible.

Chen Yang tells xuanzhenghao all this.

Xuan Zhenghao also recovered his normal face at this time.

He said with a smile, "the expected thing."

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "I'm not sure. How did you expect that?"

"Don't forget, I have a boat of one yuan," he said

Chen Yang had to be convinced.

Then, thinking of something, Chen Yang said, "do you want to leave some white hair or something? Would it be better for us to look haggard? "

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said: "silly boy, Tianfei is not an ordinary person. We have to do everything just right. She's suspicious of what to do now. In fact, you are responsible for this. But I still need to get some capital from Tianfei, so I stepped in. You don't blame me, do you? "

Chen Yang said: "how can I, in your heart, I just don't know how to be flexible? Besides, without your affirmation, I dare not rashly absorb this declining fate. So, you have a lot of credit. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "at present, with the help of Tianfei, we have more chances to win. However, her apprentice has fallen into the imperial boat. If she wants to save her, we really can't help it. It's impossible to go to the imperial sky boat. There is the power of the world in the imperial sky boat. No matter how many masters we go to, we will be dead. Moreover, the star Hall of the star Lord has not been fully deployed. Even if the star Lord takes part in the war, he will not win. Now we should be glad that the imperial Tianzhou can't get by. Once we take the initiative to get there, the old man will hang himself. It's too long for us. "

Chen Yang said: "I think the elder Tianfei knows the truth and should not do such a dangerous thing."

Xuanzhenghao said with a smile: "it's really hard to say. If your son was caught in the imperial boat, would you care about many of them?"

"I won't!" Chen Yang said immediately.

When he had finished, he laughed bitterly. I feel that even for myself, sometimes I don't think things well enough. Just like just now, from my own point of view, I don't think Tianfei will be so impulsive and run to the imperial Tianzhou. But when it comes to myself, I will go without hesitation.Xuan Zhenghao then said: "now pay special attention to your weaknesses, lingzun. I think now, they either lead you out and kill you. Or catch your family and lead you to the imperial Tianzhou. "

"I will never give them such a chance," Chen said

Xuan Zhenghao said: "if they do it again, they will be well prepared. They haven't done it now, which means they're not ready

Xuan Zhenghao is always thoughtful. He is like a robot and never makes mistakes!

Black clothes Su Zhen and others are still waiting outside anxiously. When Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang come out, they are all relieved.

Tianfei's cultivation has been completely restored.

After that, Tianfei went to Zhang Daoling's Taoist temple. Chen Yang asked Xuan Zhenghao, "what should I do now? The great change has been destroyed. "

Xuanzhenghao said: "salad, I don't have any. You still have two big change runes. When you go out, think for yourself! "

Chen Yang felt that was the only way.

Xuan Zhenghao goes back to the palace to deal with some things first. Chen Yang went to see huiling'er.

Suzhen in black didn't go with Chen Yang, so she always felt embarrassed.

Chen Yang stayed with ling'er for a long time before he left.

As she was still in the middle of Tianzhou, Suzhen in Heiyi used her noumenon to walk. Chen Yang's puppet body was in her mind.

They then left the imperial city and went to an overseas island.

Chen Yang told Suzhen in black, "in fact, I didn't suffer a loss in rescuing Tianfei this time. On the contrary, I got great benefits."

He reduced his shadow and said that he had a life span of 500000 years.

It's not easy to mention this to others.

But for Suzhen in black, you can tell everything.

After hearing the words, Suzhen in black was also happy.

"I can't believe there's such a thing," she said She thought of something and said, "but you don't seem to say anything to Tianfei. It's not like your character."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "if I said that, would the elder Tianfei not think that she doesn't owe me anything?"

"How could that happen?" Suzhen Heiyi said? She doesn't care how you treat it. She just needs to remember that without you, she would be dead. This is life-saving grace. If she doesn't understand this, I think she has been practicing on dogs for thousands of years. "

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