Tang Ling also has a selfish heart. He didn't want his daughter to be involved in the circle of monasticism before. But now, through this crisis, he has changed his mind.

Nishang, he will teach her some magic by himself to prolong her life.

His daughter, however, wanted him to become a famous teacher.

When Tang Ling saw that Chen Nianci and the prince Xuan were all under the gate of Zhang Daoling and Tianfei, he was moved.

He thought, not to mention Zhang Daoling and Tianfei. In the future, it will be of great benefit to her daughter to have such elder martial sister and elder martial brother.

Tang Ling doesn't dare to tell Zhang Daoling and Tianfei about it directly, so she pleads with Chen Yang in private.

He hoped Chen Yang would help lead the way.

This makes Chen Yang feel a bit embarrassed. He thinks that if he asks Zhang Daoling like this, he will make the Taoist feel greedy.

But Chen Yang is also hard to refute Tang Ling's face.

Nishang and song Ning are good friends. They have friendship to worry about in all aspects.

Nishang still has some opinions on Chen Yang's abandonment of song Ning, but later she is relieved to see song Ning happy.

Facing Tang Ling's request, Chen Yang said, "I can take the lead in this matter, but brother Tang, at last, Taoist Zhang said," if they don't agree, I can't control it. "

Tang Ling was overjoyed and said, "brother Chen Yang, thank you so much."

In the afternoon, Qin Lin, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, Fu Qingzhu and others were frying gold flowers in the courtyard.

You're lucky. You can't use mana.

The bet is all kinds of pills.

Although Zhang Daoling and Taoist priest Luo Tong are outsiders, they have no scruples when they play.

And today, it's still Luotong Road, which has grown up and killed all over the world, and won the red light. It's even fun.

Zhang Daoling was won the most speechless by Taoist priest Luo Tong

The courtyard is surrounded by bright mountain flowers, which are full of fragrance.

There are cicadas on the tree.

Warm wind blowing over, people relaxed and happy.

Chen Yang and Tang Ling come out and watch.

The gamble continued until dinner

At the wine table, Chen Yang talks to Zhang Daoling and Tianfei about what Tang Ling asked for.

Both Zhang Daoling and Tianfei were stunned.

Tang Ling was uneasy.

In fact, everyone guessed Tang Ling's many thoughts.

Zhang Daoling was stunned. He was a free and easy man. He laughed and said, "why not?"

Seeing that Zhang Daoling agreed, Tianfei also laughed and said, "Zhang Daochang has no problem. Naturally, I have no problem."

Tang Ling was ecstatic and immediately brought Tang Rong to kowtow to his teacher.

In this way, Tang Rong also paid homage to Tianfei and Zhang Daoling.

After that, Tang Rong entered Zhang Daoling's Taoist temple.

Tianfei and wufei started their residence in the boat of one yuan.

The children took turns learning from the two masters.

The days soon calmed down again.

There are only three years left to go before the mission of the master.

Tang Ling still has three stars stone missions, so he went out soon.

Chen Yang and others didn't go out. They practiced hard by themselves. By the way, they confirmed the Taoist art with Xuan Zhenghao, Zhang Daoling and other experts.

Xuan Zhenghao has been looking for Tongtian qiankun.com.

The net of heaven and earth is in the gate of eternal life.

The gate of immortality is the most mysterious existence in the universe today.

Xuan Zhenghao never understood the secret of eternal life.

So it's impossible to find the heaven and earth net.

On this day, Xuan Zhenghao and Fu Qingzhu, Chen Yang, Zhang Daoling and others confirmed the Taoist art as usual.

We are in the crystal wall room of the one dollar boat.

After the verification of Taoism, Zhang Daoling asked Xuan Zhenghao what he thought and said, "I heard that the emperor has been inquiring about the gate of eternal life?"

Everyone looks at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "yes, I've been studying. I haven't found the law of eternal life in the boat of one yuan. The boat of one yuan came from the gate of eternal life. "

Zhang Daoling said: "I've also heard from Chen Yang. Emperor, you want to find the heaven and earth net to cover the whole earth."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, the fight between monks is too much involved. I want to put the battlefield out of the earth. "

Zhang Daoling said, "but in this way, how can you exert the power of the world?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, Taoist priest's consideration is reasonable! The star Lord is the first line of defense against the imperial sky boat. As long as the heavenly boat is destroyed and the emperor has the power of the world, no matter how strong the spiritual respect is, it's not enough to be afraid of? "

Xuanzhenghao smell speech a smile, say: "is everybody think so?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but blush and said, "of course, my idea may be too idealistic!"Xuan Zhenghao glanced at the crowd. Then he sighed and said, "everyone is optimistic, but I'm not optimistic at all. Because the power of the world is almost invincible in Tianzhou, as long as the opponent does not have the power of the world. But what if they don't fight in Tianzhou? In addition, the star master's chance of winning against imperial Tianzhou is very low. How many years has the imperial sky boat been tempered, and how many years has the hall of stars been tempered? The cultivation of the star master is probably the highest compared with the master of the imperial sky boat. But that's not necessarily true. I don't know how many elites there are in the Fengyun Pavilion of imperial Tianzhou. "

"First of all, we start with the star master. If the star master can destroy the imperial sky boat, then we have a chance to win. If the imperial sky boat is not destroyed, we can surrender directly. After the destruction of the imperial sky boat, I believe the hall of stars will not exist. The star may fall, and may be seriously injured. This is my inference. It's about the life and death of the earth. I have to make all kinds of plans. "

Xuan Zhenghao's analysis is well-organized, and everyone is frequently nodding.

