In the crystal wall room, Chen Yang relies on the power of the Phoenix queen in the green silk, and is guided by the majestic spirit And with his powerful mana as the foundation, he really swept away all the mysteries around him.

Follow, Chen Yangyi points out!

In the void, green silk suddenly cut into one of the crystal walls.

Infinite crystal wall is unpredictable, but at this time, green silk directly cut. All the crystal walls no longer move.

Chen Yang felt that the power entered the crystal wall, just like a bullock into the sea.

Then, the green silk fell into the crystal wall.

Chen Yang opens the world before his eyes.

Chen Yang's figure flashed and followed Qingsi into it.

He saw the great power around him, the vast starry sky

It seems that there is no array, but the array is hidden in it. Chen Yang's figure moves with Qingsi lightning. Every time he moves, he is cracking a change. His body method is faster and faster. He wants to walk out of the one yuan boat like this.

Xuan Zhenghao is more and more frightened. He immediately drives his strength and changes his array.

Finally, he clapped again.

It was in the imperial study that he clapped it.

While Chen Yang was in the starry sky, a handprint suddenly came down on his head. As soon as you grasp the handprint, countless crystal walls condense.

Chen Yang was solving the array and countless equations. But in front of my eyes, all of a sudden, time and space are in chaos.

Finally, he looked around, but it was the crystal wall room again.

Chen Yang goes to feel Qingsi again, but Qingsi loses contact with him.

"Emperor, you are deceiving me." Chen Yang can't help shouting and says.

Xuan Zhenghao's voice came quickly. He laughed and said, "Chen Yang, you really make me look up to you again. Your understanding of the boat of one yuan is as fast as mine. However, I did not say that I would not stop it. You don't have Qingsi now. You can try again. Remember, don't use your fatalism. We're not enemies. That's not how life is wasted. "

Chen Yang is speechless.

He naturally won't use big fatalism, he is also very clear in the heart, Xuan Zhenghao is not the enemy. The life span of great fatalism can't be so extravagant.

But there was nothing to do here, so he began to crack the boat of one yuan again.

Xuan Zhenghao agreed with Tang Ling for three days, but Chen Yang was trapped in the crystal wall room of the boat of one yuan after a day.

As soon as the appointed time arrives, Xuan Zhenghao makes an appointment with Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin, Suzhen in black and Tang Ling on the one yuan bridge. In recent days, Suzhen in black with Chen Yang's puppet prosthesis and Tang Ling are inseparable.

This is also to give the guy in Tang Ling's brain an illusion. That is, we're not doing anything.

This Chen Yang is absolutely a fake.

On the one yuan bridge, Xuan Zhenghao and the three sit cross on their knees, and then begin his performance. He said to Tang Lingshen, "Mr. Tang, I have been calculating the place to return to the ruins these days. It's a dangerous place to return to the ruins. I always feel that there is no need for you to take such a strange risk. Besides, you all have children. So I don't think we should go any more. "

Tang Ling was stunned.

He thought that he had explained something to xuanzhenghao, and that he would be able to help and cooperate with xuanzhenghao.

He was in a hurry and said, "emperor, how can we not go? It's a great opportunity. "

Xuanzhenghao was also a little annoyed and said, "Mr. Tang, I said that everyone has children and women. You also have a wife and children, you can not care about the wife and children. But we don't care. In a word, I don't agree to go! "

Suzhen in Black said immediately, "emperor, we have also experienced many difficulties and dangers. Although this place is dangerous, it also has great opportunities. I think we can go. "

"No one is allowed to go Xuan Zhenghao has a tough attitude. After he finished, he said, "of course, Mr. Tang is going. I have no right to stop him."

Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin had a good idea in mind, and they looked at each other. Later, Fu Qingzhu advised Tang Ling and said, "brother Tang, since the emperor is against it, I advise you not to go. Why do we have to have a good life, but do we have to take such a risk? "

Qin Lin also said, "yes!"

Tang Ling doesn't know xuanzhenghao very well. He only knows that he has many tricks. So at the moment, he can't understand Xuan Zhenghao's mind.

He has his own troubles.

Suzhen in black stopped talking.

Tang Ling thought, after all, he still has a little hope for Xuan Zhenghao, so he said: "well, since the emperor means that, then I can't force others to do something."

He got up and said, "goodbye!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tang," he said. "We're not far away."

Tang Ling left the boat of one yuan, and then directly left the teleportation array and went to the world.

He then left the earth from the world.However, as soon as he flew out of the earth, someone came after him.

Tang Ling's heart jumps fiercely. When he looks back, he sees Chen Yang coming.

They met in the void.

At this time, the sun shines, and the earth is below.

The outer layer of the earth is enveloped by the atmosphere.

Although the sun directly burst on the two people, they were indifferent.

