"It's a failure!"

Xuanzhenghao seems to have exhausted his mental strength and sat down.

"What's the matter with you, emperor?" Yongle is extremely worried.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "plan everything, fall short of success! After all, I lost this contest to tianqingge! "

Yongle said: "you are also a person, you can't win forever!"

"Some can lose, some can't," Xuan said. Some people lose all their lives, but one win is enough. Some people, won a lifetime, lost a but died. This is not the last time. If Chen Yang really dies, there will be no hope for the earth. "

Yongle said, "since Chen Yang is so important, why don't you stop him?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "how can I stop it! If something happened to his son Nianci, would he not regard me as the enemy of killing his son? At that time, Chen Yang may become the second devil emperor. Therefore, I can only give up my life. "

Yongle said: "but my concubine still doesn't understand that Chen Yang is only the cultivation of the five aspects of creation. Why is he so important? It has become the most important link in the war

"Because of luck!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Qi Yun is on him. One day, Qi Yun will be far away, and he will no longer be important. Without him, a lot of things can't be done. "

When you hear the words, you feel thoughtful.

Outside the earth, a flash of light passed, and then lightning generally entered the earth.

Dawn came and the sky was white.

This magic light flew into the atmosphere and detonated some atmosphere directly.

Finally, the divine light came to the world.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in blue.

The man seems to be a middle-aged scholar, but there is a grudge between his eyebrows.

He is Magic emperor Chen Tianya!

Chen Tianya has been in the Phoenix world for 100 years!

In the world of Phoenix, time goes against chaos, and a hundred years have passed in it.

It's only been a year outside.

The God Emperor is still staying in the Phoenix world. Chen Tianya's cultivation has reached the eighth level of creation.

He had something in mind and decided to go back to earth.

After leaving the Phoenix Kingdom, Chen Tianya came all the way to the earth. What he cares most about is his grandson Chen Nianci.

Chen Tianya didn't leave the world. He not only didn't plan to leave, but also planned to go to Yanjing.

Chen Tianya's body twinkled and quickly came to Yanjing.

Yanjing has a strong ancestral spirit.

The power of his body is so strong that it has a strong collision with this earth rule.

The thunder moves the fire

In a flash, Chen Tianya burst into flames.

He became a fierce fire.

Chen Tianya laughs. He is not afraid of self explosion.

Then, Chen Tianya stepped into the sky of Yanjing.

All of a sudden, Chen Tianya was enveloped by the infinite Qi of ZuLong.

Rich, fierce, majestic

Roar, Longwei concussion!

In the sky of Chen Tianya, the purple dragon thunder is formed in an instant! God thunder rolling, plus the rules of extrusion, all toward Chen Tianya to kill.

Li Guang flashed in Chen Tianya's eyes. He laughed and welcomed him!

Countless God thunder, sky thunder, dragon thunder, rules hit Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya turned into a flame and began to absorb the power of thunder.

It will last forever!

Thunder and lightning like prison and sea.

Chen Tianya suffered one by one, but he also felt the pressure. This kind of rule infiltration, with unspeakable weird.

Even the master of creation can't bear such power.

It's strange that Chen Tianya can bear such a long time here.

Chen Tianya absorbed the power of Wanzhong's robbery and death, and changed a lot in the calamity, but he did not leave his family.

So in this way, Chen Tianya forced to explore downward.

But soon, Chen Tianya also felt that it was impossible to go on like this.

If he is forced to go down, the repercussions of the heavy thunder will cause irreparable damage to the world below.

Chen Tianya used to be a killer, but now his mood has changed. He is more afraid that it will bring disaster to the fish in the pond and hurt his good grandson.

"Even though I have such a magic power, I still have things I want to do but can't do!" Chen Tianya was so angry that he turned around and left.

After he left Yanjing, the ten thousand plundered thunder disappeared. But the rules of the world are still squeezing Chen Tianya.

This rule is different from robbing thunder, as if it is reorganizing the gene sequence in Chen Tianya's body.

Chen Tianya's body is already a kind of thunder, and his genes become strange. That's the main reason he's still here.

However, even so, Chen Tianya did not feel very comfortable.For Chen Tianya, this vast world is like putting an ordinary normal person in a cotton padded jacket and exposing him to the hot summer sun.

Chen Tianya felt that it was meaningless to carry on like this. He can't deal with the rules of the whole earth by himself.

Now, he turned and left the world. Also through the transmission array, and then arrived at Tianzhou.

Since I can't go to the world to see my grandson, I have to help through Xuan Zhenghao.

After arriving at Tianzhou, Chen Tianya felt relaxed. That vast world is really the nightmare of monks.

He is ready to enter the imperial city of Dakang!

His body is like electricity. In the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the imperial city of Dakang.

As he was about to enter, he felt a powerful force coming towards him.

Chen Tianya hey a, turn into an electric light to break into forcibly.

At this time, in the Imperial City, Xuan Zhenghao was dressed in a Dragon Robe, which was extremely dignified. He is in the palace of light.

