Chen Yang is really relieved.

Since Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui came to the earth, his heart has been hanging. Later, although I went to fengxiaoxing, it turned out that Ouyang Yu and inverse cangshui escaped.

Not to mention, these two goods actually went to take refuge in lingzun.

In recent years, Chen Yang has been worried that Ouyang Yu is holding a stomach of bad water.

Now, it's all settled.

Chen Yang goes to see ling'er and gives her some jade. After that, he began to study jade in ling'er.

There are about sixty different kinds of jade in his hand.

It's ten in the morning.

There is warm sunshine outside the courtyard. There is a sea of flowers in front of it, and the mountain flowers are brilliant.

Chen Yang is sitting in the courtyard, and ling'er is quietly accompanying him. She enjoyed the quiet time.

Chen Yang found that some of the jade in his hand were made with pure energy and could be absorbed as pills.

Some jade can be used to make arrays.

Some jades can also increase the effect of mirage.

If there are enough refining techniques, it is possible to create a magic mirror like tianqingge.

Chen Yang studies for a while. He looks at ling'er beside him and suddenly thinks of Qiao Ning.

He thought of Qiao Ning, also thought of blue and purple clothes and moon immortal!

Seven years have passed since the separation.

In the past seven years, there has been enough time.

But why is there still no news?

Chen Yang began to worry again.

He really wanted to go and have a look, but he didn't think time would allow.

What if they were just a little delayed?

I'll run there by myself. What if I'm staggered?

In case, what difficulties and accidents do they encounter?

That's what Chen Yang didn't dare to think.

He had a thousand speculations, but in the end he could do nothing.

The disaster of lingzun is close at hand. He can't ignore the things in front of him.

"Qiao Ning, Ziyi, xianzun, you must be good." Chen Yang prayed silently. "If there is anything wrong with you, I will certainly destroy the kingdom of laoshizi."

The days are quiet.

Suzhen in black has always been in Shennong world.

Sometimes Chen Yang wants to find her, but he finally puts up with it.

He didn't know what he could say to her?

Even talking about Acacia will make Suzhen in Heiyi feel pressure.

Can we just say something when we meet?

In that case, Chen Yang felt that he couldn't stand it.

In the twinkling of an eye, three months passed. Tianzhou is in May

The envoys were finally sent from the imperial Tianzhou.

The emissary is a god of heaven!

He came to make an appointment with xuanzhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao immediately sent Chen Yang, Suzhen in black, Tianfei and Zhang Daoling to exchange hostages.

Tang Ling got the news and insisted on going.

Xuan Zhenghao naturally can't stop him.

The location is about a month away from the earth.

Chen Yang goes to inform Suzhen in Heiyi that he goes directly to Shennong world and sends signals across the air.

I didn't enter the Galan hall this time.

Suzhen in black came out immediately after receiving the signal, and they met in the air.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

A thousand words, but in the end it can only be speechless.

Chen Yang knows that he is not qualified to be angry.

Black Yi Su Zhen's lips opened Zhang, also didn't say anything finally.

The party set out soon.

Tianqingge and moyunyu are handed over to Suzhen in black.

Although Zhang Daoling and Tianfei's accomplishments are above Suzhen in Heiyi, it seems that Suzhen in Heiyi is the most reassuring person.

Originally this time, Xuan Zhenghao also thought that it would be better if Chen Yang didn't go.

But xuanzhenghao also knows that Chen Yang always brings too many miracles. In addition, Chen yangruo and Suzhen in black will be invincible.

In terms of probability, Xuan Zhenghao believes that the other party doesn't dare to play any tricks.

As for the phantom, Xuan Zhenghao is also sent.

This time the lineup is quite luxurious.

Time flies. A month later

Liuguang Tiansuo went to a void of the universe.

All around the void is boundless darkness.

This is outside the solar system.

To be exact, it's been a long time since we left the solar system.

Lingzun emissary is called Fengyu.

Wind brought people to the front of a death star.The death star is wrapped in meteorite, without any vitality.

The people fell on the death star.

Then, all around yingyingchuo, then, lingzun master appeared in front of Chen Yang.

The leader is long Weigong!

There are five masters behind long Weigong.

The five masters are all eight and nine of creation.

A total of six experts.

This time, imperial Tianzhou also attached great importance to it.

At the same time, long Weigong went to Fengyun pavilion to find two masters.

By comparison, there are five people on Chen Yang's side.

Tang Ling's creation is only four, while Chen Yang's is only five. They are obviously at a disadvantage.

But once you do it, the situation will change greatly.

When exchanging hostages, Chen Yang asked the other party to hand over all the hostages first.

Long Weigong didn't say much, so he handed it in directly.

Tang Ling's wife nishang and daughter Tang Rong are safe and sound.

