Long qianjue took a deep breath and said, "first elder, arrogance will make us lost. In our historical records, we once cooperated with ants, and the giant dinosaurs couldn't pick the meat between their teeth. But ants can help The power of our empire's Tianzhou is beyond doubt. However, if they want to save Chen Yang, they don't have to be tough with us. No matter how powerful the creature is, there are times of miscalculation and dozing. If Chen Yang keeps it for one day, he will have a long night and many dreams. History has proved time and again that Chen Yang is extremely difficult to kill. Now in the hands of the emperor, the emperor was still unable to kill him. This thing in the dark, terrible to the extreme. The emperor is not afraid of other things, is afraid of this fate four words. Chief elder, do you understand? "

Bai Xian and other elders were stunned, and then they were silent.

Bai Xian's elder yunkong also spoke and said, "Your Majesty, the empire is now a time of life and death. The Presbyterian Council firmly supports your Majesty's decision. We are not trying to prevent you from killing Chen Yang. We have no friendship with Chen Yang, and we want him to die. However, the grain state tree is related to the life and death of the elders of the fairyland. Therefore, we should also be cautious. "

He paused and said, "your example just now is reasonable, but it's not very appropriate. Our Presbyterian Council has the confidence to guard Chen Yang. Never let him make any mistake

Bai Xian said, "Your Majesty, Chen Yang's situation is really special. The grain country tree has been fused with his flesh and blood. Moreover, we are afraid that killing him will directly lead to the withering of the grain country tree. Although this is unlikely, we can't take the risk. So, we need to isolate, cultivate and verify the results. Only in this way can we decide how to refine the grain, country and divine tree. "

Long qianjue said, "it's just that two months is too long."

"We'll do it as soon as possible, and if it goes well, maybe not in a month," he said. If the process is slow, we will give up after more than two months. Your majesty, do you think this arrangement is feasible? "

Dragon thousand absolutely helpless, said: "well, according to your meaning. However, as for Chen Yang's protection and guard, our Palace should also participate. At the same time, you should also cooperate! "

"There's no problem at all," he said

The two sides finally reached an agreement.

Out of the Presbyterian Council, into the Royal transmission.

Long qianjue and Tian Qingge go back to the Xixin Hall of the palace.

This transmission channel is confidential and cannot be transmitted without permission.

Longdu's supervision of mana is very strict.

Anyone who uses mana voluntarily will be severely punished.

All fluctuations of mana will be recorded in the core of Tianzhou.

In the hall of peace, tianqingge said: "twenty eight days is calculated by my subordinates. The experts of the earth start out at the fastest speed, and it will take 30 days to get to us. But I can't! We wanted to speed up, and in the end, we didn't speed up for a day! "

Long qianjue also felt stuffy.

It seems that things are really more and more evil.

It took about two months for tianqingge to take Chen Yang back to the imperial Tianzhou.

On earth, Chen Tianya and his party set out and finally arrived near the imperial Tianzhou in about three months.

This neighborhood is 100000 miles away.

What's more, the imperial sky boat has been moving fast. Therefore, Suzhen in black and Chen Tianya went around to the rear of imperial Tianzhou to follow.

This is also afraid that it will collide with imperial Tianzhou!

In the void, Chen Tianya and Suzhen in black have collected the streamer.

The volume of Liuguang Tiansuo is relatively larger. Chen Tianya and Suzhen in black are afraid of being discovered in advance by imperial Tianzhou.

The next step is to follow the plan.

On the way here, though they didn't talk much to each other. However, all the plans that should be made and discussed were discussed.

In fact, both Suzhen in black and Chen Tianya are extremely intelligent people.

Especially Chen Tianya, Chen Tianya really use up, is even Xuan Zhenghao to headache existence.

Xuan Zhenghao has explained the power of tianqingge to Chen Tianya and Suzhen in black.

Chen Tianya's plan is to go to the imperial Tianzhou first.

He contacted Chen Yang, and then let Chen Yang detonate the robbery. After that, it was the time to really start.

This is extremely dangerous. Once the other party finds out, it may be doomed.

Chen Tianya was hidden in a meteorite and looked around in the imperial sky boat.

Finally, he found that imperial Tianzhou would send patrol teams from time to time to inspect the possible wormholes and dangers around.

Most of the accomplishments of these spiritual masters are from the realm of heaven and the realm of heaven.

There's no really good master.

Chen Tianya starts immediately. He traps those inspection teams into another dimension with the power of lightning. And then they were all subdued.

A total of six experts, Chen Tianya raised his hand between them, will all control.And planted a spiritual imprint in each other's brain!

How can they eliminate the mark of the masters of creation.

Then, Chen Tianya gathered an empty spirit and hid it in the brain of one of them.

This is the first step of Chen Tianya's plan!

After that, Chen Tianya left.

