"You must not go!" Black dress Su Zhen hears speech, immediately fierce voice says.

Chen Yang seems very calm.

All along, he is running desperately, fast, lest he will be caught up. But at the moment, it's like someone told him you don't have to compete. Quit.

It's as if all the burdens have been taken off.

In this life, he has struggled, fought and worked hard, and has done his best.

At the moment, he has no second way to go.

Chen Yang did not speak.

Suzhen in black was immediately discouraged.

She knew in her heart that no one could stop Chen Yang from doing it.

Even to a friend, Chen Yang can give up his life and forget his death.

And this time it's his son.

Suzhen in black kept silent.

She looked out of the window, the snow floating outside the window, just like countless white cotton wadding flying.

The red plum blossoms in the wind.


After a long time, Suzhen in black broke the silence and said, "I'll go with you. At that time, I'll hide in your brain."

"Tianqingge already knows how well we fit together. He should think of that. If you go, I'm afraid it's the same... " Chen Yang said.

"No one can kill me!" Black Yi Su Zhen cold voice says: "besides, if really want to die, that is better. I've been waiting all day

Chen Yang is speechless.

He thought about it and said, "I don't have much hope. If you can go, go. If you can't, don't force it, OK? "

"Good!" Suzhen Heiyi said

Chen Yang said with a smile, "in any case, it would be better if we could go together. If not, I hope... "

"Don't say any more useless words." She said.

Chen Yang insisted: "you owe me nothing in this life. Only I owe you, you have treated me well enough. So even if one day I die, you don't have to feel sorry or painful. I hope you will be happy and happy for the rest of your life. "

Suzhen in black looked at Chen Yang and said: "you will never die in front of me. As long as I live, no one can hurt you and kill you, I said!"

Chen Yang also looks at Suzhen in black, with a warm smile on his face.

Next, Chen Yang meets Shen again.

He needs to put things in order.

Originally, he didn't want to involve Suzhen in black clothes, but now, Suzhen in black clothes insists on coming, so he can only accept it. However, Chen Yang does not hold much hope for this, because he knows tianqingge.

Tianqingge won't give him a chance for such a big situation.

Therefore, Chen Yang should say goodbye one by one and deal with the matter well.

In this way, we will not leave regrets to ourselves or others.

In Hou Fu, Chen Yang first left a personal letter.

This is for my son Chen Nianci.

He wrote ten pages full of letters.

After writing these, he came out of his study and came to Shen's room.

Shen Molong has been worried about his son. Seeing Chen Yang coming back, he immediately goes forward and asks, "what's the matter?"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "it's OK. We have contacted lingzun. They have the antidote

Shen Molong was overjoyed and said, "don't you catch them soon?"

Chen Yang said, "well, things are more complicated than you think. Lingzun has created a transmission channel. The antidote is still outside the solar system. At that time, they need to exchange me for the antidote. But you don't have to worry about my safety. Bai Suzhen will hide in my brain then. I join hands with her and there is no difficulty in escaping. "

Shen monong put down his heart slightly.

Chen Yang then gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, "but I can't guarantee that one hundred percent will be OK. So, in case of any accident, I will ask you to take good care of everything at home. "

Shen was stunned, and then his face changed. She couldn't help hugging Chen Yang and said, "don't scare me. It's going to be OK, isn't it?"

Chen Yang smiles. He also gently hugs Shen Mo Nong and says, "of course it will be OK, just in case!"

Shen Mo Nong's eyes were red, she said: "you don't have to lie to me. No matter how dangerous you were, you wouldn't tell me anything. The more understated you are, the more dangerous this time. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "every time I go to do something is dangerous, but that time I was not unscathed, and also got a lot of benefits? This time there is Bai Suzhen with me, no problem. "

Shen monong was so miserable that she said, "I can't help you with anything."

Chen Yang said, "don't say that. What Nianci says is right in some places. You have paid too much for me over the years."Shen said, "promise me that you will come back alive, OK?"

"Of course!"

After that, Chen Yang and Shen monong came to the boat of one yuan.

At this time, everyone in the boat of one yuan has gathered.

Suzhen in black also came.

Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, Taoist priest Luo Tong and Tang Ling are all here.

But the younger generation don't know about it.

Everyone gathered in the crystal wall room, Xuan Zhenghao transferred Chen Nianci out.

Chen Nianci is still in bed, surrounded by a mixture of the power of the world and the power of time.

Chen Yang stares at his son on the bed for a long time. After that, Suzhen in black enters his black hole crystal.

Originally, Chen Yang intended to go alone.

So he gave all the magic weapons to Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuanzhenghao thought that he could use Suzhen in black, but he couldn't say it. After all, it was too dangerous.

Now, since Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have a good talk.

Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao returns green silk, black hole crystal and some magic weapons, pills and jade.

When they were ready, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu and Taoist priest Luo Tong came up to say goodbye to Chen Yang.

Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and said, "we will meet you quickly."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "OK!"

Taoist priest Luo Tong said, "Chen Yang, the poor Taoist and the Taoist ancestors will also go quickly."

Chen Yang clasped his fist and said, "thank you for your trouble."

Tang Ling hugged his fist and said, "brother Chen Yang, I will give you an account."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I can't blame you. Don't blame yourself too much. The battle of lingzun still needs your useful body. "

Later, xuanzhenghao began to communicate with xuanyuanji.

Xuanyuanji immediately said the location.

The location is just outside the earth, which is also the place xuanzhenghao's world power can attack.

Xuan Zhenghao will not go in person, he will control everything in the boat of one yuan.

At present, Xuan Zhenghao also dare not leave.

Because everyone is afraid, this will be the trick of lingzun.

If it is to take advantage of Xuan Zhenghao to leave, they deal with the boat of one yuan?

As long as xuanzhenghao is still in the boat of one yuan, then the earth is still solid.

Xuan Zhenghao said to Chen Yang, "I can help you verify the true effect of male worms. At that time, I will treat Nianci as soon as possible."

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