All the officials and generals of the Chinese and Korean dynasties are here, and the Chinese and Korean scholars are writing a memorial. Speaking of the border areas, there are many droughts.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's a simple matter. We should use our great magic power to carry the water in the lake. After that, Wen will wait for you to go to buyidazhen to mediate the local weather and make it moist. "

Wen Hou immediately said: "I'm willing to go, and I will live up to my mission!"

Xuan Zheng Hao smiles.

"Xingyu said:" and recommended things

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao's face changed slightly.

"Someone's breaking into the imperial city!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

With another wave of his hand, the sky above the hall of light became clear.

Then all the ministers saw that in the void, a group of lightning burst in.

The light was blocked by the Dakang Imperial City array, and then thousands of thunder and lightning gathered to kill them.

Xuanzhenghao immediately knew that he was the one who came, and Chen Tianya was the one who had to wait!

He seldom suffered losses in his life.

But only in Chen Tianya had two losses, the first time, almost died in Chen Tianya's hands. At that time, he was still a mortal and controlled the great Truman. Chen Tianya tried his best to get rid of all his schemes. If Chen Ling had not arrived in time, he would have been dead.

The second time, after he became emperor Dakang, he had strength. At that time, he gathered experts to fight. He had many plans, but he almost died in Chen Tianya's hands!

At present, Xuan Zhenghao suddenly wants to compete with Chen Tianya again.

When Chen Tianya rushed inside and killed him with ten thousand thunderbolts.

All the ministers in the court are absorbed in xiangxuan Zhenghao.

Xuanzhenghao's fingertips twinkle. At that moment, the infinite power of the world condenses. Finally, around Chen Tianya's ten thousand heavy lightning, the sea of the world is formed!

The power of the sea rolling, a drop of water, is a small world! Infinite world, absorb infinite lightning!

Chen Tianya's such attack is resolved by Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen Tianya was surprised.

"What a xuanzhenghao! He's coming to give me a bad impression!" Chen Tianya immediately returned to his senses. He gave a cold smile and said, "if I don't go to this Phoenix world, I'm really not your opponent today. But when I come back today, I will let you know that your grandfather will always be your grandfather! "

Xuanzhenghao change move very fast, once again anti palm, five fingers smart!

The great whirlpool in the sea of the world wrapped Chen Tianya in it.

"Eight magic Qin sounds!" Xuan is Hao to sink to shout a way.

In the sea of the world, the sound blade is like a knife, making the sound of mountain and tsunami, urging people to tear their eardrums, and tearing up the disaster!

Eight sound blade, lightning kill!

Chen Tianya suddenly felt pain, this is the sound blade kill!

It's the power that goes straight to the soul.

It's not the rough attacks of fire, thunder, ice!

Xuan Zhenghao naturally knows what power to use to deal with Chen Tianya.

"Hum!" Chen Tianya cold hum, then burst roar!

"Great thunder sound skill!"

Chen Tianya roars

In the sea of the world, he can no longer perceive dimensions.

In the great thunder sound art, the sky thunder rolls and turns into infinite sky thunder divine sound.

Tianlei Shenyin turns into a mixed cave, majestic and terrifying!

In the end, the eight magic musical instruments were all cut to ashes.

"Rebirth of Nirvana!" Xuanzhenghao's hands are rolling like a dragon.

The eight magic Qin sound, which had been cut to ashes, suddenly recovered and soared, directly defeated Chen Tianya's great thunder sound skill.

Then Xuan Zhenghao hummed coldly and said, "Chen Tianya, let's see what is the power of the world!"

As soon as he waved, Chen Tianya's eyes began to change.

Chen Tianya found himself back in the nightmare, he saw his wife Eve is giving birth, and is in dystocia.

If the cultivation is not enough, you can't find that you are already in a dreamland.But Chen Tianya is so self-cultivation, how can he not understand that there is the real me.

He was so angry that the Dragon had scales!

"Xuan Zhenghao, you want to die!" Chen Tianya is furious.

Xuan Zhenghao sneered and said, "if you have the ability, come and kill me.


"How dare you call me in front of me?" Chen Tianya said.

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "I am me. How do you treat me?"

Chen Tianya said: "you got the ability today, so you are so arrogant."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's not arrogant. The imperial city of Dakang is here. If you dare to break in so directly, it means that you never see me in your eyes. That is to say, I have nothing to do with you. I have been defeated by you twice before. If I am defeated by you once, is there any respect in your eyes? "

"Do you think you can trap me?" Chen Tianya roars.

"Try, and you'll know?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Of course, he knew that Chen Tianya was a powder keg and could not be ignited.

But he xuanzhenghao, though cautious in his life, is not afraid of things.

The two men were at each other's throats, and they shot again in an instant.

It's a real fight.

The battle here immediately attracted Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and others to watch.

Zhang Daoling first sent a message to Xuan Zhenghao and said, "emperor, let me meet this man!"

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