Chen Yang's first step is to enter the small world.

Eight gold pagodas stand in the direction of eight trigrams. Each gold pagoda has its own array. Chen Yang sits in the center. Mana communicates with Hunyuan Qingqi and eight gold pagodas. He urged the mana, and the Jinta's array would flow.

Back and forth circulation, cycle!

The claw of the first dragon before Chen Yang had infinite dragon Qi inside, such as monstrous magic power.

And this Hunyuan Qingqi is even more magical. Hunyuan Qingqi has infinite plasticity.

Chen Yang's xuanhuang Shengu seed also has the spirit of Hunyuan.

He had done a thorough study of Qingsi earlier, and at this time he urged Hunyuan's spirit. The eight golden pagoda arrays circulate, and the Hunyuan Qingqi forms a huge vortex around the eight golden pagodas After this, the clear air toward the small world outside lightning and thunder, and finally wrapped the whole green silk.

The green silk could not stand the quenching, but now the fresh air was flowing, and it was like a supplement of strength and nutrition.

Soon after, green silk recovered as before.

Chen Yang once again made his way to the 11th floor furnace.

All the way to the 17th layer furnace

The 17 layer furnace is the furnace of yin and Yang.

In the melting pot of yin and Yang, white ice and blazing flame hang together, forming a strange spectacle of red and white.

The whole furnace layer is interwoven all over the sky, and it is as vast as in the ocean.

Each layer of the furnace center is different, and people in it, simply can not distinguish where is the central zone.

It's very hard to find that access point!

And it's harder and harder!

When Chen Yang entered the melting pot of yin and Yang, he felt that the attack from the outside world was more than ten times stronger than before.

His mana is accelerating.

In terms of Chen Yang's mana, it was impossible to reach the 17th floor. But he has green silk to protect his body, and he really comes all the way.

But everything has its time!

At this time, green silk is no longer available.

While Chen Yang runs Hunyuan Qi, he also consumes his own mana. The extent of this consumption is incalculable. And now, the attack and kill speed of the outside world is far faster than the speed of his added mana.

The protective film on the outer layer of the green silk is getting thinner and thinner, and it's about to burst.

In the whirlpool of yin and Yang, the cycle of yin and Yang is endless, and one wave is stronger than another

Chen Yang also tried to use wordless Tianbei and great phagocytosis, xuanhuang Shengu seeds to devour and dissolve the strangled particles from the outside world. However, the wordless stele has been damaged and can no longer be used.

That kind of particle strangulation, and crazy attack, is equivalent to countless creation environment of more than five masters, tireless, endless attack!

Chen Yang felt that it was a great fortune that he could stick to the 17th level.

He just relied on the quick lightning of green silk to quickly find the passageway and enter the next layer.

But green silk's endurance has reached the limit.

But at this time, Chen Yang also knew that once he received the green silk, in the blink of an eye, he would die with the phantom.

It's very scary.

The power of yin and Yang strangling, ice particles hit green silk, just like nails.

Flame particles are like hammers, hammering nails violently, driving the force into the human body.

Chen Yang complained repeatedly that he wanted to quickly find a way to enter the 18th layer furnace. But the ocean is endless.

It's like an ant in a bathtub trying to find the exit at the bottom.

Although the channel at the bottom has vortices to absorb particles and matter into the next channel, it is tiny relative to the whole furnace layer. Chen Yang couldn't feel it at all.

Life and death are at stake

At this time, the phantom is not helpful at all.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt that Suzhen in black was in the furnace.

At this critical moment, Chen Yang once again showed his killer mace.

"Great fatalism!"

He still has half a million years to live.

But Chen Yang doesn't dare to use it easily. He knows that even great fatalism can't afford to be consumed in this damned place.

Fortunately, he finally made it to this time, close to Suzhen in black.

Black Yi Su Zhen and Tang Ling are really in the melting pot of yin and Yang on the 17th floor at the moment. All the way down, Black Yi Su Zhen relies on her own ideas.

Long Weigong and his party have ancestral Dragon Armor!

Chen Yang has green silk!

Therefore, it is difficult to transform the energy between wuyizhen mansion and wuyibian mansion.

Black clothes Su Zhen all the way down, the body compatible with each layer of furnace.

Her speed is not fast, when compatible with the fifth layer furnace, she thinks the speed is too slow.With the 17th floor of the furnace, she was able to withstand the speed of strangulation.

Suzhen in black wants to harden at level 18, and then see if she can recover all her strength at level 18.

The fairyland makes Suzhen in black uneasy. She is afraid that the later she goes, the more passive the situation will be.

It was because of her anxiety that Suzhen in black found something bad when she arrived at the 17th floor. Because she did not fully understand and absorb the furnace in front of her, she is now very passive.

