"Let's drink and eat!" Xuanzhiyu picked up a string of mutton kebabs, handed them to Chen Nianci and said, "Nianci, come on!"

Chen Nianyu told him that he was more and more angry? If you don't say it today, I will never recognize you as a senior brother. "

He stood up.

Xiao AI, Mo Yu and Qin bao'er all quickly came to Chen Nianci's side. AI said softly, "Nianci, what are you doing?"

"I just want to know the truth. I've grown up and don't know anything anymore. There are some things that I don't want people around me to know. I'm the only one who doesn't know! " Chen Nianci said loudly and excitedly.

Xuanzhiyu was embarrassed, he said: "this matter, my mother told me not to say. But I also think, Nianci is so big, why keep in the dark? Elder martial sister, I don't care. I'll tell Nianci. "

AI is in a dilemma.

Deep down in her heart, her feelings for Chen Yang, the godfather, are very special. She is extremely protective of Chen Yang, but now, Nianci is so determined, she doesn't know what to say.

"Tell me!" Chen Nianci's eyes are red. He is staring at xuanzhiyu.

Xuanzhiyu took a deep breath and said, "OK, I'll take you to a place."

"Let's go, too!" Said Xiao AI. She's afraid of something

Xuanzhiyu immediately brings people to the beautiful manor where situ linger is.

The sun is shining, blue sky and white clouds.

The mountain flowers are brilliant and fragrant.

People quickly came to the courtyard. In the courtyard, ling'er was lying on the imperial concubine's chair and closed his eyes.

The arrival of these children also alarmed ling'er.

Ling'er and Nianci know each other. She is always kind to Nianci. When ling'er saw the crowd, she quickly got up. She said with a smile, "Nianci, you're here! Come on, come in and sit down. "

"Are you pregnant?" Chen Nianci rushes directly in front of ling'er and asks her angrily with red eyes.

The spirit son is tiny a Zheng.

There was a flash of confusion in her eyes.

"Isn't it?" Chen Nianci asked.

Ling'er would never lie. She nodded and said, "that's right!"

Chen Nianci's heart was shaken and he asked in a loud voice, "my father's child?"

"What are you doing here?" Ling er said.

"Is it my father's child?" Chen Nianci roared.

His eyes were burning.

"Nianci, what are you doing? Don't be so rude to Auntie ling'er. Apologize quickly AI was shocked and immediately came forward to hold Chen Nianci.

Chen Nianci flings away Xiao AI. He stares at ling'er and says, "don't you tell me, you witch, bitch?"

Ling'er didn't know what to say.

She never expected such a situation to happen. Seeing Chen Nianci like this, she felt at a loss and finally replied, "yes!"

"I killed you to seduce my father!" The little golden sword suddenly appeared in Chen Nianci's hand.

But at this time, AI suddenly shot. She slapped Chen Nianci on the cheek and said, "Chen Nianci, you've had enough."

Chen Nianci couldn't help but feel confused.

"I'm going to see Chen Yang." Chen Nianci turns around and runs.

All of the occurrence, are caught off guard.

Chen Yang is in Hou's house. He and Shen monong are playing chess in the courtyard.

At this time, Chen Nianci and his party all ran back.

Fire and wind!

When Chen Yang saw the children running back, he couldn't help laughing and said, "are you skipping class collectively?"

Then he saw his son Chen Nianci's red eyes and was extremely angry.

Chen Yang was surprised and quickly got up and came to Chen Nianci.

"Nianci, what's the matter? What happened? Who bullied you? " Anger sprang from Chen Yang's heart.

Chen Nianci is about to open her mouth when she suddenly sees her mother Shen monong.

All of a sudden, he wanted to stop talking.

Shen Mo Nong also walked over, she soft voice way: "what's the matter, good son!"

Chen Yang looks at Xiao AI.

AI sad said: "godfather, he saw aunt ling'er, also know those things."

Chen Yang was shocked.

Chen Nianci suddenly hugged Shen Molong, threw himself into her arms and cried, "Mom, let's go. We'll never come back. I don't want him to be my father. "

Shen Mo Nong's face turned white.

Chen Nianci knew about it in advance.

"Good boy, it's not what you think." Shen Murong said softly.

"So what?" Chen Nianci left Shen Molong's arms. He glared at Chen Yang and said with red eyes, "Chen Yang, do you have children behind my mother's back with other women? I always thought my dad was the best dad in the world. I thought anyone could have a junior outside, but you would never. Over the years, what year have you spent a full month at home? It's always my mother who manages all the things for you and carries all the things for you. But how did you do it? Is that how you repay my mother? My mother is not old yet. Chen Yang, you are a beast. You are not worthy to be a man. I don't want to be with you... "After that, he turned and ran out. Chen Nianci's speed is very fast, shuttling through the void.

Chen Yang was stunned.

This moment came so suddenly that he didn't know how to deal with it.

