"Looking for it?" There was a bitter smile on long qianjue's face.

Tianqingge also said with a bitter smile: "originally, I was always on guard against the other party's intrusion. It seems that the other party also knows that it is impossible to hide it from us. So, he really came up with a stratagem. This stratagem is Yang Mou. The other party has come in through the mouth of gathering spirit, and the spirit mark is scattered everywhere Now in the whole dragon capital, there are many marks on the body of lingzun and the body of living beings. For a while, it's hard for us to find out the real person. "

Long Weigong said: "the power of the real body is definitely stronger than other marks."

Tianqingge said, "my Lord, you are right. Now, we are checking, but the other party can come in through the gathering mouth, which is enough to prove its particularity. We still don't know what means the other party has used. Anyway, we can't find out for a while. At the same time, I also worry about whether the other party's real body has come in. So I went outside again. Now the situation is that there is no such spiritual mark outside. "

"That means the other person's real body has come in." Said Lord Black.

Tianqingge said: "this spiritual imprint is very strong, not weaker than Bai Suzhen. I had a fight with Bai Suzhen before, and the old emperor had seen Bai Suzhen's ability, which was changeable and powerful. Moreover, standing still and killing us, we don't know how long it will take to kill. Right now, it's also hard to kill. In the mouth of gathering spirits, you can turn into thousands of incarnations. You must have no such skills. "

Long Weigong said, "don't you have any clue about the origin of this man? Before, our vanguard troops had been dormant on the earth for a long time. How come they don't seem to have many useful clues now? "

Long qianjue said: "old emperor, you don't know something. When our vanguard troops passed, there were not many experts on the earth. These experts seem to have risen only after our vanguard troops were discovered and eliminated. "

Tianqingge said, "that's right." He paused and said: "there are many causes and effects. Before, the sense of truth was still there, guarding the earth. We don't have much chance to get in touch with their real core experts. But with the absence of Yuanjue, the protection on earth will be stricter, and we will have no chance. "

Long Weigong said, "well, I didn't mean to blame or pursue the blame. Just now, what should we do? "

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "it's very simple. We should keep the same and keep the same. No matter how many tricks they make, they all want to save Luo Jun. If we keep Luo Jun, they will have no chance! "

Long Weigong said: "but we should also prevent these people from kidnapping our imperial relatives and hurting the innocent people. This is not allowed! "

Tianqingge said, "don't worry about that. If he doesn't do it, he will die and have no place to be buried."

Long qianjue then said: "even if he doesn't do it, we only need an hour to find out his real body. Now, the world power of empire is calculating these substances! "

Long Weigong said, "good!"

Everything is in order!

In the back of the imperial Tianzhou, the spirit of Chen Tianya has been left in Suzhen's brain. She keeps and hides her mind with her own brain. Naturally, she can't feel Chen Tianya's spiritual imprint.

Blood slaves are also hidden in the brain of Heiyi Suzhen.

The phantom is also here!

This time into the imperial Tianzhou, black Suzhen and Chen Tianya did not let the phantom go.

Because Xuan Zhenghao has already explained that tianqingge has seen the ability of the phantom, so it must be on guard.

So phantom go in, break halberd possibility is very big!

In the same way, Suzhen in Heiyi has fought with tianqingge for many times, so the skill of Suzhen in Heiyi is clear to tianqingge.

So, Suzhen in black didn't go in either.

Black dress Su Zhen and Chen Tianya have not discussed a specific method, finally Chen Tianya decided to let him in, act according to circumstances.

Chen Tianya's brain rarely moves, but once it runs at a high speed, even Luo Jun is not as good as his.

Chen Tianya has been able to let Xuan Zhenghao eat shriveled, he and Chen Ling are different. Chen Lingdou is no more than Xuan Zhenghao, because Chen Ling is bound by many justice in her heart.

And Chen Tianya is evil!

An evil Chen Tianya, even Xuan Zhenghao is also greatly afraid!

Chen Tianya decided to go first!

As expected, he soon entered the imperial sky boat.

In the void, the Phantom asked Suzhen in Black: "sister Bai, can Chen Tianya see Luo Jun smoothly?"

Suzhen in Black said in a deep voice: "I don't know. The imperial sky boat is very mysterious. I haven't been in it. So, nothing can be guessed. The only thing we can do now is wait! "

Phantom also knows what Suzhen in Black said, but she really pinched a cold sweat.

In the imperial Tianzhou, Chen Tianya is moving fast.

His real body is hidden in the body of a spirit rat.But at this time, long qianjue has locked Chen Tianya.

The spirit mouse is hovering outside the palace wall, as if looking for something.

The real core of imperial Tianzhou is in the Dragon capital. In the Dragon capital, the place holding the core hub is called the wandering temple!

Vagrant temple is extremely mysterious. To enter the vagrant temple, you need two dragon keys!

There is a dragon key in long qianjue's hand.

In addition, the first elder, Bai Xian has one in his hand!

With the Dragon key, LongQian can use the power of the world.

Parkson can also be used.

However, in order to really motivate all the power of the imperial sky boat, we need to open the door of the wandering temple and enter it.

Every month, long qianjue and Bai first went in to check and Practice for a day, so as to ensure the normal operation of the imperial Tianzhou.

At this time, long qianjue with the Dragon key, urged the power of the world.

He found the spirit mouse!

It was noon when the sun was shining. Inside the palace wall, there were thick trees and luxuriant branches.

Outside the palace wall, the spirit mouse is moving fast!

At this moment, long qianjue was in the hall of peace, and he suddenly explored his hand

The void suddenly opened, and a big hand seal went to the spirit mouse.

Chen Tianya is in the spirit mouse, at the moment, the big hand to grasp, he will know, he has been found.

Chen Tianya saw that big handprint!

The big fingerprints are pure gold!

The golden hand contains the power of the world, the rules of the universe, and the profound and irresistible mysteries!

It's impossible to hide!

when the other party grabs, everything around is covered.

All dimensions are locked!

But there is no way to heaven and no way to earth!

Dragon qianjue is the power of the nine peaks of creation. He has penetrated the chaotic universe and controlled the world power of imperial Tianzhou

In this imperial sky boat, he is the absolute master!

Chen Tianya reaction quickly, his heart cold hum a, directly broke the spirit mouse!

His figure turned into a magic light, and he was about to break through the golden fingerprints!

But this shuttle away, the golden light hand print is like a chaotic universe.

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