Chen Nianci was not convinced by Chen Yang's words and said, "Dad, I often hear my mother say that you were about my age, and you have gone out for training. And your cultivation is not as good as mine. How can you go out and I can't? I'm no more stupid than you

Chen Yang laughs.

Now this little guy is 1.6 meters tall. He is a big guy.

Chen Yang patted him on the head and said, "I was licking blood at the beginning. It's really luck that I can live till now. In the past, there were no conditions, but now it's different. The resources you and I worked hard for will naturally be enjoyed by you. When you are better prepared, you can go out for training. The world is far more dangerous than you can imagine. What's more, you are young, and each of you has a special magic weapon. You are more likely to be missed by those who want to

Chen Nianci asked, "how long will it take for me to go out for training?"

Chen Yang feels headache when he hears the speech.

Only after he became a parent did he understand the heart of his parents.

He didn't want to keep his children in the greenhouse all the time, but the world of monks is too dangerous. What's more, there is a mountain high.

In fact, he didn't want Chen Nianci to go this way. But they wanted to go, and he couldn't help it. Also think of their enemies, they do not learn, there will be more trouble in the future.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang said, "at least until Well, after 22 years old! "

"But I'll be an adult at eighteen." Chen Nianci said immediately.

Chen Yang said, "can you graduate from University at the age of 18? Ordinary people have to wait until they graduate from university before they enter the society. Your spiritual world is ten thousand times more dangerous than ordinary people. "

Chen Nianci was not happy immediately.

Shen Mo Nong smiles, but says to Chen Nianci: "silly boy, the outside world is not as wonderful as you think. If you prepare more, you may become the capital to save your life in the future, you know? You also need to protect Mo Yu's sister, bao'er's sister, so that you can live and practice

As soon as Shen's words were finished, Mo Yu suddenly said, "godmother, I protect brother Nianci! His cultivation is too weak! "

Chen Nianci's nose was suddenly crooked.

But there is nothing to say. Who can make Mo Yu's cultivation so powerful? He felt that he had worked hard, but he still couldn't catch up.

"Remember, haste makes waste!" Chen Yang finally told Chen Nianci.

Chen Nianci didn't take it seriously.

Chen Yang is also helpless.

No matter how good he is, there is no great way for his children.

Among these children, Mo Yu is the most worrying one.

Next is Xiao AI!

Then there is Nianci

The last is Qin bao'er.

Today's Qin bao'er, but let Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan headache. Occasionally, I would blame Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan for making her so stupid.

This makes Qin Lin and Xuanyuan Yadan laugh and cry.

Fortunately, Qin bao'er is in fact a happy character. He doesn't have any scheming, and he won't hide his unhappiness.

The growth of these children is gratifying.

Next, Tianfei is a guest for three days and three nights in the crystal wall room of xuanzhenghao's one yuan boat!

The two did not go out in the crystal wall room.

Of course, no one will feel that these two people are doing something indiscreet.

Three days later, Tianfei and xuanzhenghao came out.

Xuan Zhenghao absorbed the wisdom of mixed holes in Tianfei, and improved the defense and attack of the one yuan boat more powerful.

In fact, Xuan Zhenghao and Zhang Daoling had a similar retreat before, and he also learned some knowledge about hundong from Zhang Daoling.

But at present, he asks for more from Tianfei.

Tianfei combines a lot of her own energy and spirit in the boat of one yuan.

This is Tianfei's return to xuanzhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao also talks with Tianfei.

After three days, Tianfei also felt that she had benefited a lot.

The conversation between them is not over.

Tianfei doesn't think xuanzhenghao asked for anything from her. Instead, she thinks xuanzhenghao is also a good teacher and friend.

This morning, Tianfei came to Hou's house as a guest.

The sun is shining, and the residence is very quiet.

Chen Nianci and Mo Yu have returned to Zhang Daoling to continue their practice.

Shen Molong has handed over most of the work of national security. Now it's a critical moment. She can't continue to stay in the world.

When Tianfei arrived, Chen Yang received him ceremoniously.

But the imperial concubine said, "today, I have something to do. Chen Yang, let's go into the room and have a detailed talk! "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then nodded.

It's in the room, Tianfei and Chen Yang.

Chen Tianyang said: "after this meeting, I can save each other. This kindness is unforgettable. I also know something about you. You have many magic weapons and adventures. I'm afraid you don't like what I have. There's no reward, so I want to take these children as apprentices. Including xuanzhiyu, Nianci, bao'er, Xiaoai and Mo language. I'll give you everything I can, and I've discussed it with Taoist Zhang. He has no opinion. "Chen Yang was slightly stunned, followed by ecstasy.

These are children's great fortune!

Under the cultivation of masters like Zhang Daoling and Tianfei, a pig can become a top master. What's more, these children are all gifted!

Chen Yang immediately said: "in this way, I would like to thank you first!"

Tianfei smile, said: "your children do my apprentice, then you and I are equal."

Chen Yang said, "it's so funny."

Tianfei smiles and says, "it's OK." After a pause, she said, "I'm here to discuss this with you. In addition, you can also talk with other parents. If there's no problem, we'll hold a teacher worship ceremony some day!"

Chen Yang said: "of course, there is no problem, but I will go and let him know."

Tianfei nodded.

"I didn't mean to get involved in this earth disaster," she added. Also know will be infected with dust and doom, so I early with Wu Fei left. I didn't expect to avoid it. After all, I didn't avoid it. So just join in. I will stay in this one dollar boat until the end of the earth's doom. "

Chen Yang said: "this is a blessing for the earth!"

Tianfei's face was bitter and said, "now what worries me most is my apprentice, wufei! I used to think that as long as I was there, no one in the world would dare to touch her. But now, I know where she is, but I dare not go to help her. Mr. Xuan also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages with me, which really made me hate. "

Chen Yang fell into silence.

But although he had seen Tianfei's pain, he didn't understand it.

It's cruel!

After thinking about it, he said, "master, I don't know how to comfort you. I also know that comfort is useless. Know more about your pain! However, I don't think they want to kill Princess Wu. If they want to kill her, they won't waste so much time. They have a plan. They want to keep on fighting. We'll do everything we can to see if we can find a way to sneak into the boat and rescue Princess Wu. "

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