Chen Nianci was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

He was so old that his mother had never touched a finger of his.

"Mom, you hit me? Why? " Chen Nianci is puzzled. After a pause, he said, "did he threaten you?"

"Pa!" Shen monong slapped again.

"Little beast!" Shen's tears welled up and she said with tears in her eyes: "your father really loves you for nothing these years. Every mouthful is Chen Yang. Is his name yours? You're guessing he threatened me? Is he so unbearable in your heart? "

"You beast Shen Molong was very angry and said: "over the years, your father has been together with you more and more, and he feels guilty for you every time. He came back, he put you in his mouth, afraid of melt, you want the stars in the sky, he would like to pick down to you. Is that how he loves you little beast? "

"You don't have to face your dad anymore." Shen Mo Nong cried and said, "go and cheer. You'll never see him again, because he can't live. Everything is for you white eyed wolf, little beast

Shen Molong said later, broke into tears.

When Chen Nianci heard his mother say that his father could not live, he was shocked.

He has been in favor and arrogant, he is unscrupulous, because he knows that no matter what he does, his father will tolerate him.

He felt that his father was sorry for his mother, so he needed to vent.

He felt that the more painful his father was, the happier he was.

But when his mother said that his father could not live, his heart gave him a severe pain.

"What did you say?" Chen Nianci asked tremblingly.

However, Shen Molong ignored Chen Nianci and left the room.

As Chen Nianci sat on the bed, his mind suddenly went blank.

It's hard for him to recover for a long time.

Also at this time, Zhang Daoling came in.

As soon as Chen Nianci saw Zhang Daoling, he saw the Savior and exclaimed excitedly, "master!"

When Zhang Daoling came to the bed, he was calm and asked: "Nianci, what do you think?"

But Chen Nianci asked, "what happened?"

He didn't wait for Zhang Daoling to reply, and said, "just now my mother was very strange. She said my father couldn't live? How is that possible? Who can hurt my father? "

In his heart, he loved his father.

Over the years, that kind of flesh and blood, that kind of love, have already taken root in his heart. If not for his father's love, how dare he be so lawless?

Zhang Daoling's face sank when he heard the speech.

Then he sighed and said, "those lingzuns have been trying to deal with your father, so they designed. This time, you have a very powerful corpse beetle in your brain. We've tried our best to save you. Lingzun offered to change your father's life for an antidote. "

"No!" Chen Nianci screamed, and he asked, "where's my father? Don't go, don't go

Zhang Daoling had a bitter face and said, "do you think you can sit here and talk to your teacher now that there is no antidote? Zun Ling has been captured by your father

"Then go and save it!" Chen Nianci was in a panic, and an unprecedented panic rushed to his heart. He always felt that his father would always be with him.

No one can hurt my father!

But now He felt that he might lose his father.

"Master, I beg you to help my father! You are so capable, you can save him. I beg you Chen Nianci kowtowed repeatedly.

Zhang Daoling gently waved his hand and let Chen Nianci stand up. He said: "your father is the king of heaven's destiny in the world, and the key to the victory of the whole earth against lingzun. That's why lingzun tried his best to kill him. They know that your father's weakness is you, so they insist on using you. Sure enough, your father went without hesitation. None of us dare to persuade your father not to go, because we know it is absolutely impossible. Right now, saving your father is the first thing. We are all trying to find a way, but the other party caught your father, through the prepared transmission channel, I don't know how far we have run. So we have to think of other ways. Just go after it like this, it will never catch up with you, understand? "

Chen Nianci seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and he sat down on the bed.

In his mind, there are many warm scenes.

"Dad, come after me I still remember at that time, he was six years old. He was running in the snow, calling for Dad to come after me. The result fell a big falter, the father ran over with a nervous face, even asked whether the fall hurt.

"Dad, I want to eat fried chicken, but mom won't let me eat it!"

That year, when he was seven years old, he was infatuated with junk food, such as fried chicken, kebabs

But his mother refused, and he begged his father, who had just returned.

The father picked him up and said, "go, Dad, take you to eat. It's enough!"

"Dad, I don't want you to go out. Can you accompany me more? Is there not enough money in our family? " That year, when he was ten years old, he asked his father naively.My father took him to the sea, showed his magic power, and told him that my father didn't want to accompany you, but had a lot to do.

"Dad, will you pick me up after school?"

"Of course!"

"Dad, someone bullied me at school today."

"Who is it? Tomorrow, my father will go with you to see if he dares to bully my baby son without breaking his leg. I don't want to get mixed up! "

"Dad, I want the whole LEGO set!"

"Come on, Dad, take you to buy it."

"Dad, I want you to sleep with me tonight. I want you to tell me stories."

"OK, Dad, can I tell you a story from outside the earth?"

"Dad, how long will it take you to go out this time? I can't bear you! "

"Good, Nianci. Dad will come back as soon as he finishes his work. Dad will buy you whatever you want, OK

"Dad, Dad..." Chen Nianci thought of the past and his father. It was all his tenderness and smile. In my memory, my father was not strict with him once.

Tears burst from Chen Nianci's eyes.

"Dad, I'm not a man, I'm a beast!" Chen Nianci began to cry. He slapped himself in the face.

He hated himself very much. In the last few days, he was so rude to his father.

He wanted to say sorry to his father!

Zhang Daoling was watching. He sighed and then turned to leave.

After a long time, Chen Nianci left the room.

It's dark, in the residence of the Marquis of the town Chen Nianci returned from abroad.

Nie Meiniang has been waiting. When she saw Nianci coming back, she quickly welcomed him and asked, "what's the matter, Nianci? Do you feel better? Are you hungry? Shall I cook something for you? "

"Aunt Meiniang, I'm not hungry!" Chen Nianci's eyes are red and swollen, he said.

"Are you still blaming your father?" Nie Meiniang felt sad, she said: "your father loves you very much in his heart. He is a good man who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. He is also a good father. Don't blame him, OK?"

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