All the people were shocked when they heard the words. Xuan Zhenghao said with a faint smile: "if it is true, it will be very good. Because as long as the imperial Tianzhou doesn't come, no matter how many masters they come, I'm not afraid. "

Zhang Daoling and Tianfei were surprised when he said this.

But Chen Yang understood Xuan Zhenghao's meaning in an instant.

Because xuanzhenghao has the power of the world.

Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and Taoist priest Luo Tong did not understand.

Xuan Zheng Hao at this time also don't say much, just one hand out. But see his palm plain white, fingers slender, very beautiful. And in the middle of his palm, slowly condensed out the outline of a one yuan boat.

The power of the world is its nourishment!

In the miniature of the boat of one dimension, the power of the world flows fiercely.

That's obvious.

Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and Taoist priest Luo Tong were all surprised.

Emperor Xuan is very peaceful. He has known for a long time.

Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and Taoist priest Luo Tong were stunned for a moment. Then, Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "ha ha, I can't imagine that Mr. Xuan has trained the boat of one yuan into the power of the world. Admire, admire

Tianfei also felt incredible.

Xuan Zhenghao said bluntly at this time: "the power of the world is just refined by me recently. I'd like to thank you, Taoist Zhang, and Tianfei. Without your guidance, I can't find the way to operate the power of the world."

Zhang Daoling smile, said: "now Mr. Xuan has the power of the world, protect the safety of the earth, will be more comfortable. If I want to leave the earth again, I will have no worries. Very good, very good. "

Tianfei said: "the power of the world is the most mysterious. Only recently did I understand why the power of the world cannot be borne in our bodies. Now, the arc element has changed. If you want to have the power of the world, you must bear it with magic tools. But this method seems simple, but it is extremely difficult to achieve. At least, what I can see are the imperial Tianzhou, the star Hall of the star master, and the Hunyuan Taiji in Yuqing world. Just three Even the map of the mountains and rivers and the country of the saint Nu Wa could not be done. Emperor, you can do it. I really admire you

After a pause, she continued: "I had thought before about whether I could use magic weapons to carry the power of the world. After several attempts, I found that the difficulty was unimaginable, and my hybrid mirror was also a good magic weapon. But there is no communication or reaction with the power of the world. Moreover, I also conclude that Hunyuan mirror can't bear the power of the world. "

Xuan Zhenghao also said: "the most difficult thing for the magic weapon to carry the power of the world is not to carry it, but to let the magic weapon and the power of the world react. It's like making people feel like swords But a sword, moistening with aura, may also have a reaction. It is even more difficult for the power of the world to react with magic weapons. "

Zhang Daoling said: "the power of the world is an important tool of the universe. Even before, it was extremely difficult for us to control the power of the world. What's more, we need to use magic weapons to carry the power of the world. "

Chen Yang then said, "emperor, do you think they want to transfer the tiger from the mountain? In addition, you exerted the power of the world in front of Tang Ling yesterday. Do you think people in brother Tang's brain can feel the power of the world? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you can rest assured that the other side can't feel it. It's impossible for them to put a ninefold master over. It's too risky. In addition, the reason why white girl can feel it is that her spirit is too sensitive. Well, I don't think it's very important for you to say whether they will turn the tiger away from the mountain. Because the earth is so changeable, they dare not take risks easily. "

"Now, it's lingzun Xuan Zhenghao then said: "I have an idea. If we use it well, maybe we can not only beat lingzun hard, but also save your disciple, Princess Wu. By the way, we can help Tang Ling save his wife and daughter, and bring Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui together."

Hearing the speech, the public was immediately inspired.

Tianfei's eyes brightened, and she said, "emperor, just tell me about it. I will listen to you."

Zhang Daoling said, "I'm willing to contribute."

Taoist priest Luo Tong was embarrassed and said, "I don't know if I can help you."

