"Xuan Zhenghao said:" but I still don't want to understand

Xuanyuan pole way: "is it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "why do you have to go around such a big circle? Why don't you find a chance to directly attack Nianci when you have been lurking around me for so long? In this way, lingzun doesn't have to sacrifice so many experts. "

Xuanyuanji said: "we all know that the emperor is very careful. I have my action track. Once I break the track of action, I'm sure you won't be suspicious. Chen Nianci, in particular, is beyond my reach. You all protect Chen Nianci very well. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "there are many ways. Why do you have to go to such a big trouble?"

Xuanyuanji said: "lingzun has failed many times. As long as he can kill Chen Yang, he is willing to pay any price. This time, only success, not failure. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "they can directly let Tang Ling take his wife and daughter to take refuge."

Xuanyuanji said: "when Tang Ling came alone, you were already suspicious. Bring your wife and daughter all of a sudden. Hum, I'm afraid I can't get close to your center. "

Xuan Zhenghao said, "well, what is lingzun going to do next?"

Xuanyuanji said: "today I come, it's a subpoena. Obviously, our goal is not Chen Nianci. We want Chen Yang. As long as Chen Yang is willing to go to the imperial Tianzhou, we will hand over the male worms to save Chen Nianci. "

Chen Yang hears the speech on one side, but he doesn't say a word. He guesses the result.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "OK, even if Chen Yang is willing to go. So how do you hand over this male worm? If Chen Yang goes and you don't give it to him, what's the point? I don't think you think we are all idiots and can be at your disposal? "

Xuanyuanji said: "this time it's easier, because we have made a transmission channel, just outside the earth. It can be directly transmitted out of the solar system. After Chen Yang enters the transmission channel, we will hand over the male worms. "

"What if you didn't hand it in, or it was a fake one?" Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Xuanyuanji said: "emperor, you can inspect the goods. No one can cheat you."

"Well, we need to think about this," he said

Xuanyuan extremely smile, said: "I know, the emperor you have a lot of means, Chen Yang also has big fatalism in the body, so, the method does not have to do, you will not give up."

"You know the great fatalism?" Chen Yang body a shock, he looks to Xuan Yuan pole, say.

Xuanyuan laughed and said, "we didn't know for long, but when we decided on this plan, we already imagined all the possibilities! We originally had many more powerful, secret and invisible insects that could be used. But in the end, we chose the corpse beetle. Even the great fatalism has nothing to do with the corpse insects that breed from the rotten flesh of the reincarnated corpse emperor. "

"I haven't seen it yet!" Xuanzhenghao light said: "words or don't say too full."

Later, Xuan Zhenghao said faintly: "xuanyuanji, the hatred between you and me is family feud. And the battle between us and lingzun is the battle between human beings and alien race. I hope you can come back to help us. As for the death of your family, I can't revive them, but I can make up for it. It's not a matter of exchange. I won't ask you for it. I don't want to come to you. But I don't think you are hopeless, so I'll give you a chance to go astray! "

Xuanyuanji's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect that Xuan Zhenghao would say this.

Xuanyuan was silent.

Xuan Zhenghao doesn't urge Xuan Yuanji.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath and said, "when the emperor speaks, he is sure to have a lot of words. Over the years, I admire your actions and talents. However, hatred can not be eliminated. Since I have chosen my way, I will go all the way to the end! "

Xuanzhenghao gazed at Xuanyuan pole, then said: "I am very sad!"

Xuanyuanji said: "emperor, please do it!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I won't kill you. With your ability, I won't be able to do anything after the imperial Tianzhou. Now that you have killed your whole family by mistake that day, you have nothing to blame for taking revenge today. So, I will not embarrass you. Go away

Xuanyuan was silent for a long time, and then he laughed. Then, with a flash of his body, he left the mansion.

"Chen Yang, do you have any problem with my arrangement?" Xuan Zhenghao asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "no problem!"

Tang Ling apologized and said, "brother Chen Yang, I'm a sinner through the ages!"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "don't blame yourself, brother Tang. Even without you, lingzun will start from other places. How can you avoid them if they have a mind but you don't? "

When Tang Ling saw Chen Yang say this, he felt even more guilty.

Xuanzhenghao also said: "Xuanyuan extremely things, but I planted the cause, this fruit is now in your body, sin, sin!"Chen Yang seemed more calm and said, "I also enjoyed the emperor's many benefits. Without you, I would have died early. Are you happy when you enjoy the good, but you have to complain when you bear the bad? "

Xuan Zhenghao looks at Chen Yang. He knows that Chen Yang is so calm now because he is ready to die.

