Zhang Daoling wants to fight Chen Tianya.

He didn't know Chen Tianya. Seeing that he had come to the boat of one yuan, he thought about it and wanted to have a meeting for a while.

Although Zhang Daoling is an outsider, he has no taboo to drink and eat meat. He has a fiery temper and a long sword. He always has the heart to kill the enemy.

Xuan Zhenghao immediately stopped Zhang Daoling. He said with a smile, "this man is not a real enemy. He is Chen Yang's father. I have a grudge with him in the past, so I'll have a fight with him today. Taoist priest, just watch the battle! "

"Is he Chen Yang's father?" Zhang Daoling was slightly stunned. Then, in his heart, he could not help secretly admiring, muttering: "it's really a tiger father without a dog. I thought Chen Yang's little friend was already a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and his father was more than simple. "

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Tianya continue to fight.

Xuan Zhenghao, with the power of the world, trapped Chen Tianya in a dreamland.

Chen Tianya witnessed his wife's tragic death in front of him, and his eyes turned red.

Then, his body flickered, and he was about to break out of the illusion.

However, his flight, it is directly into a dark.

When he saw it again, he was in the tomb that day.

In the tomb of heaven, there is darkness everywhere, and there are countless sarcophagus!

This tomb is also the beginning of Chen Tianya's nightmare.

At that time, when he was carrying out the mission of the God Emperor, he mistakenly went to the tomb of heaven and bit the dragon jade at the moment of life and death, thus creating a space-time crack.

So he became Chen Tianya!

When he went out from Tianmu, Chen Ling was still Chen Ling

Chen Tianya roars. Xuan Zhenghao really sprinkles salt on his wound everywhere.

He opened his mouth and burst into flames, burning the place beyond recognition.

Then, Chen Tianya's figure flashed and left again.

This time, I came to Hong Kong again.

That night, he came to see his sister, his wife and his family, but they saw him as a monster.

"Xuan Zhenghao, do you believe that Laozi killed you today?" Chen Tianya was furious.

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "this is just appetizer!"

Chen Tianya's figure flashed, and then entered another dreamland.

He saw his son die in his arms.

Chen Tianya suddenly completely stormed away, he suddenly went down, his body turned into a flame, burning heaven and earth, burning all illusions.

He broke through the barriers of time and space and ran towards the center.

The flame and thunder are wrapped in his body!

Xuanzhenghao suddenly appeared in the hands of Pangu banner, which contains Hongmeng chaos holy power, can reverse Yin and Yang!

Pan Gu flag waving, the power of the world around!

Then, the holy power surged, forming a sword light!

Sword light then cuts toward Chen Tianya and goes!


Chen Tianya immediately felt the fierce power of Xuan Zhenghao's sword

Zhang Daoling also watched the battle in the Taoist temple. Seeing this, he couldn't help losing face and said, "emperor, don't hurt his life!" He and Chen Yang have a deep friendship. How can Xuan Zhenghao kill Chen Tianya.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "Taoist priest, don't worry. This man is a demon. He can't be killed."

That sword finally cut into Chen Tianya's body, and suddenly turned into a thousand holy power sword, which was powerful and powerful, disorganized Yin and Yang, smashed time and space, smashed the heavens!

Chen Tianya felt that many genes and cells burst out in his body

Can't reverse, can't stop!

"What a powerful sword!" Chen Tianya couldn't help losing face.

At the critical moment, Chen Tianya gathered thunder and fire to wrap the sword light!

The sword light is fierce. Thunder and fire are trying to absorb thunder and fire from the surrounding sky

Even if it is the power of the world, the thunder and fire in the boat of one yuan are also driven by Chen Tianya.

In Chen Tianya's body, it was like the vast universe. In the universe, thunder, fire and robbery were killed fiercely.

The light of sword is like pitching, smashing the thunder and fire of gods!

There was a stalemate between the two sides. I don't know how long it took for everything to return to calm.

Chen Tianya's body is full of thunder and fire, and the fierce power of the sword has been completely resolved by him.

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help admiring Chen Tianya and said in secret: "this guy has got such a big adventure again. My sword, guided by the banner of Pan Gu and the power of the world, failed to hurt him. "

Chen Tianya feels a little hard. He can't really control Lei Zhong and Huo Zhong completely.

Just now Xuan Zhenghao's sword was no less harmful than that in the world.

The damage of the world is indiscriminate bombing, but Xuan Zhenghao's attack is precision strike.

Chen Tianya is also surprised, secretly: "this Xuan is Hao, just a few years no see, unexpectedly become so fierce!"

Xuan Zhenghao still wants to continue to work. At this time, Zhang Daoling flies up to Chen Tianya."Emperor, and Mr. Chen, from the perspective of poverty, let's fight here." Zhang Daoling acted as a peacemaker.

This war, he looked on the side is terrified!

Just now Xuan Zhenghao's sword, Zhang Daoling thought he couldn't take it down.

But Chen Tianya came next.

Zhang Daoling was also afraid that the more the two men hit each other, the more red they became. What happened in the end would not be worth the loss.

"Who are you? Go away Chen Tianya is very angry. Although he knows that Xuan Zhenghao is not what he used to be, he will never admit it.

He wants to fight xuanzhenghao to the end!

Xuan is Hao tit for tat, his body a flash, simply left the court hall, directly came to the boat of the one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao stood beside Zhang Daoling, facing Chen Tianya, he said: "I think you have some skills, but it's easy for me to kill you today. It's just a matter of fact. I'll throw you into the dreamland again. Before long, your power will decline more and more in the dreamland. "

"Well, then try it!" Chen Tianya sneered and said, "I will completely destroy your carefully arranged boat of one yuan."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "try it, see if you have this ability!"

Chen Tianya said, "come on, come on!"

"Two of you!" Zhang Daoling was also annoyed and said, "there are still big things to be done at the moment. Why are you fighting each other here?"

"I have nothing to do with any bullshit!" Chen Tianya said.

"Your son has been captured by lingzun. His life is at stake, and it has nothing to do with you?" Zhang Daoling said.

"What?" Chen Tianya was shocked and pale.

"It's a long story..." Zhang Daoling said, "do you want to stop the thunder first and listen to me carefully?"

Chen Tianya took a deep breath and said, "OK, tell me!"

After a pause, he thought of something and said, "I haven't asked your name yet."

Zhang Daoling said, "it's easy to say, poor Zhang Daoling!"

Chen Tianya is surprised again, way: "Zhang Tianshi?"

Zhang Daoling said, "it's the poor way!"

Chen Tianya looked dignified. He bowed slightly to Zhang Daoling and said, "I've offended you so much before. Please forgive me!"

Although Chen Tianya is arrogant, he does not dare to be arrogant in the face of Zhang Daoling.

With a smile, Zhang Daoling said, "Mr. Chen, don't be polite. Sun Chen Nianci is still my disciple, so I can't be your elder. All the people in the world are in the same way. It's very good to call Taoist Zhang

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