When Chen Nianci heard Nie Meiniang say that, his tears could not be restrained again.

"Young master Nianci, I see a letter in the study. It's from the Marquis!" At this time, the maid Bi Yue came out and said to Chen Nianci. She also had a letter in her hand.

Chen Nianci was overjoyed. He rushed over, as if afraid that the baby would fall into other people's hands. He eagerly grabbed the letter, then went into the study and closed the door of the study.

"Nianci, see Xin'an!

This is the first time my father wrote to you. Maybe when you read this letter, my father is no longer alive. But you don't have to be sad. Dad has got too much in his life, and it's worth living. The only regret is that I can't always be with you.

These days, you are not happy. Dad feels guilty in his heart. Whatever you want, dad wants to give it to you. But only if you say that you want your father not to be aunt ling'er, not to be the child in the belly, it is hard for your father to do it. In my heart, each of you is worth my life to exchange and protect.

You have a long way to go. I'm really sorry, dad is very likely, can't accompany you for the rest of your life, can't witness you grow up, get married and have children.

This time, dad is still worried about you.

There is an aunt Su Su. You may not have met her. At that time, she was cruel and indifferent to her sister. Later, her sister died to save her. For more than 800 years, Auntie Su Su has been suffering and resentful. I never felt warm to my sister. So, dad is worried that you will have the same regret.

I know that you have always been a good child, you will feel that in this period of time, you have always been speaking ill to your father, which will become your forever regret. But, dear son, I really don't have to regret. Because Dad never blamed you! Because you have given dad too much joy, you are God's gift to Dad!

No matter where Dad went, the only hope is that you can grow up happily. Dad hopes that you are worthy, happy and happy in this life.

As for Dad's feelings

Aunt ling'er and I met in the river and lake, and then we fell in love. I fell in love with her and she fell in love with me. I don't know if you can understand these feelings when I tell you now. Dad is trapped in the identity of the king of destiny, running around between heaven and earth, adventure When my father was dying, aunt ling'er would rather die herself than offer her brain nucleus to her father. Did you ask Dad if he was moved? Dad was moved.

What you care most about is my feelings for your mother. I met your mother very early. She once saved my life. Therefore, I often feel grateful for this kindness. If there is anything good, I will think of giving it to her. We also share weal and woe. Over the years, I love your mother and appreciate her efforts.

Auntie Ning jo!

She and I also had a life and death adventure, she for me, but also regardless of life.

I often want to suppress my feelings. When I was in overlord star, I had a dream of light dust. I didn't hesitate to commit myself to the devil in order to save me.

All kinds of moving, turn into deep feeling!

I don't want to be sentimental for a long time, but I feel deeply sorry for my wife and children.

But it's all right. Everything has its end. Maybe, when I die, I can solve all the problems.

So, Nianci, can dad ask you to be kind to your brothers in the future? Because that's what Dad wants to see. "

The letter was long, garrulous, over and over, and there were many explanations. But between the words, it's all about being a parent.

After reading the letter, Chen Nianci burst into tears again.

After a long time, Chen Nianci put the letter into jiexumi, and he ran to the palace again.

After entering the palace, Chen Nianci went to the boat of one yuan and the Taoist temple of Zhang Daoling.

But at this time, there was no Zhang Daoling in the Taoist temple.

No one else was there, except Mo Yu.

"Brother Nianci!" Mo Yu wears a red shirt. When she sees Chen Nianci, she comes over. But her mood is not very high.

Just now, she already knew that the godfather had an accident.

"Sister Yu, where's the master?" Chen Nianci asked.

Mo Yu said: "master went to discuss with the emperor about how to save Godfather. We can't help! "

Chen Nianci's eyes were red. He said, "I want to save my father."

Mo Yu sighed and said, "godfather was arrested because he wanted to save you. Otherwise, with his ability, lingzun has nothing to do with him. I've heard that the lingzuns have already done it several times before, but they didn't succeed. So, brother Nianci, now you really don't make trouble. Our accomplishments are not enough! "

Of course, Chen Nianci knew that. He looked at Mo Yu and said, "sister Yu, you must be blaming me, right?" Mo Yu shook his head and said, "I don't blame you. Even if you don't fight with godfather, this disaster can't be avoided! I just don't think you should have that attitude towards Godfather. You hurt his heart so muchChen Nianci lowered his head.

