At the beginning of all things, yin and Yang gave birth to a variety of strange species.

At this time, the poison of the blood red particle is immersed in the thunder yuan God armor.

However, white lotus flowers suddenly appeared in Lei Yuan Shen Jia

There are two kinds of power in this world, the first is the power of destiny!

the second is the power of yin and Yang. The magic of these two powers lies in that even if Chen Yang exerts this kind of power, he never understands it. I don't know where their bottom line and upper line are.

Normally, Chen Yang's magic power is like moving bricks and fighting with his own strength. However, once these two forces are exerted, they are equivalent to sitting on the shoulders of giants. Anyway, it is not clear how capable giants are. The giant can do anything.

The white lotus flowers were quickly dyed red by the blood red particles, but soon they turned into white lotus flowers.

Chen Yang didn't feel any abnormality in his body.

Although this alchemy furnace is terrifying and extinct, Chen Yang can still be invincible by relying on the power of yin and Yang. Chen Yang smiles at Su Zhen in black and says, "Su Su, I find this combat mode is very good. We can fight like this. Even if a master of creation is in front of me, I will not be afraid. "

Suzhen in black also smiles.

Chen Yang used to call her Bai Suzhen, but now he calls her Su Su.

This nickname, only Chen Yang dare to shout so.

When others yell, she will feel uncomfortable, too.

No one dares to shout like that.

Only Chen Yang called her that. She felt happy and comfortable.

Suzhen in Black said with a smile: "when you didn't come, they were two masters of creation nine, and two masters of creation eight. I had nothing to do with them. Now you're fighting with me, and you say you can only deal with one! "

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "are you not hurt?"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "you ask this is not superfluous, I have not been injured, you should be very clear ah!"

Chen Yang said: "that must be very dangerous. If I had known, I couldn't have let you come alone

She said, "you didn't agree. I want to come myself."

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then said, "sometimes I think if you die, I will die with you. But I thought of ling'er and her baby. And Nianci, monong and Qiao Ning About, I'm not qualified to die with you. So I thought, "what would I do without you for the rest of my life?"

Suzhen in black also fell into silence.

Then she said, "let's not say that again. There are some things that should not be mentioned. You understand, don't you?"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "yes, I understand."

After that, Chen Yang concentrated on finding the exit from the 18th layer furnace.

Export is not easy to find, alchemy furnace is more vast.

Chen Yang also searched for a long time, and finally found the exit.

Before going out, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are already in their prime.

But Su Zhen in black tells Chen Yang that there are several dangers to go out at the moment, so she needs to be prepared in advance.

"I had a physical advantage against them in the furnace before," she said. It's not easy to go out now. They have so many experts that we can't fight hard. However, there are many possibilities. For example, first, they have been injured, or tired, and left here directly. Then maybe Zhang Daoling and the imperial concubine of that day will catch him now. Of course, such a beautiful thing will not happen. But as soon as we go out, it will be very difficult to enter the furnace. "

Chen Yang said: "I know it in my heart, but we have to go out, too. This is not a good place! "

"That's it!" Suzhen Heiyi said After a pause, she said, "in addition, even if they don't exist in Guixu, it's not a good place."

Chen Yang said, "I know all about it, but there are still many treasures in Guixu."

"Be careful," Suzhen Heiyi said

Chen Yang said, "don't worry!"

Green silk has recovered as before!

Tangling side, boundless fairy house has been restored.

During this period, Chen Yang also heard everything about Tang Ling from Suzhen in black. Therefore, Chen Yang has no problem with Tang Ling.

Chen Yang let Tang Ling also hide in the green silk.

The corridor from the 18th floor furnace is a different corridor. Before the corridor is like a furnace hanging, but this corridor in the air dense, people feel very comfortable.

Chen Yang felt that every cell in his body was happy.

Chen Yang felt strange in his heart.

Black Yi Su Zhen then said: "is there a kind of hard stone grinding success, the last polishing procedures?"

That's what Chen Yang thought. He said with a smile, "that's right!""This kind of Qingqi can cure injuries, but it can't be grasped, it can't be condensed," she said. It's a natural thing here. So, you have to think about it carefully. Even if the lingzuns of long Weigong are injured, they may have been cured in this corridor. "

Tang Ling told Chen Yang the names of those lingzuns.

Chen Yang's heart sank and said, "it seems that the emperor has miscalculated."

"Don't be too superstitious about anyone. No one can do everything," she said. Including the emperor of the universe

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I understand that!"

The corridor in front of Chen Yang's eyes was soon shuttled through. Chen Yang's fresh air disappeared, and then he was suddenly enlightened.

But this kind of cheerful and different, like floating in the air.

In the void, there are endless Something like a jellyfish.

All kinds of jellyfish, colorful.

Some jellyfish are very small, hundreds of times smaller than ants. They are just microbes. Some jellyfish are like mountains.

This is a brilliant void, beautiful and boundless.

