If Heiyi Suzhen relies on the dark elements again, she will be sucked into the original cave.

After rushing into the whirlpool, Suzhen in black jumped into the cliff from the calm shore. Below Suzhen in black is a huge primitive cave.

Few people know the secret of the original cave.

All the hiding is in the original cave.

At this moment, tianqingge relies on zhenhaiding to make the space where Suzhen in Heiyi changes. The original cave was still a little far away from Suzhen in Heiyi. At this time, with the change of space, the original cave was close at hand.

Strong suction strangle over, the top of the vortex, and all the pressure poured down!

All dimensions have become chaotic and imperceptible.

Suzhen in black couldn't hold on any longer, so she was sucked into the original cave.

"Well, she's in." The day light song sees this, long relief.

They knew that there were many unknown dangers in the original cave, so they arranged the battlefield in the only calm layer of the sea.

What they didn't expect was that this plan failed in the end.

As a result, tianqingge had to start the second plan.

Using Zhenhai Ding to control the original cave.

"After entering the original cave, few people can survive." Longkongtong said in a deep voice.

"Or we can wait outside. Wait for work Mo Yunyu said.

Tang Ling said: "what if you die in it? What if she had an adventure in it and practiced for hundreds of years? What can we wait for here? "

Tianqingge nodded and said: "Tang Ling's words are reasonable. After entering the original cave, all changes will exceed our expectations. Fortunately, we also have zhenhaiding. Now, when we enter the original cave together, we must kill Bai Suzhen and Chen Yang. Live to see people, die to see corpses

In Zhenhai Ding, the miniature of Suzhen in black has disappeared.

The original cave is not the epitome of zhenhaiding.

Tianqingge took the lead, and the people went into the original cave.

Fish in

That long Kongtong and Mo Yunyu still have some hesitation, but Tang Ling doesn't stop at all. He is eager to help Xuan Zhenghao finish his plan.

At this time, he seemed to understand Xuan Zhenghao's plan.

Many experts enter the original cave, in the moment of entering, the huge suction, there are countless sea water particles, thunderbolt savagely cut over.

For example, the sand of the Ganges River, the meteorites in the sea particles and the universe are broken into the end, as well as all kinds of meteorites and so on!

All things in one furnace!

No matter you or the planet, or whatever you are.

After entering the ruins, they will melt into one furnace and turn into ashes!

The whole universe seems to be in a process of collapse.

Black hole engulfs!

Go back to the ruins!

When the masters entered the original cave, the scouring, strangulation, and the great and unimaginable mysteries were suppressed.

They suddenly feel the endless pressure!

Immediately, all the masters use their mana to resist the external strangulation.

Tianqingge is led by Phoenix crystal and zhenhaiding. Immediately, there were colorful protective films around them.

Many attacks and kills come over, and all of them are reduced to ashes!

People feel a lot more relaxed.

"Very good!" Tianqingge gave a cold smile and said, "after entering the original cave, zhenhaiding will gradually understand the situation here. Without zhenhaiding, Bai Suzhen would never get out. She has to take thousands of attacks every second here. She won't be able to hold it up in the end

When zhenhaiding gets used to everything here, it will also simulate the miniature of the original God cave. At that time, Suzhen in black will have no escape!

Tang Ling said nothing.

Tianqingge thought of something, and suddenly said to tangling, "why hasn't jiazun spoken all the time?"

Tang Ling's heart thumped. At this time, as long as he didn't answer correctly, he would fall short.

But how to lie?

No matter what he said, it would make the smart tianqingge suspicious. The only thing is to let kazun speak for himself.

However, kazun was dead and could not speak.

Tang Ling took a deep breath, suddenly respectfully said: "my Lord, jiazun is here!"

Tang Ling didn't imitate jiazun. Instead, he talked like he was controlled by jiazun.

Tianqingge and others are not suspicious.

Tianqingge said: "Tang Ling is still loyal. You can't be too harsh on him."

Tang Ling said, "yes, my Lord." After a pause, he said, "don't worry, my Lord. If you have subordinates to take care of Mr. Tang Ling, surely Mr. Tang Ling doesn't dare to be unfaithful."

The sky sings and laughs.

After entering the original cave thoroughly, all the experts have a boundless red furnace in front of them!It's no longer the sea, it's all raging.

Red furnace, melting heaven and earth into a furnace!

There are ten thousand square kilometers, the true melting pot of heaven and earth!

In the furnace, there are many colorful spots melting.

From the entrance of the original cave above, various substances are constantly involved.

All over the sky, there seems to be no life.

Tianqingge quickly uses zhenhaiding to fuse the furnace here, intending to find out Suzhen in black.

"Is this the most mysterious and ultimate place of Guixu?" Long Weigong looked around and said in a deep voice.

