One hundred thousand years of destiny is almost consumed, and the gray destiny begins to dissipate.

Chen Yang knows the power of this melting pot of yin and Yang It's impossible to consume fatalism like this. But Qingsi couldn't stand such attack.

When he saw Suzhen in black, Chen Yang was already worried.

He first asked Suzhen in black with concern and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Suzhen in black looks at Chen Yang. She just thought she was going to die. But it's not the first time for Chen Yang to feel like a God.

She still remembers that when she was in the sky, she and Ye Feng were trapped, and their lives were on the line. At that time, Chen Yang was so desperate that he fell from the sky.

Suzhen in black is capricious and impulsive. However, she is very introverted in her personal emotion. At the moment of Chen Yang's appearance, there is a warm current surging from the bottom of her heart, and tears almost burst into her eyes. She knew in her heart that no matter what she did for this man, it was worth it.

In the end, Suzhen in black, with a rare smile, said to Chen Yang, "I'm ok."

Chen Yang was slightly relieved. Then he felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry, I let you fall into such a dangerous situation again. Fortunately, you are OK. Otherwise, I don't know how to go... " At this point, his voice with a bit of choking, that is, can not go on.

"Even if I die, don't be too sad. Everyone will die," she said. We are no exception. "

Chen Yang shakes his head. He has a lot to say, but Tang Ling is not suitable to say. In addition, the current situation is urgent, and it is not suitable to share one's heart with another.

He loves Suzhen in Heiyi to the core!

he also thinks that he is a big turnip with flowery heart, but he has an unforgettable love for linger, Suzhen in Heiyi, Qiao Ning and Shen Moneng. Among these women, especially Suzhen in black, his feelings are more crazy.

Probably because he never really felt that he had Suzhen in black.

No matter how high one's accomplishments are, there are always emotional similarities. I am always obsessed with those who can't ask but are close to me.

"I can't hold on for long. Now the only way I can try is..." Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black.

Suzhen nodded and said, "try it!"

Chen Yang hasn't said what to do, but Suzhen in black already knows.

Tang Ling was confused.

Chen Yang immediately communicated with the phantom and let the phantom stay in the green silk. He was afraid that in the spiritual cultivation of himself and Suzhen in black, Suzhen in black's Lei Yuan would hurt the phantom.

Phantom has a natural fear of Suzhen in black, so she obediently leaves Chen Yang's brain.

After that, Suzhen in black turned into thunder water.

Then, Suzhen in Black got into his brain from Chen Yang's ears. Then, their mana began to merge.

This kind of mana fusion is extremely difficult.

But for Chen Yang and Suzhen in black, it's as if they are one. There is no difficulty in merging.

You don't have to go through the process of looking at each other, remembering each other, and understanding each other.

Moreover, Suzhen in black is generally too lazy to see Chen Yang's memory.

If you see Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong, and other women, it's also a hindrance to her.

After the success of spiritual cultivation, Chen Yang felt strong and comfortable.

Yin and Yang blend together, moistening the whole body like spring breeze and drizzle.

At that moment, Chen Yang felt that he had embraced Suzhen in black.

He felt like he hugged her all over. It was like you have me and I have you.

He knows what he thinks.

Suzhen in black also felt very happy.

She felt Chen Yang's full, deep love.

At this moment, it was as if he had returned to the celestial sphere, the day when he loved her endlessly.

Chen Yang can also feel the heart of Suzhen in Heiyi. There is love in her heart, but she has been suppressing it.

Chen Yang knows that he can give up everything.

He dares to let Shen Molong, Qiao Ning and ling'er know that he loves Suzhen in black. But Suzhen in Heiyi can never accept this.

The magic power of the two is integrated, and there is a magical pregnancy between yin and Yang.

Chen Yang laughs and then leaves Qingsi.

Tang Ling and the phantom are in the green silk.

Chen Yang turns the green silk into a tiny silk and swallows it into his stomach.

He is not afraid of Tang Ling playing tricks in Qingsi, because he and Qingsi are closely linked, once there is a change in Qingsi. His powerful mana will control Qingsi and stop Tang Ling. At the same time, between lightning and thunder, green silk can also leave Chen Yang's body.

At this moment, Chen Yang appeared in the melting pot of yin and Yang as a pure body.

The cold ice particles and the magic fire particles immediately thundered and killed hundreds of millions of people madly

It's more terrifying than wanlei's chop. Yin and Yang cycle, and it's endless. One attack can lead to countless cuts.But at this time, Chen Yang's body was shrouded by Lei Yuan, and their mana became yin-yang mana, which was also a cycle of Yin-Yang!

Although Suzhen in black is a strong woman, she likes Chen Yang to protect her.

So at this time, Suzhen in Heiyi didn't give any advice, let alone think about countermeasures, but fully cooperated with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang runs mana and performs great phagocytosis!

Great phagocytosis combined with the power of yin and Yang quickly quenched the Yin and Yang furnace into pure energy. The black coat Suzhen was seriously damaged, so it was greedily absorbed at this time.

On the other hand, Chen Yang's body is also protected by the power of yin and Yang.

The two sides were hanged together, but soon became one.

Finally, Chen Yang is as free as a fish in the water.

The power of the melting pot of yin and Yang is like the spring breeze.

Soon, Suzhen in black also returned to its heyday.

Chen Yang also found the entrance of the corridor in the Yin Yang furnace, which is the entrance to the 18th layer furnace, the alchemy furnace.

Without hesitation, Chen Yang quickly penetrated into the alchemy furnace.

In the melting pot of alchemy, blood is red!

Blood red particles crazy strangle, quickly cut over to Chen Yang.

In a flash, hundreds of millions of attacks!

It was a crazy attack, a suffocating attack.

Chen Yang's Lei Yuan is all over his body, forming a black Lei Yuan armor.

In leiyuan, yin and Yang circulate, and countless forces are destroyed by the magical power generated by the fusion of yin and Yang!

The blood red particle is not simple!

the 18th layer furnace is the last one, which can refine the existence of God!

The power in the blood red particles is highly toxic and can be turned into a micro world. It's going to go deep into the human bone marrow.

That is, the master of creation jiuzhong doesn't have any special means to protect himself. Once he falls into this level of purgatory.

In a flash, it will turn into white bone.

Chen Yang's Lei Yuanshen armor resists the blood red particles, but the blood red particles quickly turn into the marrow of the bone and enter the Lei Yuanshen armor.

If Lei Yuan's armor is an immortal weapon, it will turn into poisonous water at this moment.

But the inner part of Lei Yuan Shen Jia is the power of Yin Yang cycle

Yin and yang can give birth to all things

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