Chen Yang fell into silence.

He has a certain understanding of lingzun and tianqingge.

He knew in his heart that lingzun would not leave him a way to live.

It's just that great fatalism is magical after all.

This great fatalism, even in front of Ouyang Yu, has never been used.

That's the only life.

Chen Yang immediately said, "it's very unlikely that you want to find lingzun and find a male worm. It's just that this great fatalism created a male worm out of nothing. I want to have a try."

"I don't know if you can live 300000 years now," he said. You can try and Ling'er, or white girl, practice together, and use their life span to build this thing. It's going to take a little bit of their life, not anything else. Think you can do it? "

"If I find that I don't live long enough, I will go to Bai Suzhen," Chen said

He wanted to find ling'er, but later he thought that he had promised Suzhen in black that he would not practice with others. In addition, ling'er is pregnant. It seems that it is more appropriate to find Su Zhen in black.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "don't worry, the situation of Nianci has been temporarily stabilized by me. Best of all, we find the spies hidden in the Imperial City, and then we find the males from them. "

Chen Yang does not hold too much hope.

But he still listened to Xuan Zhenghao's suggestion.

After that, Chen Yang asked, "if the great fatalism can't create a male worm, and the male worm can't be found in the spies, can the situation of Nianci be controlled all the time?"

Xuan Zhenghao shook his head and said, "I can't control it. Even your second brother Qin Lin can't control it with time. That corpse emperor insect has the great road of reincarnation corpse emperor in which, the skill of time is long, it can also participate in the skill of time. What's more, they're very fast breeding. Tianqingge has included many changes in it. The only thing he hasn't figured out is your great fatalism. "

Chen Yang was silent.

Next, Xuan is investigating the spy.

He first takes Chen Yang to the calm Marquis's house of Tang Ling, and Tang Ling and nishang carefully accompany him.

At this time, it was the afternoon, and the wind was blowing, and the sun was shining in the courtyard of the Marquis's residence.

Xuan Zhenghao stands in the courtyard, and then points out.

So immediately, the power of the world flashed out.

Thick dense gas, such as clouds gathering, and there is purple thunder flashing in the middle.

Xuan is Hao hand has a corpse emperor insect, that corpse emperor insect became time line.

The corpse worm first appeared in Chen Nianci's brain, then went to nishang to pat Chen Nianci's clothes, and finally began to retreat

The time line follows nishang.

In the dense purple thunder, Chen Yang and others see that the servant girl is killed, and the servant girl contacts with nishang When the servant girl appears, Xuan Zhenghao runs the mana, and the time line locks the servant girl. Finally, the time line flies out of the calm Marquis's house.

This is the supreme art of the world!

In this imperial city, xuanzhenghao is the king of the world.

He can do anything.

In purple thunder, Chen Yang and others see that the person who controls the maid is also a human. The human actually controlled the maid half a year ago.

The maid was arranged by the queen.

Of course, this does not mean that the queen is involved. However, the lingzuns had already made a lot of preparations before they let Tang Ling do it.

Xuanzhenghao this check, found a lot of dark hand. Many maids, maids and servants in the palace have been controlled. It is a brainwashing technique similar to Chen Yang's Da Lei Yin Pu Du method, which is extremely secret.

Seeing all this, Xuan Zhenghao's face was livid.

He continued to track the time line and found the person who controlled the maids.

This man is a military general in the court. He is called xuanyuanji. His cultivation is already in heaven.

"It's him. I trained him. Ten years ago, xuanyuanji came to me. At that time, he was just a cultivation in a fairyland! " Seeing this scene, Xuan Zhenghao gave a cold hum.

Chen Yang said nothing.

The time line continues to trace. More than half a year ago, Huangfu, an expert beside xuanyuanji, went out of the imperial city and met a human expert in the East China Sea. The human master gave huangfuqi a male worm and a rune seal.

Chasing the time line of the human master, we will know that the human master is from the world.

That human master is a destiny!

When the time line reaches beyond Tianzhou, it can no longer be traced.

"Xuanyuanji!" Xuan Zhenghao murmurs.

There was a chill in his eyes.

Then he grabbed it.

The power of the world expanded and burst into the sky.

Then, countless purple Thunder God light into countless light thunder, rushed in all directions.

Those purple thunder divine light is to kill many servants, maids and maids who are controlled.At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao grabs again.

The door of the void opened. As soon as he pulled it, he directly pulled Xuanyuan to the courtyard.

Xuanyuan pole a black gown, he was pulled over, face flustered for a moment.

But soon, xuanyuanji calmed down.

He is very long, tall, give a person a kind of elegant feeling.

Even half a head higher than Chen Yang.

Xuanyuan extremely see Xiang Xuan is Hao, then smile, said: "it seems that the emperor has insight into everything."

Xuan Zhenghao said coldly, "with your accomplishments, you can't be controlled. Why do you want to help lingzun

Xuanyuan extremely smile, said: "because my life is lingzun save, and, more than 20 years ago, you killed my family."

Xuanzhenghao was surprised and said, "what kind of bullshit are you putting on? When did I kill your family?"

Xuanyuanji said: "my original name is Zuo Jiangfeng. More than 20 years ago, you were so powerful that Damian Temple helped you to sweep away all the small sects on this island. There is no one living in the Heaven Gate of our Jiang family. If I hadn't been outside, I would have been in your hands. "

Xuan Zhenghao's face changed slightly. "I knew there was a little son in the Jiang family, but I didn't find him," he said. Unexpectedly, you changed your name and came to me. "

Xuanyuanji said: "later, I was rescued by lingzun in an enemy chase, and they helped me change my name and sent me to you."

"Good, wonderful!" Xuan Zheng Hao took a deep breath and said, "it's a pity that I'm still alive. You still can't take revenge. You'll never take revenge on your family."

Xuanyuan said with a smile: "in the future, the lingzuns will come, and they will avenge me. When the time comes, under the cover of the nest, there will be no finished eggs. "

Xuanzhenghao laughed, then his eyes burst out, said: "I will let lingzun never come back!"

Xuanyuanji said: "emperor, you are really a powerful role. At least I haven't seen a better character than you. It's just that you will miscalculate sometimes. For example, now, aren't you miscalculating? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "lingzun's strategy has been laid out for ten years. I'm not wronged at all for losing."

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