Xuan Zhenghao calls Chen Yang to meet in the crystal wall room.

Chen Yang's mood is quite complicated, and he knows that Xuan Zhenghao has no selfishness. But now, he can't think of a better way. At this time Xuan is Hao to call him, he from also dare not refuse, quickly flash body to come over.

After entering the crystal wall room, Xuan Zhenghao said directly to Chen Yang, "I have discussed with Miss Bai, and she agrees to go back to the market."

Chen Yang suddenly changed color and said, "emperor, how can you?"

"She's an adult and has her own capacity," he said. Does she need your permission to do anything? "

Chen Yang is speechless.

He thought about it and said, "I'm going to talk to her."

After that, he left the crystal wall room.

"Here you are for the time being." Xuan Zhenghao said: "calling you to come here is to trap you. If you have the ability, you will kill me, or if you have the ability, you can break away from my power and leave the crystal wall room. You can't communicate with anyone here. "

Anger flashed in Chen Yang's eyes and said, "emperor, how can you do this? We shouldn't do anything with business and quantity? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "at first, I discussed with you, but if you don't get oil and salt, I can't help it. Think about it for yourself. You'd better keep up your energy first, because after they set out, you're going to catch up with Zhang Daochang, Tianfei and others. "

After Xuan Zhenghao finished, he left directly from the gate.

Chen Yang immediately followed him.

He doesn't want to do it with Xuan Zhenghao, and he knows it's all in vain.

Just, he was going to leave crystal wall room with Xuan Zhenghao.

It happened that he almost went out with Xuan Zhenghao at the same time. As a result, in front of his eyes, he turned in time and space, crossed a door, but entered the crystal wall room from the other side.

But Xuan Zhenghao left.

Later, Xuan Zhenghao's voice came again and said, "you can vent your anger here. If you can destroy me here, or if you can break out, I will listen to you. If not, just be honest for a few days! "

Chen Yang is not furious.

He's not retarded, either.

At this time, he sat down with his knees crossed.

In fact, he has been thinking about these problems. He doesn't want Suzhen in black to take risks, but does everything come with his own will?

It's obviously impossible!

This matter, if Black Yi Su Zhen does not want to go, no one can force her.

Chen Yang took a deep breath.

He knew that if he continued to make trouble, it would only embarrass everyone.

In that case, it's better to accept.

But if something really happened to Suzhen in black, he knew that he and Xuan Zhenghao could not live in peace any more.

He did not dare to think about the consequences, and could not accept the unexpected consequences of Suzhen in black.

He has lost so much!

Xuan Zhenghao has been paying attention to Chen Yang outside at this time. He thought Chen Yang would attack the crystal wall room crazily. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang sat down quietly.

Xuanzhenghao's eyes flashed a ray of comfort.

This guy never let himself down.

In the crystal wall room, Chen Yang was not idle, and then he began to study the crystal wall room.

He wants to try, if one day, he really and Xuan Zhenghao have a conflict. So he really has no resistance, let Xuan Zhenghao knead?

This is unacceptable to Chen Yang.

His mana is dispersed

Chen Yang also knows in his heart that if he really wants to fight xuanzhenghao, he must not do it in the imperial city of Dakang.

However, Xuan Zhenghao would not go anywhere else.

That's a real problem!

Chen Yang's magic power and divine sense swept the four crystal walls, which made him feel strange.

His people are in the room.

This is Chen Yang's feeling in the crystal wall room.

It's also visible to the naked eye!

But when he closed his eyes, he felt like he was sitting in the void of the universe.

as like as two peas, he shot the universe star.

Chen Yang opens his eyes again, and the crystal wall room is still in front of him.

So? Is the crystal wall in front of us an illusion or is the universe an illusion? Or are they all hallucinations?

So, what is real?

Chen Yang directly sacrificed Qingsi!

He has no intention of breaking out to stop Suzhen in black, but he also wants xuanzhenghao to look up to him.

I can't let him knead at will.

Green silk contains the grand idea of fengxiaoshen, which can ignore the gap of realm.

Chen Yang urges the idea of empress God in green silk, and suddenly, the grand and majestic atmosphere is released.

Then, Chen Yang's mana was infused into it, and the green silk immediately turned into three thousand green silk.Three thousand green silks form a blade storm around Chen Yang!

With such power, such thought, such divine power, the laws around you, and so many other forces are shattered.

This is Chen Yang's first step.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao just went to the imperial study.

In the imperial study, Queen Yongle just came in. She will all palace maids and eunuchs wave push, and then help Xuan Zheng Hao pinch shoulder.

They have been married for many years, but their relationship is as good as ever.

Xuan Zhenghao is very fond of Yongle, and never interested in other beauties.

His interests used to be magic, wife, children!

Now is the boat of one dollar, wife, child!

Empress Yongle is also practicing. Although she doesn't pay much attention to practice, her husband is so outstanding, so her progress is also gratifying. Now her cultivation has reached the realm of creation!

Queen Yongle is more and more beautiful.

At this time, she stood behind Xuan Zhenghao and gently massaged his temples.

Xuan Zhenghao felt that he enjoyed it very much. He was still dealing with some official business, but he was not in the mood at this time. His hand could not help passing Yongle's skirt and gently stroking her white thigh.

The empress of Yongle was slightly shocked, and her body suddenly became soft.

Her hand also gently downward exploration.

Two people in the imperial study passion is not once or twice. Sometimes when we change the environment, we have a different sense of excitement.

But at this time, Xuan Zheng Hao's expression suddenly a Lin.

Yongle is tiny a Zheng, she also perceived Xuan Zheng Hao's dissimilarity. She immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

The lust of the two men faded.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a bitter smile: "I've trapped Chen Yang in the crystal wall room. This time, I'm going to let Bai Suzhen go back to the market? He didn't agree. So we use the strong ones. "

"Isn't that right?" Yongle worried, said: "once Bai Suzhen out of any accident, between you and Chen Yang?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "there is no way to do this. We have to do great things. If we want to stop lingzun, we can't be afraid of wolves before and tigers after. All hiding at home, can we succeed in the end? Moreover, I have confidence in Bai Suzhen. "

After a pause, he said, "I'm going to concentrate on Chen Yang. I thought he couldn't make waves in the crystal wall room. Unexpectedly, he was destroying my border. If it goes on like this, it's really possible for him to break through the wall! "

Yongle nodded and said, "OK, you should concentrate on dealing with it."

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