Besides jellyfish, there are countless microbes.

Chen Yang did not dare to relax his vigilance at the moment. He left and showed his great eye skill.

Combined with Heiyi Suzhen, the great eye skill has been improved 100 times.

Chen Yang's eyes are like lightning. This sweeping shot can see through the void.

"The fairyland of Guixu is not something that any magic can see through. True is false, false is true Suzhen in black immediately reminds Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang sees the void below There is no bottom in the void below.

But there was a star stone floating in the air.

Chen Yang was so happy that he wanted to catch the star stone.

It's an instinct.

He had expected to return to the fairyland.

Suzhen in black immediately stopped and said, "no!"

Chen Yang is slightly a Zheng, way: "is it a trap?"

She said, "at least be careful. I just told you that true is false and false is true."

Chen Yang said, "you're right!"

"Let your puppet get it," she said

Chen Yang nodded.

He drove the puppet out, and then, puppet Chen Yang immediately grabbed the star stone.

Chen Yang, a puppet, is also the cultivation of the four aspects of creation. He is extremely fast and can be captured by big hands

Under the grasp, it was empty.

Chen Yang stands in the distance and looks at the fire from the other side. Then he clearly sees that the star stone suddenly enlarges and swallows the puppet Chen Yang directly.

Through Chen Yang, a puppet, Chen Yang sees the situation inside the star stone.

It's a planet inside the Starstone.

Inside is the kernel state, dark, everywhere is soil, iron and stone and so on.

In a flash, Chen Yang, the puppet, was placed in the inner core of the planet.

The inner core is full of red pulp!

Countless divine irons were turned into molten iron in an instant

"It's an illusion. It's a process in which the star stone is refined into a star stone." Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black.

"This star stone is not refined by experts, but is refined by 18 layer furnace," she said

"But the quality is definitely better than that refined by experts," Chen said

"That's right," Suzhen Heiyi said

Then, the puppet Chen Yang, under the control of the noumenon, directly broke through the illusions and illusions, and seized the star stone.

Puppet Chen Yang flies to Chen Yang and Chen Yang takes over the star stone.

Black Yi Su Zhen is also playing with the star stone, she said: "the star stone adheres to the air in this space, with a trace of viscosity. But I can't see what material it is, and I'm sure it's the material that brings about the mirage. "

Chen Yang said: "maybe everything in front of us is an illusion."

When he spoke, Suzhen in black had already used his hand to turn Lei Yuan and quench the star stone.

"In any case, the star stone is real," said Suzhen Heiyi

At this time, the phantom suddenly spoke.

Phantom communicates directly with Chen Yang in brain domain.

But Suzhen in black and Chen Yang are in a state of spiritual cultivation, so Suzhen in black can also hear the words of the phantom.

The phantom said, "this dreamland can't defeat me. Now I'm going to hide with green silk. By the way, I'll show you the way. "

Black dress Su Zhen was surprised, also with idea mutually ask: "who?"

Chen Yang quickly explained, and simply said the cause of the phantom.

After hearing this, Suzhen in black was silent for a moment and said, "the phantom, right? Maybe I can help you with your situation. But we'll have to wait until we get out here. "

The voice of the phantom immediately took a trace of excitement and said: "thank you, sister Bai!"Suzhen in black smiles.

The phantom then said to Chen Yang and Suzhen in black, "the situation here is very special. No one can open the dimension. So there's only one way out. But I don't know where the road is

"It's true that I can't sense the dimensions," she said

The phantom said, "but I can hide the green silk in the secret dimension of this dreamland."

Chen Yang said, "that's good. You and brother Tang will work together and kill each other unprepared."

The phantom said, "I have this plan."

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "if you are in the ordinary space, you can hide the green silk into the dimension. It suddenly occurred to me that when I was fighting against those masters of Guangyao, if I hid in the black hole crystal, would you hide the black hole crystal into the dimension? "

At that time, Chen Yang did not understand the phantom.

But now, Chen Yang comes up with this problem.

The phantom said, "I'm not an eight fold master of creation. I can cross dimensions with my own strength, but it's hard to carry magic weapons. I can only hide the green silk into the dimension for a moment, but if there is someone in the green silk, it will not be. I can't hide your black hole crystal. Because there's a lot of soul power in it. When these soul forces exist and try to hide, dimensions will be violent and chaotic. I don't have this ability. And if there are people and animals, that's even worse. If there is a rabbit in green silk, I can't hide it. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Suzhen in black suddenly asked, "what is the secret dimension?"

The phantom said: "the secret dimension is a dimension of the fog particles in the fairyland. Only I can feel it, I guess

"I really don't feel it," she said

Then, Chen Yang changed his mind and said, "what do you think we should do next?"

The phantom said, "next, I'll take a good look at the world. You tell me first, what kind of world you see. "

Chen Yang said about the world and the phantom he saw. Then he said strangely, "is the world you see different from mine?"

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