Long Weigong used the protective aperture to protect nishang and Tang Rong. Otherwise, they can't survive here. Tang Ling held his wife and daughter in his arms, and the whole family wept with joy.

Wu Fei was also released.

She looked very haggard.

Tianfei hugs wufei in her arms, which is very painful.

Then there are three people who respect the destiny!

They are the first, third and fourth cultivation of the creation environment.

They're all in a coma!

Finally, the reverse Cang water was also handed over.

At this time, the inverse Cang water is directly in a state of fainting

"Imperial concubine son, they concocted a few destiny person after all, is all at present these?" Tian Fei asked Wu Fei.

Wu Fei nodded.

Chen Yang saw the key point and asked, "where's Ouyang Yu?"

Long Weigong said in a deep voice: "dead, do you want any fragments?" "Dead?" Chen Yang was surprised. Then he said coldly, "we don't want dead people."

Long Weigong said, "Ouyang Yu committed suicide ahead of time. We have no choice."

"We have brought the greatest sincerity. Ouyang Yu's death is beyond our control," he said

Suzhen in Black said to one side, "in that case, hand over the pieces."

Long Weigong didn't say much. He raised his hand and countless pieces flew out.

Suzhen in black grabs her hand and takes it in.

At this time, Tianfei checks wufei's body.

She wants to make sure that Wu Fei has not been schemed by the other party.

Tang Ling also helps nishang and Tang Rong to have a physical examination. He has no problem after the examination, and asks the imperial concubine to have a physical examination.

Tianfei nodded and helped to check.

After confirming that there was no problem with each other, Suzhen also checked the fragments.

This fragment looks like this. It's really hard to determine whether it's from Ouyang Yu.

"Now, can we let our people go?" Long Weigong said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang pondered.

He asked Zhang Daoling, "Taoist priest?"

Zhang Daoling looks at Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black looked at longweigong and said, "in any case, you didn't meet our requirements. No one knows whether Ouyang Yu is dead or not! So, tianqingge can be played. Mo Yunyu, we're going to take it away. "

After she finished, she threw out tianqingge.

Long Weigong immediately grabs tianqingge and checks tianqingge's body. After he was sure that it was all right, long Weigong was slightly relieved.

"Light song, you suffer." Long Weigong said to tianqingge.

Tianqingge was very weak. He said with a wry smile, "my Lord, it's hard."

Behind long Weigong, a master of the nine peaks of creation coldly spoke.

This master is called xueluo!

Xueluo is tall, with one eye wide open, and a strong and unrivalled breath on his body.

He said coldly to Suzhen in Black: "cheap girl, we didn't want to make trouble today. If you dare not release people, you will get nothing today and die here. "

As he spoke, he was furious.

The rest of the lingzun masters roared out: "yes, since you don't speak faithfulness, then kill!"

This group of lingzun masters roared, and immediately released a terrible and majestic killing intention.

This sense of killing made nishang and Tang Rong lose color.

Tang Ling was surprised and immediately took nishang and Tang Rong into the boundless immortal mansion.

Chen Yang's eyes glowed with cold light. He pointed to the blood and said, "you brute, an dares to abuse Su Su. Today, I call you a place where you can't be buried."

Blood falls to shriek to laugh, way: "depend on you?"

"How about him? Long Weigong and Tian Qingge are all defeated by him. Who do you think you are Black Su Zhen eyebrows a vertical, Jiao Chiu blood fall.The blood fell in a daze.

"Mo Yunyu is here!" Suzhen in black suddenly grabs Mo Yunyu out of the main idea of robbery, and then cuts him with one hand.

Her palm power contains thunder and lightning. In the blink of an eye, she cuts Mo Yunyu into countless pieces.

"Come on, fight!" Suzhen in black drinks angrily.

The experts here are furious.

In an instant, the two sides were at each other's throats.

"Stop it Tianqingge opens her mouth.

He restrained his injury and said in a deep voice: "Ouyang Yu's life and death can't be explained. It's really our fault. In that case, let's go!"

"Why are we leaving? We did this just to kill Chen Yang? Now Chen Yang is here! " Another expert, Putuo, said immediately.

"Go The voice of tianqingge is severe.

Long Weigong stopped the crowd and said, "go!"

Seeing that tianqingge and longweigong are so determined, it's hard for them to say more. This line of experts, turn and go immediately.

In the blink of an eye, it has disappeared!

In that scene, there are still three people who are against cangshui, and three who respect heaven's destiny!

"Take them all back and leave them to the emperor for interrogation!" Chen Yang glanced at them and said.

Zhang Daoling said: "I'll check it first to see if there is any problem. All these lingzuns are harbouring evil intentions. It's so easy to talk this time that I always feel something strange in the middle. "

Chen Yang and others naturally have no opinions.

Zhang Daoling carefully examined these lingzuns, but found no problem.

He finally said: "when you get back to the earth, don't go in first, let the emperor check it first!"

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