Tianqingge sees this scene in his eyes.

He didn't make a fuss.

After entering the imperial sky boat, the six inspection spirits were immediately enveloped by the world power of the Empire.

Therefore, even Chen Tianya's real body can't feel what happened to Yuanshen inside.

Tianqingge and longqianjue imprison the six inspectors in the furnace hall.

In the furnace hall, all the impurities are quenched with high temperature, which is also called the purification hall.

The six inspectors knelt on the ground in shame, and the power of the world wrapped them up like a thick fog.

After a short time, all the spiritual marks and Chen Tianya's empty spirit were refined.

The spirit of the air and the spirit of the void turned into lightning!

Then he condensed all the thunder and lightning into a pill.

Tianqingge grabs Dan Wan and says, "my subordinates will go to arrest with this thunder Dan Wan immediately."

Long qianjue said, "don't panic!"

Tianqingge said, "is your majesty doubting?"

Long qianjue said: "normally, they are not so stupid. How could such a stupid man be sent here? "

Tianqingge said, "that's right. From my point of view, it's just a doubtful plan."

Long qianjue said, "guess what they will do next?"

Tianqingge said, "after all, their purpose is to enter the Tianzhou, but they are not found by us."

Long qianjue said, "I really want to open the gate to welcome them in, but I'm afraid they dare not!"

Tianqingge said, "no matter how they change, they will have nothing to do if they hold Chen Yang's gate first."

Long qianjue said, "let's pursue."

"Yes Tianqingge takes orders.

Long qianjue gives tianqingge absolute power.

Soon, tianqingge ordered soldiers and generals.

However, tianqingge doesn't intend to pursue and kill himself.

He needed to guard the great gate of the imperial Tianzhou and not give the enemy any chance to take advantage of it.

He divided long qianjue's refined thunder pill into two parts.

One of them was kept by himself, and the other was given to the master who went to chase him.

The master who went to pursue and kill was led by long Weigong and xueluo.

In addition, there are black robe division.

There are black robe division, white robe division and God robe division under the royal palace!

The most powerful is shenpaosi!

In the shenpao division, there is only one lingzun who is a shenpao master.

The robe did not appear.

Black robe division and white robe division are not equal.

Bai paosi is also mysterious and rarely appears. The black robe department is equivalent to the picket team. It often comes out to kill lingzun!

At this time, the director of the black robe department, the black robe master, led his 17 black robes to go out together.

These 18 black robes are going out together. They are very powerful!

Long Weigong, together with xueluo and heipao, takes his men to track the lightning mark quickly!

Soon, they found the lightning mark!

It's just that when they found those lightning marks, they were a little silly.

Because they saw Meteorites!

Endless meteorites, all broken into small particles, countless spiritual imprints shrouded in them.

The place where these meteorites are located is very mysterious and strange, just at the julingkou of Tianzhou!

The soul gathering mouth is a device to absorb the aura of the universe. It is similar to a black hole and has infinite phagocytic power.

It can inhale many substances and auras in the universe.

After being inhaled, it will be smelted in the furnace. With the power of the world, many substances and impurities will be quenched and cleaned, and then turned into pure aura for the imperial masters and creatures to enjoy.

All the meteorite particles gathered towards the julingkou. In an instant, the julingkou was engulfed crazily.

Long Weigong, xueluo and the black robed adults were confused when they saw all this.

What is the enemy doing? Do you want to die?

Or do you want to get involved?

"What to do?" Xueluo asks longweigong and heipao for advice.

Long Weigong also felt helpless, he said: "regardless of other things, will not be involved in the meteorite, all capture, and then destroy the meteorite, the spirit of all the marks extracted, take back."

Lord heipao and xueluo also thought it was reasonable, so they immediately took action.

Meanwhile, Lord heipao sent his men back to report the situation.

All actions are orderly and fast.Experts like long Weigong grabbed nearly half of the meteorites and quickly refined them. There are a lot of lightning marks left in their hands.

But these lightning marks are pure and have little effect.

Inside the gathering mouth, many meteorites went in and were immediately quenched clean.

At the same time, long Weigong and other experts can no longer sense the thunder spirit of the outside world.

"It's either destroyed, or it's entered through the gathering mouth." Said the black robed Lord in a deep voice.

"At once, go back!" Long Weigong said.

The experts quickly entered the Empire.

King's palace, Tianxin Pavilion!

Long qianjue is rubbing the power of the world.

Tianqingge was beside him.

Lord heipao, long Weigong and blood are all here.

Long qianjue sat on the head with a solemn look.

"The other party has come in." Long qianjue said first.

"Through the gathering mouth?" Long Weigong asked.

Long qianjue took a look at long Weigong, but he still kept his respect and said, "yes, old emperor!"

"Why not find it out at once?" The black robed Lord said immediately.

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