Tianfei's eyes brightened.

She thought it seemed like a way. But soon her eyes darkened. With a bitter smile, she said, "Mr. Xuan said that you are an idealist, passionate and impulsive. However, the wisdom and defense in the imperial sky boat are not the success of some small tricks. The only way to save Princess Wu is to defeat imperial Tianzhou in the future. In addition, to go to more people is meaningless sacrifice. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He felt that he was indeed an idealist.

He understood what xuanzhenghao said was right.

Tianfei then sighed again and said, "wufei was brought up by me, just like my own daughter. Whenever there is a chance, I will try my best to save her. The only thing I'm afraid of is that I can't save her out of the den even though I've lost her life. In that case, she has no hope or hope

Chen Yang said: "I understand your feelings and admire your patience."

Tianfei then got up. She waved her hand and said, "let's wait for the useful body. The enemy has already made a move. We have to take it!"

When she had finished, she left.

Chen Yang and Shen monong personally sent the imperial concubine out of the Houfu.

Next, Chen Yang tells Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin about Tianfei's plan to accept the apprentice.

Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin was overjoyed at the news.

There is no problem with this.

Three days later, in the palace, in front of the Minister of culture and military affairs, Xuan Zhenghao held a grand apprenticeship ceremony for Tianfei.

Zhang Daoling also accepted xuanzhiyu as an apprentice by the way!

Xuan Zhiyu and Chen Nianci are of the same family.

Chen Yang's generation has also increased. They are on an equal footing with Zhang Daoling.

But then again, although they are young, Chen Yang's accomplishments are OK.

Today, Chen Yang's cultivation of the five peaks of creation!

Fu Qingzhu's cultivation in the middle of the four phases of creation!

Qin Lin is the cultivation of creation environment at the beginning of quadruple! (the last time he wrote four times less)

although Qin Lin's accomplishments were lower, Chen Yang could hardly take advantage of Qin Lin even if he added time crystal stone.

After the ceremony, the days were quiet again.

Suzhen in black lived in Houfu as Chen Yang. Chen Yang stayed in the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang thought of a better way, that is, in a close place, he can communicate with Suzhen in black clothes directly with his mind, and both of them have each other's spiritual imprint.

This is a process waiting for a move!

There are not many people who know that the Marquis's house is a fake body, only Shen monong knows. Even Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu are not clear.

Xuan Zhenghao said that he was worried and said, "Chen Yang, you can't show your destiny in white girl."

Chen Yang said: "Ouyang Yu and nicangshui both know that I have a puppet. They will think that I am hidden in the brain of a puppet. So it's normal not to feel it. And I'm sure these two goods won't come. First, they dare not. Second, they have already exposed their identity. "

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "your analysis is reasonable!"

Life has been very calm, so it went smoothly for half a year.

All along, Chen Yang has been worried.

But now it has been three years since they took refuge in Imperial Tianzhou.

Over the past three years, Chen Yang has been waiting and worrying. But the other side has been standing still.

And the star Lord's mission has only four years.

Chen Yang has to be in a hurry.

He still has the whole universe to look for.

Time, too tight.

Xuan Zhenghao has been very calm, he told Chen Yang, the more this time, the more can not be anxious.

A lot of times, it's about patience.

"When you think we are short of time, precisely, the enemy is short of time. If they don't do anything, their chances of winning will be greatly reduced. " Xuanzhenghao said so. "Besides, if they win, they won't make so many small moves."

After hearing this, Chen Yang thought it was true.

It was August, and the sun was shining every day in the Dakang imperial city of Tianzhou.

Nevertheless, the climate in the imperial city is extremely comfortable.

In the sunshine, there is a warm wind, such as living by the sea.

No matter how strong the sunlight is, if you just stop under the shade of a tree and the wind blows, it will be more pleasant.

On this day, just after three o'clock in the afternoon, a guest finally came to the imperial city of Dakang. This guest is Chen Yang's friend. I haven't seen you for a long time, Tang Ling!

When they left the hall of stars, they agreed with Tang Ling to keep watch and help each other.

But time is fast. In these years, Chen Yang and others have no news of Tang Ling.To Chen Yang's surprise, Tang Ling's accomplishments have changed dramatically. He is already the cultivation of the four peaks of creation.

He's just an ordinary destiny. It's a surprise that he can have such cultivation.

Chen Yang has been waiting for the imperial Tianzhou to move!

When Tang Ling appeared, Chen Yang felt that it was no accident. He was already on guard. He didn't think Tang Ling was a bad person or a villain. However, Tang Ling also has weaknesses!