The melting pot of yin and Yang is like the strangulation of purgatory. The ice and fire are not the general strength.

It's easy to get down, but difficult to get up.

Even with Suzhen's ability in black, it's hard to go up and understand again. She doesn't seem to have the energy.

All over the sky, red and white vortex particles, magic fire and ice blend together, and they coexist strangely.

Only one tenth of a second, you can attack and kill 3800 times!

This kind of attack and killing is hopeless.

The black clothing Su Zhen turns into thunder water, the cold ice particle enters into the thunder water, at the same time the divine fire particle is also in it, both strangle, and derive more power.

Yin Yang cycle!

Suzhen in black tried to use nine kinds of thunder to rob the hole!

But even the nine thunder robbers in this kind of attack and kill, but also immediately collapsed.

For a moment, Suzhen in black was in the most desperate situation.

At this moment, Suzhen in black was full of remorse. She knew that she was still making old mistakes and was too conceited.

But now there is no turning back.

Seeing this, Tang Ling displayed the boundless immortal mansion.

Black Yi Su Zhen is a little panting, and quickly absorbs the pills.

Tang Ling protected the boundless immortal mansion with powerful magic power and ancient fierce beast.

But it doesn't work.

Because the strangulation of yin and Yang melting pot goes round and round. In a flash of lightning, there are thousands and tens of thousands of attacks, and they will never be tired.

It's hopeless!

Tang Ling's power dried up rapidly, and the protection of boundless immortal mansion began to have problems, and there were slight cracks. If it was delayed, it would disintegrate.

Tang Ling did not take back the boundless immortal mansion. At this moment, he was not afraid of death, but worried about the safety of his wife and daughter.

He hates his incompetence!

Also feel guilty to drag black clothes Su Zhen to this point.

Tang Ling then said to Suzhen in Black: "white girl, my boundless immortal mansion can last for one minute at most. Sorry, it's because of me that you're here. Unfortunately, I have no chance to make it up to you. Unfortunately, I still didn't save my wife and daughter. If I could, I should have killed them myself, so that they would not suffer humiliation and suffering on the imperial boat of lingzun Goodbye, white girl

Black dress Su Zhen ignore Tang Ling, she also know, the time has come!

Suzhen in black came up with her sister's appearance in her mind. She thought of her aging appearance before she died.

"In this life, I can't compensate you for half a cent, and you can't hear my apologies. Sister, I really want you to know that I regret I regret not having treated you. If the fate can come again, I'm willing to lose all my persistence and stubbornness and be a sister who loves you so much

"Chen Yang At the last moment of my life, I have my sister in my mind, and then you. Really, thank you, too. I think if it wasn't for you in my life, I don't think I could survive until now. Without you, everything would be meaningless. "

"I didn't expect that Bai Suzhen would eventually die like this. Life is really wonderful!"

Just when Tang Ling and Suzhen in black are determined to die and are ready to meet the strangulation in the melting pot of yin and Yang, a miracle happens.

When the cracks on the boundless immortal mansion gradually increased and were about to disintegrate, a gray force came by lightning and finally enveloped the boundless immortal mansion.

Tang Ling had been like an ordinary person, choked by the throat, his face was purple, completely out of breath. At this moment, suddenly, the big hand that held his throat was released.

Tang Ling's boundless immortal mansion got a breathing time and was quickly repaired.

Tang Ling also seems to put down the heavy burden, gasping. This moment of comfort, it is impossible to describe.

It's like a person who has been holding his breath for a long time suddenly breathes fresh air.

Suzhen in black also sensed the change, and she also sensed the familiar fatalism.

At this moment, she already understood that Chen Yang had come.

It's Chen Yang.

But he has spent 100000 years of his life.

A life span of 100000 years can only last about two minutes.

Chen Yang's green silk has recovered. He doesn't know about Tang Ling and Su Zhen in black. But I know that Suzhen in black is in the boundless immortal mansion."Brother Tang, Su Su, come in quickly!" Chen Yang is in the air, and his body is shrouded in grey fatalism.

It's like wearing bee proof clothes while hundreds of millions of bees are attacking.

Tang Ling got a breathing time, and immediately accepted the boundless immortal mansion.

He and Suzhen in black fly to Chen Yang quickly All the way there is destiny.

Then, green silk flashed a blue light.

Then all the people went into the green silk.

"Brother Chen Yang!" When Tang Ling saw Chen Yang, he was as happy as if he had seen the great Savior.

Chen Yang nodded to Tang Ling, but his attitude to Tang Ling was subtle.

He didn't know exactly what happened. At this time, his only concern was Suzhen in black.

When Chen Yang saw that Suzhen in black was dressed in black and was in good condition, he felt relieved. But he also noticed that Suzhen's face was full of fatigue

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