"Where is it?" Xuanzhiyu asked strangely.

Yongle wants to talk but stops. Xuanzhiyu was more curious, so he asked repeatedly.

Yongle sighed and said, "there are many things, very complicated. You're too young to understand. This time you're taking Nianci, aren't you

Xuanzhiyu said: "yes!"

Yongle said: "there is a woman called situ ling'er living there. It's also your Uncle Chen Yang's wife, and she's pregnant. I'm afraid you'll take Nianci with you. If something unexpected happens, it's not good. "

Xuanzhiyu was surprised and said, "Uncle Chen Yang has other wives? But my father is only your wife. How can he do that? Don't Nianci know? "

Yongle said, "of course, Nianci doesn't know. It's all hidden from Nianci."

"How long can we hide that?" Xuanzhiyu said.

Yongle said: "not everyone is like your father. How many princes and ministers in the court are three wives and four concubines. They don't want Nianci to know about this, so don't worry about it, do you know? "

Xuanzhiyu nodded and said, "well, mother, I know."

Yongle once again warned, said: "we must bear in mind, do not cut corners."

Xuanzhiyu said: "good!"

Later, xuanzhiyu brought the food and the fishing rod back to the boat of one yuan. It's just outside Zhang Daoling's Taoist temple that he meets with his brothers and sisters.

Xuanzhiyu seems to be a little worried. Looking at the joyful younger martial brother Nianci, he can't help feeling sorry for him.

In the boat of one yuan, the sun, the moon and the stars rotate!

Xuan Zhenghao for the children, also opened up a lot of beautiful places, are full of aura.

Xuanzhiyu took us to a lake. He set up a barbecue and then lit charcoal.

Mo language, and Xiao AI all come to help xuanzhiyu barbecue.

Chen Nianci, Qin Baoer and Tang Rong went fishing.

We will be together, very happy.

Xuanzhiyu did not forget to tell Chen Nianci and Qin bao'er, "take good care of the younger martial sister Rong. Don't let her fall into the water."

Chen Nianci replied loudly, "don't worry, elder martial brother. Even if he falls into the water, I can take her up with great magic power."

"I Pooh!" Qin bao'er immediately made fun of Chen Nianci and said, "brother Nianci, it's just the magic power of your three legged cat. Fortunately, it means that it's the supreme magic power?"

Chen Nianci said with a smile, "if I'm a three legged cat, how many feet are you?"

Qin bao'er was so angry that she gave a snort and said, "you will bully me too. If you have the ability, you can compete with elder martial brother and younger sister Yu for magic power!"

Chen Nianci laughed and said, "I'm going to compare with you. I'm going to compare with you. Hee hee, I'm so angry with you."

"You are the melon child, your whole family is the melon child!" Qin bao'er scolded.

Chen Nianci said, "well, you scold my father. My mother is a melon boy. I will go to complain, and then let the second uncle spank you! "

Qin bao'er said: "you dare!"

Xuanzhiyu said with a wry smile: "you two are really a pair of living treasures. You can't do without fighting for a day."

Qin bao'er dropped her fishing rod and hopped to xuanzhiyu. She said, "the eldest martial brother is the best. Chen Nianci is so annoying."

After a while, Qin bao'er picked up the roasted chicken wings, ran to Chen Nianci, handed them to Chen Nianci, and said, "here you are, disgusting fellow!"

With a smile, Chen Nianci took over and said, "my baby sister is so good."

Qin bao'er snorted, and then ignored Chen Nianci.

Mo language here, baked some strings, also do not forget to run to Chen Nianci.

The general atmosphere is one of happiness.

After fishing, xuanzhiyu baked a lot of food, and everyone sat around.

Xuanzhiyu took out some fruit wine, and everyone was drinking and chatting.

Chen Nianci sighed and said, "it's a good day like this. Elder martial brother, we'll never separate. Do you agree? When you become an emperor, we will be a marquis like my father and others, and help you guard Dakang. "

Xuan Zhiyu said with a smile, "I don't want to be an emperor. Besides, my father is prosperous in spring and autumn. He is not a mortal emperor, he can be a thousand years, ten thousand years. I want to go out for training after the earth disaster. We can't always be under the protection of adults, or we'll never reach their height! "

Chen Nianci said: "I think so too. At that time, let's go out together."

Qin bao'er said, "I raise both hands and feet in favor."

Xuan Zhiyu said with a smile: "is it still going out for training? I think it's going sightseeing together! "

After a pause, he said, "no matter what, you will always be my good younger martial sister and younger martial brother. Sister AI is also my senior sister. "Xiao AI is everyone's elder martial sister, while Xuan Zhiyu is the elder martial brother.

Little AI said with a smile: "there is no banquet that will not end, but there is friendship that will not end. Our parents, they have a good relationship, so we should be better

"That's it Chen Nianci also said.

Xuanzhiyu can't help feeling the scene. Then he scanned the crowd and said, "actually, there's something in my heart. I don't know whether to say it or not."

"What's the matter?" Chen Nianci said, "elder martial brother, is there anything we shouldn't talk about? We'll keep it a secret. "

Xuan Zhiyu said, "this matter has something to do with you. My mother told me never to say it, but I don't want to say it. You will never be kept in the dark. "

Chen Nianci was still smiling. Hearing the speech, he could not help but be stunned. His face was a little unnatural. "Elder martial brother, don't frighten me. What's the matter?"

Everyone looked at xiangxuan's house.

Xiao AI is also puzzled.

Xuanzhiyu suddenly asked Chen Nianci, "what do you think of the relationship between your father and your mother?"

"Very good!" Chen Nianci's answer without thinking.

After that, he said warily, "elder martial brother, what do you mean by that?"

What does Xiao AI realize? She knows something about her father Chen Yang. At the moment, his voice was severe and he said, "younger martial brother Yu, what are you talking nonsense about?"

Xuanzhiyu was worried. He was scolded by Xiao AI, and he didn't dare to say any more. The next smile, said: "Nianci, I just casually ask, you don't think."

Chen Nianci is bing Xueming. He is suspicious and says, "sister AI, elder martial brother, you don't have to hide it from me. I know you know something. What's going on? You tell me. If you don't tell me, I'll ask my father now. "

He was in a panic.

He is fourteen years old. In ancient times, he could get married at this age. So he doesn't know anything.

He had doubts in his mind before, but they were not confirmed in the end. Now xuanzhiyu and Xiaoai's attitude completely flustered Chen Nianci.

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