Chen Yang came up and said, "brother Tang, you and I have met. I really don't understand why you have to go to Guixu. "

When Tang Ling saw Chen Yang chasing him, his mood suddenly became very complicated. He said in a deep voice, "if I want to go, I have my reason. Brother Chen Yang, why are you chasing me again? "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "I'm used to being loose and I like to rush everywhere. I want to go to the ruins after thinking about it. I still owe a lot of star stones. If I can get some star stones this time, it will be the best. Besides, you and I are friends and brothers. How can I let you risk it alone? "

Tang Ling was immediately happy and said, "so, brother, would you like to go back to the market with me?"

Chen Yang said: "I came to advise you not to go, but if you insist on going, I will go with you."

Tang Ling was overjoyed and said, "I will always remember the kindness of my brother."

Chen Yang said, "Hey, what are you doing between brothers. In that case, let's go! "

Tang Ling nodded.

After that, Chen Yang sacrificed the black hole crystal!

This black hole crystal was originally held by Chen Yang himself. Later, he thought that it would take a whole set to make a play. So Chen Yang gave the black hole crystal to Suzhen.

Now, Chen Yang's real identity is Suzhen in black.

No one dares to let Chen Yang out at this time. In case the other side makes a direct move, is Chen Yang finished?

Black clothes Su Zhen and Tang Ling talk, is all in accordance with the thinking mode set inside the prosthesis to speak.

Seeing that Chen Yang had taken out the black hole crystal, Tang Ling said, "I'd better use my boundless immortal mansion to drive. This one should be faster."

Suzhen in black was stunned and then said with a smile, "well, I want to see this legendary thing like boundless fairy house."

Then, Suzhen in black clothes collected the black hole crystal, and entered the boundless immortal mansion with Tang Ling.

As soon as she entered the immortal mansion, Suzhen in black could not help looking around.

The location of Suzhen and tangling in Heiyi is the center of boundless immortal mansion. There is a huge Leichi in front of them.

Thunder is booming, electric light is flashing!

Surging thunder and lightning in the rolling, such as a dragon in them.

Tang Ling waved his hand, and the boundless immortal mansion shrank in an instant, moving towards the void.

The inner space of boundless immortal mansion is very large, but it can't be compared with imperial Tianzhou.

At the beginning, Suzhen's map of mountains and rivers and the country also had a vast world inside, and even that kind of world was no smaller than the imperial Tianzhou.

But the nature of the empire is different from that of the state.

Everything in the map of mountains and rivers is to collect the soul of mountains and rivers to cultivate everything. Everything is a space array, and the way of change is contained in it.

All, it's not strange that there are heaven and earth in it!

The imperial sky boat is different. It is made of different materials.

At the beginning, the map of mountain, river and country is a map first, and then filled in, moistening!

And the Empire Tianzhou began to build huge things.

Finally, it carries the power of the world in it, so the way of change in it can not produce much effect.

The picture of mountains and rivers can be reduced to the center of Su Zhen's eyebrows.

Boundless fairy house is also OK!

However, the boat of one yuan can not.

There is also the imperial sky boat, not to mention.

At the beginning, the Hunyuan Taiji map of Yuqing world was a special thing. Hunyuan Taiji diagram is integrated into the world power of Yuqing world.

Hunyuan Taiji diagram can drive the power of the world.

However, once Hunyuan Taiji shrinks, it is equivalent to losing the power of the world.

If the Hunyuan Taiji diagram is taken away from the world of Yuqing, it will also lose the power of the world.

Suzhen in black looked at the Leichi, her mind swept around, but she was also very attention, not too presumptuous.

With a smile, Tang lingchong said, "brother Chen Yang, I can show you my boundless immortal mansion."

Black dress Su Zhen is quite interested, but the mouth is to say: "if inconvenient, also calculate."

Tang Ling laughed and said, "between brothers, what's inconvenient there."

"In that case, I won't be a guest any more," she said. It is said that the master of boundless immortal mansion, the boundless old man, lives with heaven and earth. I am very curious! "

At this time, boundless fairy house has been in rapid progress!

Tang Ling takes Suzhen in black to look around. The boundless immortal mansion is full of array.It's mysterious and vast!

Tang Ling went on to say: "of course, the boundless old man will not live with heaven and earth. His age is about 100000 years. In fact, compared with people like the emperor of the universe, they are really younger generation. "

Suzhen in black nodded and said, "I see!"

Tang Ling said: "the boundless old man is my teacher. Look here, this is Jianshan!"

Black dress Su Zhen looks over, then see there is a big black iron mountain, the mountain is full of swords!

"There are 100000 swords! Once urged, they can attack and kill again and again with the power of sword soul mountain without any effort from me! "

Tang Ling said so.

"It's really extraordinary," Suzhen Heiyi said

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