Mo Yu said: "everyone has been spoiling you for fear that you will be wronged. But today, there are a lot of words, I simply told you all

Chen Nianci is slightly surprised. He looks at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu said: "I always listen to you and protect you, because you are very good to me. But the bigger reason is that I appreciate Godfather. And if one day you marry me and baby at the same time, do you think we're cheap? "

"How did that happen?" Chen Nianci said immediately.

Mo Yu said: "well, why do you think godmother is cheap?"

Chen Nianci was speechless.

Mo Yu continued: "I'm not in a good mood today. What I said is cruel to you. But sorry, I think it's time for you to grow up. Blindly too good for you, but it is harmful to you! Godfather is a hero, you are his son, I believe you will not become a useless person. In that case, I will look down on you! "

When she finished, she turned and left.

Chen Nianci stayed there.

In fact, in his heart, he likes Mo language.

At the same time, he also likes bao'er's sister.

He's fourteen years old, and he's not a worldly child.

Those feelings have always been vague.

But when Mo Yu said that if one day he married her and bao'er at the same time, he finally understood his father's feelings.

At this moment, Chen Nianci completely understood his father.

In the crystal wall room of the one yuan boat, Zhang Daoling, Shen monong and so on, almost everyone is accompanying Xuan Zhenghao.

Everyone is waiting for xuanzhenghao's next step!

Xuan is sitting in the center.

This matter, all people hide from ling'er.

Zhang Daoling looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "Chen Yang is my best friend. Even if he is not the king of heaven, I will do my best to help him. Emperor, but please tell me that I will do it with my life. "

Tianfei also said: "my life is given by Chen Yang, so now, no matter what you want me to do, there is no problem."

Next, the rest of the people also made their stand.

It can be said that all of us are united.

But Suzhen in black has never said a word.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "that corpse emperor insect is extremely mysterious. At first, it was only hidden by an egg, and it is very similar to the cell, so it actually concealed our examination. Fortunately, this kind of egg is not powerful at the initial stage, and it can't deal with real masters. " After a pause, he said, "now let's get down to business. I've been thinking about the consequences these days. Chen Yang is not worried about his life for the time being. I think the lingzuns want to capture Chen Yang and kill more masters with the help of Chen Yang. Because they know that there will be someone on our side to help us! "

The imperial concubine said immediately, "but the imperial Tianzhou is as solid as gold. The spirit masters should know that we don't send people to die in vain."

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "but they know that there is a person who will definitely go. And this man is exactly what they want to kill. "

Tianfei said, "who?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "white girl!"

So they all looked at Suzhen in black.

Shen Molong also looked up at Suzhen in black.

In fact, she has been speculating about the relationship between her husband and Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black is not used to people's eyes, but she is not willing to explain anything, just said: "I really will go!"

Zhang Daoling said: "I admire the magic power of white girl. However, the imperial Tianzhou still has a huge power of the world, and Miss Bai's going here is nothing but death in vain. However, I also believe that the emperor will have a better plan! "

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "I'm not worried about Chen Yang's death, even if the lingzuns don't want to lure white girl to die. They will not kill Chen Yang rashly... "

"How can I see it?" Then she said, "as far as I know, they are Chen Tianyu! If you don't kill for one day, you'll risk another day! "

When Shen Mo Nong heard the words of the imperial concubine, his heart suddenly became a ball.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "because Chen Yang still has one thing, great fatalism! It's true that great fatalism can't deal with imperial Tianzhou, but his fate has accumulated to a new height. Moreover, he told me that he also had a magic dragon scale to protect his body. Therefore, at that time, lingzun did not dare to detonate the fire in the imperial Tianzhou. Once the fire burns, they will throw Chen Yang out of the imperial sky boat. This is the time for us to save people! "

"Robbing fire?" Black Su Zhen smell speech, eyes a bright.

Shen Molong, Qin Lin and others are also happy.

Zhang Daoling put forward a different opinion, saying: "but if they are in Chenyang, they want to kill Chenyang Daoyou before they reach the imperial Tianzhou? After the fire broke out, Chen Yang was bound to be extremely weak. "

Xuan Zheng Hao slightly a Lin, he then said: "if it is so, then we have no way.". But I believe that Chen Yang's luck is excellent, and he will not come to such a bad end. ""No matter what, I'll go to imperial Tianzhou," she said

Shen Murong said in a deep voice, "Miss White, I want to go with you, too!"

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