"Now that we've found out everything, we'll see what great fatalism can do." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang nodded.

Later, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao leave.

In that crystal wall room, Chen Yang sits cross knee, and then urges great fatalism!

The formation of grey fatalism.

Chen Yang's idea urges him to tell the great fatalism that he made a corpse out of nothing.

Xuan Zhenghao looks at Chen Yang's life.

But soon, Chen Yang stopped pushing big fatalism!

Xuan Zhenghao asked: "how? It's not hard to be a little male

Chen Yang said bitterly, "it's not difficult to make a little male insect, but to make a little male insect, we need to make a reincarnated corpse emperor first. This is tantamount to resurrecting the dead reincarnated corpse Emperor... "

Xuan is Hao wry smile, say: "this went to hell."

Chen Yang said: "we have to let the reincarnation corpse emperor return to his previous cultivation, then kill him, and finally raise the male worms with carrion. This is a set of procedures that great fatalism needs to create male worms. In principle, as long as there is enough life, this can be done. But it will take at least hundreds of millions of years to live... "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this is not a real resurrection, but a process, right?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, it is impossible to revive an ordinary person with great fatalism. Not to mention the real resurrection of reincarnated corpse emperor. Although great fatalism seems omnipotent, it can't transcend the rules of life and death. "

After his words, the scene fell into silence.

Dead silence.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, Xuan Zhenghao opened his mouth. He said, "whatever you want to do, I will support you. Though, I don't agree. But I also know that no matter what I say, it can't change your decision. I have a son, too. I know how you feel! "

"Thank you, Emperor!" Chen Yang smiles gently.

He said, "many of my magic weapons will stay with you. If you can get away with it in the future, you will get everything back. If you can't come back, these things will be given to Nianci and my other children in the future. Qiao Ning and ling'er both have my flesh and blood. In addition, after the end of lingzun's war, Su Su will help me go to the Heavenly Kingdom. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "everything you told me, I will do it for you."

Chen Yang got up, then knelt down to Xuan Zhenghao and said, "thank you, Emperor!"

"You don't have to be pessimistic. After that, we will go to save you," Xuan said

"Never!" Chen Yang said: "if you enter the imperial Tianzhou, no matter how many people you go, you will be dead. Besides, they might kill me directly. My puppet stays here, too! "

Xuanzhenghao light smile, said: "I can't stop you to die, you can't stop us after the action."

Chen Yang's eyes became complicated.

"I have something else to do. Please keep it secret!" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "of course!"

Chen Yang then went to see ling'er.

In ling'er's manor, it was already midnight.

Chen Yang embraces ling'er in the flowers. Ling'er doesn't know what happened. But she felt that Chen Yang's heart was full of reluctance.

"What's the matter?" Ling'er asked softly.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's OK, but now I'm going out to do something. I may have to leave for a while, so I'm very reluctant to give up. "

Ling'er suddenly realized. She said with a smile, "you often have to go out. This time, you should also pay attention to safety. My baby and I will wait for you here!"

Chen Yang said, "Well!" After a pause, he said, "I'm sorry, ling'er. I've done a lot of ridiculous things since we got married. Thank you for being so tolerant. "

Ling'er said, "what nonsense are you talking about? You've been very kind to me all the time. I'm very glad to be able to marry you. "

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I love you, really, very much!"

After that, Chen Yang went to see Suzhen in black again.

In Shennong world, there is a lot of snow on Jialan platform.

In the attic, Suzhen in black is in retreat.

Chen Yang flashes directly into the attic.

The snow outside the window is beautiful and cold, and the attic is very quiet.

Look at the plum blossom at the window, look at the beauty, dressed in black, eyes closed.

Chen Yang came to Suzhen in black. He said with a smile, "I'm here again."

Black Yi Su Zhen opened her eyes, she also a smile, said: "you rarely come, recently everything is OK?"

Chen Yang kept silent.He wanted to lie and say goodbye quietly without saying anything.

But he thought of her sister.

"Why?" Suzhen in black was surprised.

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I didn't mean to say that, but you've been sorry for your sister for half your life. I don't want to leave you more grudges. This time, I came to say goodbye to you. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Suzhen in black can't help losing color.

There was a fluster in her eyes.

Chen Yang said: "Nianci was killed by the corpse insects planted by lingzun. We have tried many ways, but there is no suitable way to change. You and nianzun have to exchange the antidote. After I say goodbye to you, I'll exchange it. "

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