In tianqingge's opinion, all the resistance of Suzhen in Heiyi is a meaningless dying struggle.

Originally, the situation of Suzhen in Heiyi was not so bad. She struggled in this furnace before. Although her body was being hanged, she was also being tempered.

Some materials can still hold up to 18 layers of melting furnace. Black clothes Suzhen is refined from nine heavy thunder robberies. Why can't it hold up this kind of refining?

But now, due to the participation of tianqingge and others. This group of experts, all kinds of power to kill down, this is not a simple quenching, but different power system to crush.

There's a little bit of helplessness in Melanie.

But Black Yi Su Zhen still didn't give up, she really can't support, just can launch that nine heavy thunder rob to mix a hole to come out.

At this time, Tang Ling suddenly yelled: "bad, Chen Yang is about to run away..."

When tianqingge and others heard Chen Yang's two words, they couldn't help shaking their hearts.

At the moment when their hearts were shaking, Tang Ling took the hand, and he was always ready

At that critical moment, Tang Ling gathered the boundless immortal mansion, and urged 100000 swords, 100000 Shuling and Leichi

All the strength condenses, condenses into a tiny sword light!

The light of the sword is as thin as a needle.

Sword light lightning cut away, directly hit the sky light song Zhenhai Ding.

Tianqingge itself is very sensitive. If Tang Ling is attacking tianqingge, tianqingge can detect it in advance. However, Tang Ling will all kill heart convergence, finally condensed into a silk light.

It's a very deep skill!

That sword light is called stealing heaven needle!

Once it breaks out, it has the power to frighten the world and cry ghosts.

The stealing needle burst out suddenly. Zhenhaiding could not bear such a magic weapon. In an instant, it burst out

"Tang Ling, you want to die!" At that moment, tianqingge also realized what had happened. He was furious, his eyes were red, and roared.

As soon as Tang Ling turned, he ran away. He was wearing armor, which was exactly what the boundless immortal mansion had condensed.

The boundless immortal mansion was tempered in the black hole for countless years, so it is difficult to shake the boundless immortal Mansion by this furnace.

Tang Ling fled into the furnace.

Tianqingge and others lost zhenhaiding, and they could not escape the furnace.

It's obviously not enough to rely on chicken crystal alone.

Tianqingge and other experts immediately use their mana to resist the outside world. At the same time, Suzhen in black finally gets the chance and escapes.

As soon as her figure flashed, she also entered the furnace.

At this time, Suzhen in black also understood what had happened, and she was relieved of Tang Ling.

At the moment, the body flashed and quickly came to Tang Ling.

"Miss Bai, I'm guilty. When this happens, I'll save my wife and daughter. When it comes time, I'll kill her or cut her. I'll take care of her!" When Tang Ling saw Su Zhen in black, he immediately pleaded guilty.

Black dress Su Zhen nods, say: "now need not say these more, concentrate to answer an enemy."

Tang Ling said: "OK, but white girl, you can come into my fairy house now. You can use any pills I have. I'll deal with them first. "

"You're kidding me." "How can you deal with them?" she said

Tang Ling said: "but, you..."

"You don't have to worry about me," she said

While he was talking, long Weigong suddenly came.

Although Tang Ling owns the boundless immortal mansion, he moves slowly in it and can't escape their pursuit.

But Tang Ling didn't have much trouble.

He seems to be at ease here.

Tianqingge and other lingzun were not frightened by the first layer of furnace. Soon, they adjusted their strategy.

Another magic weapon, the ancestral dragon armour, was offered by longweigong!

This ancestral Dragon God armour is the magic weapon of dragon Wei Gong. He won't show it until he has to.

At this time, long Weigong obviously didn't care about that much.

The Dragon God armour is majestic and glittering. After wearing it, it looks like the God of war.

At the same time, he let tianqingge and other experts hide in ZuLong's armor.

There are 3600 dragon scales on the ancestral Dragon God armor. It was when the emperor of the ancestral dragon shed his skin and changed the scales that he made this ancestral Dragon God armor.

In the inner core of ZuLong God armour, there is also the Dragon God pool built by his majesty ZuLong himself!

The Dragon God pool can absorb external energy, then refine it, and provide energy for the Dragon God armor.

At this point, the power of the furnace twisted in.

Long Weigong can't absorb all of them. His ancestral dragon scales block the furnace from strangling and absorb part of the energy. Part of the energy is converted into Mana by longweigong, and then helps ZuLong Shenjia block the furnace strangulation.

In this way, it can also be regarded as a cycle, endless.Long Weigong stops Tang Ling and Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black stares at long Weigong as she resists the furnace strangulation. She was also aware of the mysterious and powerful magic armor on longweigong.

At this time, the voice of tianqingge came.

Others are in the divine armor, but they are very insightful to the outside world. They can even send out powerful attack and kill power.

Tianqingge was very angry and said, "Tang Ling, it seems that you have killed jiazun?"

Tang Ling had nothing to hide at this time, and said, "that's right!"

Tianqingge said, "are you not afraid of my mark in your mind?"

Why don't you try

Tianqingge has not detonated the mark, that is, he has predicted that the mark may not kill Tang Ling.

Well, it's better to keep the mark in the future, it will have more effect.

Tang Ling wants tianqingge to set off his mark, but tianqingge is not fooled.

"Your wife, your daughter, is still in Tianzhou. Don't you dare disobey us? " Tianqingge said.

Tang Ling sneered and said, "you and I know very well in our hearts. Even if we arrest brother Chen Yang this time, can you release my wife and daughter? I think very clearly that you will either continue to arrest them and threaten me until I am useless, you will kill them, and then you will kill me, too. The reason I promised you to come here is to make a bet. "

The sky light song sinks a voice way: "gamble?" He seemed to understand something.

Then tianqingge said, "it seems that there are experts waiting for us besides Guixu. If I guess correctly, there will be Tianfei and Zhang Daoling. If they don't come in, they're just waiting for us to go out, right? "

Tang Ling was silent.

He didn't expect that when he said it casually, he was guessed by tianqingge.

In fact, Tang Ling did not know the specific arrangements. But he intuitively felt that tianqingge was right.

At this time, Suzhen in black also spoke. She sneered and said, "yes, that's the plan. Chen Yang and I are here. You won't have time to breathe. "

Tianqingge said: "no one can do everything, neither can xuanzhenghao. Zhenhai Ding and ZuLong Shenjia are beyond xuanzhenghao's calculation. We can spend it here until you are exhausted. And ZuLong armor protects us, we won't have any damage

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