Xiao AI and Mo Yu are going after each other.

"You don't care, I'll go after you!" Shen said.

Then she ran after her.

"Who told him?" Chen Yang's face is pale and looks at them.

"It's me!" Xuanzhiyu bravely looks at Chen Yang. He is not afraid.

"I think Nianci should have the right to know!" Xuanzhiyu said.

Chen Yang kept silent.

He was annoyed, but he couldn't say a word in the face of xuanzhiyu's bright and fearless eyes. Even if he doesn't care about Xuan Zhenghao's face, he can't do anything to Xuan Zhiyu.

"Well, you're right!" Chen Yang said lightly.

"Little beast!" At this time, a cold hum came from the air.

Is Xuan Zheng Hao's voice, afterward, a slap in the face hurled to come over, heavily hurled on Xuan Zhi Yu's face. "Kneel down and apologize to Uncle Chen Yang!"

Xuanzhiyu's half cheek was swollen, with a trace of blood.

Xuanzhiyu was confused on the spot.

Chen Yang and others were surprised. He said: "emperor, Xiaoyu didn't do anything wrong. How can you beat him like this?"

He immediately gathered the medicine gas of Ning Xuedan in his hand, and then touched Xuan Zhiyu's face.

Xuanzhiyu is afraid of xuanzhenghao, so he will kneel down.

Chen Yang quickly held Xuan Zhiyu, then said with a bitter smile, "Xiaoyu, actually I'm not going to hide from Nianci all my life. What's more, you don't know about it. Anyway, Nianci needs to know sooner or later. It's OK. It's OK. Go back quickly

"I'm sorry!" Xuanzhiyu said in a low voice.

Then, the door of void appeared in the air. Xuanzhiyu enters the door of void and leaves.

At the same time, a sound came from the air and reached Chen Yang's ears.

With a wry smile, Xuan Zhenghao said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know about it until now. Today, they are going to barbecue. Yongle is afraid that they will disturb ling'er, so he tells Xiaoyu not to go anywhere, and never to say. Who knows the bear boy... "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's OK. You have to know sooner or later. Don't blame Xiao Yu when the emperor goes back. "

Xuanzhenghao said: "I believe Nianci will understand, he is now the age of rebellion."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well!"

Later, Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang ended the call.

Chen Yang is in a state of confusion.

After thinking about it, he went to the boat of one yuan and came to ling'er's manor.

Ling'er is just fidgeting. When she sees Chen Yang, her eyes light up immediately.

"Nianci knows. When he asks me, I won't lie, so I admit it." Ling'er's eyes were red and said, "I'm sorry, my husband."

"I'm sorry about that!" Chen Yang took ling'er into his arms and said, "you are my first wife. I'm sorry for your wrongs. Don't worry, Nianci. I'll take care of it. "

He kept pacifying ling'er and worried about Chen Nianci.

He came to find ling'er first, but he didn't care about Chen Nianci. It's because Chen Nianci is comforted by Shen monong

After calming ling'er, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao discuss

Before Chen Yang opened his mouth, Xuan Zhenghao said: "don't worry, you can go here in the future. No one else can go. "

Chen Yang thanks for that.

Xuanzhiyu has returned to the palace of the empress Yongle, and his cheek is red and swollen.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao was sitting at the top.

Yongle distressed asked his son whether it hurt.

Xuan is Hao cold face, way: "kneel down!"

Xuan Zhiyu kneels down.

"You know what's wrong?" Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Xuanzhiyu was silent for a long time, then he looked up and said, "son, I don't know what's wrong, but since father Huang said that his son was wrong, it must be wrong."

"Ha ha..." Xuan Zhenghao sneered and said, "is this your attitude to admit your mistake? I don't know about your careful thinking? You think you're young and outspoken, and you're not afraid of power, are you? You think our world is dirty, don't you? "

Xuanzhiyu said: "I dare not!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you dare not, in the heart 1000 10000 dare!"

Yongle played a round beside him and said: "Zhenghao, Xiaoyu is also confused for a while. Don't worry. I'll teach him a lesson. Take it easy! "

Xuan is Hao cold hum a, say: "you this son there know wrong?"? He thought he knew the truth when he knew only a little. I thought I could stand a lot of trouble. How did he know that situ ling'er was his Uncle Chen Yang's original wife. If we say that we must make it clear that Shen monong is the third child and Chen Nianci is the illegitimate child. But situ ling'er has always been generous, and let his Uncle Chen Yang marry Shen Mo NongXuanzhiyu was shocked, his face turned pale, and said, "what you said is true?"

Xuan Zheng Hao cold hum, way: "I also want to lie with you?"

Xuan Zhiyu said, "but It's innocent

Xuan Zhenghao said: "these years, who has been treating Nianci a little bit badly? Did your Uncle Chen Yang hurt him to the bone? "

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