"In an ideal state, the star master can destroy the imperial sky boat. After that, Tongtian Qiankun net was the first line of defense, and the battlefield was beyond the earth. After the net of heaven and earth is broken, it is hard to touch on the earth. Once the imperial sky boat is destroyed, the spirit Lords will have no way out, they will attack madly. So, at that time, it was also the most tragic. We have to make all the preparations

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in fact, our strength alone is not enough. The whole earth is not our business. However, it is very difficult for us to persuade other experts to participate. Almost everyone has nothing to do with their own affairs. I have already launched some persuasion and even started to forcibly arrest people. No way After two years of waiting, it is necessary to arrest people by force. Our team must be formed. "

Chen Yang said: "all people are like this. If they don't really feel pain, they will not have a sense of crisis and resistance. But I also believe that at that moment, all of us will fight to the end. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it is not necessarily that people will resist only when there is no way out. If the enemy is smart enough not to drive everyone to a dead end, it will be very difficult. In short, it is difficult for us to judge the future. Right now, we have to do what we need to do. More preparation is always better. Lingzun has been preparing for a long time. We are not polite to say that we are all in a hurry! At that time, I dare say that lingzun's backhand will emerge one after another, and it's hard to resist! "

Xuan Zhenghao is always sober!

On this day, in the boat of one yuan, Prince Xuan Zhiyu and Chen Nianci finished their practice.

Xuanzhiyu's cultivation is also very good. Now it is the peak of Xuxian.

But he's 18 years old.

Xuanzhiyu is xuanzhenghao's only son. Xuanzhenghao takes great pains to cultivate him. In the boat of one yuan, xuanzhiyu was given a lot of privileges.

Everyone called Xuan Zhiyu as elder martial brother.

Xuanzhiyu is handsome and dignified. He also has a good temper. He is gentle and gentle. He is quite like a father.

It's boring to practice all the time.

Chen Nianci suggested, "elder martial brother, why don't we go fishing and barbecue somewhere. In this boat of one yuan, I believe there must be such a good place. "

His proposal soon received a response from everyone.

Even Tang Rong, the youngest younger martial sister, was cheering behind.

Tang Rong is only seven years old. Everyone loves her very much.

Xuanzhiyu was slightly shocked. He was not interested in it. But seeing that younger martial brothers and sisters are so interested, he is not good enough to arouse everyone's interest. At the moment, he laughed and said, "you have to prepare fishing rods and barbecue tools. I know there is a forest and a lake near here. But if you're going to be here, I'll get ready first. "

Everyone was happy.

So, xuanzhiyu first went out of the one yuan boat and went to the palace.

He told eunuch Wang Gonggong to prepare things as soon as possible.

After that, xuanzhiyu went to greet his mother Yongle.

In the bedroom, Yongle is reading a book. When she saw her son coming, she was very happy. She put down her book and said with a smile, "you're back today. I'll let the imperial dining room make some dishes you like. Hand grab mutton for you, you also accompany mother drink. How's it going? "

Xuanzhiyu felt embarrassed, he said: "mother, today's son really can't accompany you. My younger martial brothers and sisters are going to barbecue. I'm going to take them to a place in the one yuan boat. Now I'm going to let Mr. Wang prepare the materials. I'm going to leave soon. "

Yongle was speechless and said, "you little thing, you are still very busy. If your mother wants to have dinner with you, do you have to make an appointment with you first?"

Xuan Zhiyu said with a smile: "another day, my son will accompany you. Today you can have dinner with your father. "

"Don't mention your father, he is busier than you." Yongle is slightly dissatisfied.

Xuanzhiyu said: "mother, don't blame father, now the situation is grim, father is also for the sake of the whole earth."

Yongle said: "there are thousands of people on the earth. Why should the responsibility be on your father?"Xuanzhiyu said: "because on earth, no one is more capable than father Huang!"

Yongle smiles and says, "you flatterer."

Xuanzhiyu said, "it's not flattery, or even people like my master say that my father is too good."

"All right, all right!" Yongle is happy.

She felt that she was the happiest person. Her son was filial and her husband was even more indomitable and loved her.

"By the way, there are some places in the one dollar boat that can't walk around." Yongle then told xuanzhiyu.

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