In front of Houfu, the afternoon sun shines on Tang Ling.

Tang Ling looks more than 20 years old, wearing a white robe, gentle and elegant, eyes such as Wen Yu. His manner and bearing dazzled people.

At a glance, it makes people feel good!

Su Zhen in black meets Tang Ling in the guise of Chen Yang.

At the same time, Chen Yang also communicated with Suzhen in black. Chen Yang observes the world in front of him through Suzhen in black. He drives the puppet to exchange greetings with Tang Ling, hug, and so on!

"Brother Tang, I haven't thought that your cultivation is so advanced and fierce for more than ten years. It's really gratifying." Chen Yang said with a smile.

At this time, Suzhen in black was watching in the puppet's brain. She is not good at this kind of greeting. If she opens her mouth, she will show her flaws.

Chen Yang's real body is still sitting cross legged in the boat of one yuan.

In Hou's mansion, Chen Yang took Tang Ling's arm and said, "since you are here today, we must be drunk."

Tang Ling seemed a little unnatural, but then she said with a smile, "good!"

After entering the Marquis's residence, Tang Ling called Shen monong his sister-in-law. Tang Ling knew about Chen Yang and song Ning at that time.

Chen Yang called Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu.

We all talked about our experiences in the courtyard.

Chen Yang said with heartfelt emotion: "when my second brother and I first came to Tianzhou, we didn't arrive at Taixu Bazhong, just like mole ants. Later, we entered the hall of stars and honed all the way. Now, everyone has reached this stage of cultivation. It's really gratifying. "

After a pause, he asked, "brother Tang, where have you been all these years? You must have suffered a lot and experienced a lot when you have reached such a state of cultivation? "

Tang Ling smile, said: "these years, I really ran a lot of places. Moreover, he stumbled into a place called boundless immortal mansion. The boundless fairy house is changeable in the universe and often hidden in black holes. I've been trapped in it for thousands of years. I thought it would be too old outside. I didn't expect to come out. It's only seven or eight years in the world. "

"Boundless fairy house?" Chen Yang and others were curious.

Tang Ling said: "thousands of years, let me understand the boundless immortal house. Now, the boundless immortal mansion has become my magic weapon. "

After he finished, he sacrificed a magic weapon.

That magic weapon is very small!

It looks like a bronze temple!

To be exact, it's more like a miniature model cave!

The boundless immortal mansion revolves slowly in the air, and a great spirit flows out of it.

Fu Qingzhu's eyes lit up and said, "if we can reverse time like this, it would be good for us to go in for more than a hundred years."

Chen Yang said, "brother Tang, can it be like this?"

Tang Ling said with a bitter smile: "it's really impossible. Boundless fairy house was trapped in a singularity of the black hole before, which produced a wonderful time response. After that, I tried many times, but I couldn't do it. It took me a long time to get out of that singularity. But after I left, I couldn't find the same singularity any more. In my opinion, it's not boundless fairy house that reverses time, but that singularity delays time. "

All of a sudden, they said: "so it is!"

Tang Ling then said: "by the way, what about brother Luo Feng?"

When it comes to Luo Feng, people can't help feeling dejected.

Tang Ling slightly pale, said: "how, what happened?"

Qin Lin then said: "brother, he really happened a lot of things."

At the moment, he used the means of his majesty lingzun ZuLong, and later Luo Feng's family died miserably. Even in the end, Luo Feng tried to revive his family. Until now, he is frustrated and goes far away to the earth.

After hearing this, Tang Ling felt sorry for Luo Feng. "Brother Luo Feng, I know something about him. He's introverted, he talks less, he's not easy to be emotional. Fate is so unfair to him. "

Chen Yang and others are also dejected.

After that, Fu Qingzhu raised his glass and said, "well, we can only choose to accept the past and what has happened. It's no use saying more. Brother Tang is coming here today. We should talk about some happy things. "

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp!

Chen Yang then said, "brother Tang, we were very happy that you suddenly visited us today. But if you come, is there anything else? "

Tang Ling said with a smile, "why, brother Chen Yang, do you think I don't go to the three treasures hall for nothing?"Chen Yang laughs and says, "I don't mean it. I'm just asking."

Tang Ling also laughed, and then said: "but I really have something to do."

When they heard this, Fu Qingzhu said, "brother Tang, if there's anything we can do for you, we'll have no choice."

"It's like this," Tang said

As he spoke, he took the boundless immortal mansion with a wave of his hand.

He went on to say, "now the time left for the star Lord's mission is running out. I've been trapped in boundless immortal mansion all these years, so I've wasted my time. I don't have a single star stone in my hand now. "

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