A month later, the crowd returned to earth.

Before entering the earth, Zhang Daoling was cautious and asked Chen Yang to report back.

Chen Yang also felt that caution was always right, so he went back to Tianzhou first.

In the imperial city of Dakang, Chen Yang gets in touch with Xuan Zhenghao.

After hearing this, Xuan Zhenghao said, "OK, let me have a look."

Xuanzhenghao people are in Tianzhou Dakang Imperial City, but they exert the power of the world.

The power of the world directly broke through the barrier and quickly reached beyond the earth.

The power of the world formed xuanzhenghao's spirit, and then appeared in front of Zhang Daoling and others. People can't help admiring xuanzhenghao when they see his magical power.

Xuan Zhenghao then checks these people who come back.

After checking, he said to Zhang Daoling and others, "there is no problem. Please come to the imperial city."

Zhang Daoling and others see Xuan Zhenghao also said so, so the hanging heart finally let go.

After returning to the Imperial City, the rebellious cangshui and the three holy masters were all caught in the boat of one yuan.

There is no magic weapon and value on the body of the inverse Cang water.

In front of the crowd, Xuan Zhenghao said: "against cangshui, and these three spirit worshippers, I will make them into puppets, and then help me push the boat of one yuan in my boat of one yuan."

"So good!" Chen Yang said.

Naturally, the rest of us have no opinions.

Tang Ling thanks xuanzhenghao and others. At the same time, he also hopes to stay in the imperial city and work for xuanzhenghao.

Chen Yang and others also understand Tang Ling's mind. Now Tang Ling is afraid to put his wife and daughter outside. Only in this imperial city is the safest.

Xuan Zhenghao naturally welcomed, you know, Tang Ling is also an absolutely good right-hand man.

Xuanzhenghao is very generous, bestows Tang Ling Marquis's house, and seals Tang Ling as calm waiting.

Calm Marquis's house still needs some repair. For a while, Tang Ling's family will live in the Palace first.

The relationship between Tang Ling and Chen Yang, after experiencing these things, always has a little bit of separation.

It's hard for each other to think that it didn't happen.

Maybe time can smooth all this.

Suzhen in black went back to Shennong world.

Zhang Daoling, Chen Yang, Tang Ling, Qin Lin, Tianfei, Taoist priest Luo Tong and Fu Qingzhu held a meeting together.

It's on the one dollar bridge.

Emperor Xuan also came to attend.

Zhang Daoling first said: "this progress has been extremely smooth. It should have been a great pleasure. In fact, it turns out that lingzun didn't play any tricks. But in my heart, there are some doubts and uneasiness. I don't know where the problem is, or I'm really worried. "

Concubine Wu, the disciple of Tianfei, was in meditation, so she didn't come.

Tianfei said: "the emperor has a boat of one yuan and the compass of the eternal emperor. Why don't you do some calculations?"

Xuan Zhenghao said with a wry smile: "if everything can be calculated, it would be better. Now the storm is getting closer and closer, I can't calculate anything. Including the following things, we can't calculate. Even if it is, it is false. Because everything is changing. "

After a pause, he said: "the biggest doubt about this is that white girl killed Mo Yunyu, but tianqingge didn't let them do it. Moreover, the number and strength of the other side seem to be better than ours. "

Fu Qingzhu said: "it can also be understood that tianqingge has suffered a big setback and doesn't want to create extra twigs."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's possible, but I understand tianqingge. He is not the kind of timid person. In my opinion, the plot behind his forbearance must be bigger. But as for the plot, I can't guess for a moment. "

Chen Yang said with a wry smile, "I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, but now it seems more disturbing."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can't figure it out. This time I really can't figure it out. Hope is just our extra worry

There is no solution.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I tortured the rebellious cangshui and the three lingzuns in detail. But it's a pity that their memory systems have gone wrong and they have been tampered with. So, there is little information to offer. At the same time, they also made another kind of secret hand and foot in the body of the rebellious cangshui and the three lingzuns. It's a kind of magic power to reverse Yin and Yang, lurking deep in the brain. It seems that they are also sure that I will turn them into puppets. Once I don't realize this, I will use them to urge the big formation in the future, and there will probably be a big problem. "

"Is this their scheme?" Zhang Daoling brightened his eyes and said.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "no, this scheme is too bad. You can't hide it from me. I'll refine those forces completely. It seems that this design is to relax our mind and let us not be suspicious of others. ""The question is, does it still lie with Wu Fei and Tang Ge'er's wife and daughter?" Said the Taoist priest.

Xuanzhenghao said: "but I carefully check, there is no problem."

"Is it possible that people have been switched? Is there a big change spell like this Chen Yang thought of something and said.

Everyone was surprised.

Tianfei immediately said: "first of all, my apprentice wufei has absolutely no problem, and there is no big change in it. I've done a detailed examination of her body and mana. "

They all looked at Tang Ling again.

Tang Ling immediately said: "my wife and daughter are no problem, no matter how powerful the great change technique is, it is impossible to hide my close relative. Breath, habits, and the distribution of flesh and blood, as well as the distant turn of the vein, I have done the examination. As well as some private questions and so on, I have done the investigation. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in fact, it's impossible. There's no big change and concealment that can deceive my one dollar boat and the power of the world."

"It seems that we may think too much. Next, we'd better come and cover up the water and earth." Finally, Emperor Xuan said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it can only be so."

He then worried and said: "the exchange of hostages, the other side casually sent so many experts. I believe there are more masters in the imperial sky boat. The disaster of the earth is far more cruel than we think

Everyone has already thought of this, at this time xuanzhenghao mentioned, is all silent.

The days returned to calm.

Half a month later, Tang Ling's calm Marquis opened.

Ministers in the palace, as well as princes and nobles all came to celebrate.

Chen Yang and other friends, including Zhang Daoling, also came.


On the third day after the founding, Tang Ling specially invited Chen Yang's family, Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, wufei, Taoist priest Luo Tong and so on to the house.

Zhang Daoling all came, and several apprentices naturally followed him.

It's another busy day.

Tang Ling solemnly thanks everyone at the banquet, and wishes to kowtow to Chen Yang. Because he used Chen Yang at the beginning, he felt the deepest guilt for Chen Yang.

Tang Ling specially asked her daughter Tang Rong to kowtow to Chen Yang.

In this moment, Chen Yang's little lump in his heart disappeared and stopped Tang Rong's kowtow.

So, don't get drunk, don't go back, have a good time!

Chen Nianci, Mo Yu, Qin Baoer and Xiao AI take Tang Rong to play.

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