Xuanzhenghao smiles and says: "thank you, Taoist Zhang and Tianfei. As for Taoist priest Luo, you don't need to worry. When I drive the boat of one yuan in the future, I naturally need your help. "

Chen Yang is also a little excited.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "my plan has already been mentioned just now. The land of Guixu is extremely dangerous. As long as we make moves, there will be endless changes. What's more, it's something we can't grasp. The only thing that can make lingzun worried is that he doesn't take the move. Once we don't take the call, we don't go back to the market. Naturally they will be worried But this is not my real plan. If I don't take the move, I don't know what other shady moves they will make. I mean, Chen Yang, you and Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin decided not to go. I will also say that no one will go. Under such circumstances, Miss Bai will take your prosthetic puppet and Tang Ling on a trip to the ruins. ""What's the plan?" Chen Yang was shocked and puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "we don't know the danger of Guixu. And the only variable in us is white girl. They don't know there is white girl in the prosthesis. What's more, white girl's nine times of thunder robbery is immortal. That is, in the Guixu area, many experts besieged her. She didn't say that she would win, but she should have no problem protecting herself. If you can guide your life well, you can transfer the danger of Guixu to other masters. As for Chen Yang, Taoist priest Zhang and master Tianfei, you three are waiting outside. "

"How can that be?" Chen Yang immediately disagreed and said, "how can white girl go to such a big risk alone? I don't agree! "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Yang, don't worry, white girl should be able to return with her whole body!"

"What if?" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zheng Hao said with a bitter smile: "it's dangerous to fight with lingzun."

"Not at all!" Chen Yang said.

He could not accept the plan and let Suzhen in black take such a risk.

He couldn't imagine how he would deal with himself if something happened to Suzhen in black.

For a moment, the atmosphere was awkward and dull.

Zhang Daoling broke the silence and said, "we should consult Miss Bai."

Chen Yang firmly said: "no way is no way!"

Xuan Zheng Hao took a look at Chen Yang more. He paused and said, "let's call it a day." He was obviously a little annoyed, too.

He seldom shows his emotions.

But today is an exception!

Chen Yang wanted to say something, but he finally shut up.

He himself has no better way, he knows more, Xuan Zhenghao's this method, the probability of success is very high. However, he could not let Suzhen in black take such a risk. Suzhen in black is an important existence in his heart.

Zhang Daoling and others did not say much.

But this is not the end of it.

At night, Xuan Zhenghao directly communicates with Suzhen in black.

Suzhen people in black are still in Hou's residence.

But the whole imperial city is under the control of Xuan Zhenghao. He can do whatever he wants. No one wants to whisper in the imperial city. Anyway, as long as Xuan Zhenghao wants to hear it, he can hear it.

Xuan Zhenghao told Suzhen in black all the information.

After hearing this, Suzhen in Black said, "since that's the case, I'd like to go."

Xuanzhenghao was silent for a moment and said, "do you think I'm taking the opportunity to eradicate you?"

Suzhen in black was slightly stunned. Although she was willful and impulsive, she was also a very intelligent person. It is also clear that Xuan Zhenghao is very aware of his attitude towards him.

"Can you?" Suzhen asked

"What do you think?" he said

When he first met Suzhen in black, he was extremely respectful and said that he was a senior. But now, he is on an equal footing with Suzhen in black.

He is such a person of heart, can also call the imperial concubine a elder, that already is to see in the imperial concubine age is too big of reason.

"You are a smart man, you should understand that I am not your enemy," Suzhen said lightly

"Of course I understand," he said. Well, white girl is also a wise man. I'm not your enemy, you know

"I don't care much whether you are my enemy or not," she said

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I know you care about Chen Yang, any of my interests are not in conflict with you. The universe is so big that none of you will be my roadblock. What's more, my goal is not to be a overlord, but, like all the immortals, to live freely. "

Ordinary people still want a financial freedom!

How can people who cultivate immortals not seek freedom?

"OK, I see what you mean. Next, I'll do what you say. "

Everyone, please search Weixing workers: Tiandao League, there are a lot of spoilers in it.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, I will trap Chen Yang in the boat of one yuan first. After you and Tang Lingyuan leave, let him go with Taoist Zhang and Tianfei. This trip is still extremely dangerous. If you have any accident, the day when Chen Yang and I break up is not far away. "

Suzhen in Black said with a faint smile, "there are not many people in the world who can kill me. Don't worry!"

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "of course I know this, otherwise, how dare you let white girl to risk?"

The plan is being implemented rapidly.

Xuan Zhenghao's plan is that the mantis will catch the cicada and the Yellow sparrow will be behind!

After the group of lingzun masters came out of Guixu, Chen Yang's masters came out quickly. Just catch one of the ninefold masters. Then, the value of this ninefold creation master can be exchanged for everything.

You can exchange for Tang Ling's wife and daughter, you can exchange for Wu Fei, you can exchange for inverse cangshui and Ouyang Yu!Xuan Zhenghao then communicated with Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin.

They did not respond strongly and expressed support.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao began to communicate with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is accompanying ling'er.

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