Longkongtong said: "the place of Guixu is said to be extremely mysterious. There are fierce beasts in the calm layer of the sea above, but most of them are not intelligent. This primitive cave seems to be a pure melting pot. It seems that this place of ruins is just like this! "

Mo Yunyu did not express his opinion.

Tang Ling is searching for Suzhen in black.

After listening to the words of the experts, tianqingge said: "this layer of furnace alone is not so simple. This is the first layer of furnace, and there are 17 layers below, one layer is more powerful than the other. After the 18th floor melting pot, there is Guixu dreamland, in which there are countless strange treasures, fierce beasts and divine beasts. After going in, no one can come out alive. So, I'm not going to take you in. In fact, even this furnace is hard to get out. But I have zhenhaiding and fengxiaojingshi. I believe I can get out. "

Longkongtong said: "it turns out that there is such a mystery, which seems not recorded in the ancient scriptures before. How do you know, my lord? "

Tianqingge said: "zhenhaiding is helping me understand this place quickly. In the final fairyland of returning to the ruins, there are many materials that have been tempered and will eventually evolve into the world. In that dreamland, no matter how high our cultivation is, we may fall into the gap between the dreamland and the reality. Because of that material, a stone may have evolved into a small world. There will be all kinds of microcosms of the universe and stars. Maybe we can find the microcosm of the imperial sky boat in that place. "

Long Weigong said, "I don't think it's necessary to say much about the land of Guixu. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's fight and make a quick decision! "

Tianqingge nods.

"Found it!" The sky light song suddenly says.

In the Haiding of that town, tianqingge sees Suzhen in black in the melting pot.

Tianqingge moves quickly, and many experts follow.

They have zhenhaiding, fengxiaojingshi protection, all the way past, unimpeded.

At this time, Suzhen in black is not easy.

She is suffering from this kind of majestic and violent furnace strangulation. If it wasn't for her experience of Du Lei robbery, other experts of the same level would have exhausted her mana here.

Moreover, this is just the first layer of furnace strangulation!

Black dress Su Zhen turns into thunder water, let furnace strangle, she is more firm will.

In this way, although mana is still consumed.

But the discomfort in her was diminishing.

However, at this time, tianqingge and others are like a boat in a sea of bitterness, coming with a unique light.

They quickly surrounded Suzhen in the middle.

The lamp of the bitter sea also wrapped up Suzhen in black. Therefore, the external furnace strangulation could not harm Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black quickly gathered her real body and appeared in front of the experts.

"Bai Suzhen, do you have any other means?" Tianqingge said coldly: "even here, the dark elements will be hanged to pieces. You have no way to go

Black Yi Su Zhen eyes a cold, way: "why nonsense!"

The day light song cold hum a, then but shout a way: "kill!"

At the same time, he also followed his hand to lead a crack in zhenhaiding!

In the crevice, the furnace strangulation enters.

Tianqingge is once again led by fengxiaojingshi. In an instant, the strangling power in the crack forms a colorful color.

Seven colors of the color, seven colors of violent particles flash, the fire is gorgeous, like a dragon, toward the black Suzhen eyebrow kill in the past.

Long Weigong is not idle. As soon as he shakes his hand, Shi displays jiujueling, jiujueling, and yinrenhundong appears!

In that narrow space, the sound blade mixed hole appears infinite, just like a oven

But only for Suzhen in black!

At the moment, Suzhen in black is like being in an ancient well.

There are volcanic eruptions in ancient wells, furnace strangulation, mixed hole strangulation!

The experts stood at the mouth of the well, each exerting his magic power to make Suzhen in black die without burial.

Longkongtong, Mo Yunyu is not idle, they attack one after another!

He said, "the endless power of Guzhen's gallows is to kill you in Hei Su town. When I am more familiar with the situation here, I can also lead the second layer of furnace power. Bai Suzhen, you have no choice but to die. "What he said is absolutely true!

Black dress Su Zhen's body is under the attack of many forces, although she has experienced nine times of thunder, but in this way, facing many experts have been attacking and killing, she is finally exhausted.

All things are withered and flourished, so is the realm of man. No matter what you go to, you will have a good day in the end.

The emperor of the universe will also die!

The earth will die, the universe will die!

Suzhen in black could not bear such a powerful attack all the time.

"Nine heavy thunder robbing mixed cave!"

Black dress Su Zhen lightly drinks, once again cast nine heavy thunder to rob to mix hole.

Many forces were killed by Suzhen in black again.

But it didn't work, she spent countless mana, and the opponent changed hands to continue to attack and kill.

Especially the zhenhaiding, which is a light song in the sky. The zhenhaiding brings in the power of the furnace, continuous and endless

Seeing this going on, Suzhen in black would be dead.

Suzhen in black carries mana and her body changes a lot. She tried to fight several times, but failed

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