Chen Tianya originally broke through his big fingerprints, but he came to a void universe.

In that universe, chaos is everywhere!

Chaos and yellow, endless!

Faster is, chaos, into countless Black Ghost claws!

The ghost claw is slender, covering Chen Tianya in an instant, winding Chen Tianya.

Those ghost claws entangled Chen Tianya firmly, and began to absorb Chen Tianya's physical strength

Chen Tianya's body suddenly turned into a flame!

Fire, thunder and lightning!

It's like baking!

However, the ghost claw is sharp and contains the power of world creation!

Chen Tianya's body just turned into a stove, but soon he was forced back to his original shape!

His body reappeared.

Those ghost claws absorb his power again.

Chen Tianya can't help being furious. With a roar, his body begins to change again. The fire in his body, thunder and lightning surge out.

As a result, the body began to change, his body red, as if burning in general!

But creation and the world are pressing him!

Long qianjue was in the hall of peace of mind. He was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that the comer was so strong. Under his crushing, he began to change again.

Long qianjue's eyes are icy cold, and he urges the mana again.

Chen Tianya continuous struggle!

Long qianjue also felt the fierce power in Chen Tianya's body, which should have isolated all the magic.

But long qianjue felt that even in his own world, the fire and thunder seemed to be ready to move!

This was absolutely impossible before!

Long qianjue was thrilled. He had never met such a situation.

Generally speaking, in the absolute field, there is absolute control.

In Chen Tianya's eyes, the cold light flashed. His fire and thunder whirled wildly in his body, just like a melting pot of yin and Yang

This is the purest primitive fire and thunder. It is the general principle of fire and thunder!

The cause of a world can never be short of fire and thunder.

Countless fire thunder began to cover Chen Tianya!

Long qianjue's absolute power has been challenged, and there are loopholes in his field.

The power of the world is weakened instantly!


In a flash, a lot of fire thunder and Chen Tianya fusion, finally bang, suddenly burst out!

Chen Tianya in the next moment, directly exploded the Dragon thousand unique big fingerprints!

Chen Tianya is free and in the sun.

As soon as he's in shape, he's about to run!

Dragon thousand absolute cold hum a, way: "can escape?"

With a backhand, he directly attacked Chen Tianya.

The handprint is also pure gold. It once again gathers the power of the world and suddenly comes to kill Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya doesn't have time to run. He turns around, thunder and fire spin wildly

Turn into a whirlpool!

All the surrounding fire and thunder gathered in a turbulent way

The handprint was killed, and all of a sudden, sparks were everywhere!

Chen Tianya took this hand, but he was safe.

His body quickly coalesced and then fled again.

Dragon thousand never from rage, way: "how reasonable!"

This time, long qianjue is really angry.

He cut a sword again!

This sword is the sword of heaven and earth!

Dragon's magic weapon is the heaven and earth sword!

Once this sword comes out, it has the ability to frighten the sky and the earth!

Contain the power of the world, reverse the universe!

Before, long qianjue had his own world power.

In the sword of heaven and earth, yin and yang are all in it.

Now, although he lost the power of the world, the power of the world of imperial Tianzhou is a good nutrient.

This sword cut out!

Chen Tianya still can't escape. He's fighting here. He's only killed!

That sword stabbed into his chest, and immediately reversed heaven and earth!

The fire thunder in Chen Tianya's body instantly reverses, rolls, boom

Chen Tianya's body suddenly exploded and turned into countless pieces.

But these fragments in the air only a turn, and then all together, and then back to the real body!

But in this instant, Chen Tianya felt very uncomfortable.

He felt stuffy, as if something heavy was pressing on him.

The power of the world has infiltrated into his body, the eight channels!

Chen Tianya felt extremely heavy.

He knelt down and finally lay on the ground, but he couldn't move.

Long qianjue catches Chen Tianya in Xixin palace.

Inside the Xixin hall, tianqingge was soon ordered to come!Chen Tianya is lying on the ground.

He was dressed in red with a kind of evil spirit.

Tianqingge looked at Chen Tianya and said to long qianjue, "Your Majesty, there are many similarities between this man's eyebrows and Luo Jun's. If his subordinates are right, he should be Luo Jun's father, Chen Tianya

He then said, "but my subordinates have heard that Luo Jun and his father are incompatible. It's strange that he came here this time! "

Long qianjue said, "let Ouyang Yu come here, too!"

Tianqingge said, "yes!"

He immediately summoned Ouyang Yu.

That Ouyang Yu got to make, also very quickly through the transmission channel came to the center hall.

Ouyang Yu looks at Chen Tianya lying motionless on the ground. Of course, he knows Chen Tianya. I also know that Chen Tianya is Luo Jun's father.

Ouyang Yu's heart sank and his eyes became complicated.

Ouyang Yu salutes longqianjue and tianqingge.

Long qianjue let Ouyang Yu free, after long qianjue Chen Tianya said: "you get up and talk!"

As soon as his words were finished, Chen Tianya felt that his strength was lightened and he could barely stand up.

Chen Tianya immediately stood up.

He looked coldly at the lingzun in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on Ouyang Yu. However, he didn't say anything more. He just took a cold glance and moved away.

"Are you Chen Tianya?" Long qianjue asked coldly.

His majesty is needless to say.

However, this kind of dignity is nothing in front of Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya snorted coldly and said, "I know it, so I ask!"

Long qianjue said, "are you here to die? Is it really a father son relationship

Chen Tianya said, "if you want to kill them, then kill them. Why talk nonsense?"

"Hard bones!" Long qianjue said.

Tianqingge said, "Your Majesty, since he wants to die, why don't he do it?"

Long Qian said to Ouyang Yu, "what do you think he's doing here?"

Ouyang yu feel embarrassed, said: "this, I really don't know."

Long qianjue took a look at Chen Tianya and said, "you're here alone. Do you have any friends?"

Chen Tianya laughed and said, "I think you are stupid. Even if I have a partner, how can I tell you?"

Long Qian was not angry and said, "OK, I'll ask you again. What's that strange fire and thunder on you? But I don't think you will say it, but it doesn't matter. The emperor will refine it. "

"If you are not afraid of death, just refine it." Chen Tianya sneered and said, "it's primitive fire and thunder, but it's something that recognizes the Lord. I'm just its host. Once I die, fire and thunder will rage in the sky boat. Even if you have the power of the world, you will spend countless energy to suppress it. So I advise you to kill me and finally go outside. It's hard for you to kill in here. If you don't believe it, just try it! "

Tianqingge said, "if so, why do you say it? You should hide it. If your majesty engulfs the fire and thunder on impulse, shouldn't you all be happy? "

Chen Tianya took a look at tianqingge, his eyes flashed hate, and said: "is that Luo Jun you caught?"

The sky light song is tiny a Zheng, then say: "exactly!"

Chen Tianya said: "you are using mean means!"

Tianqingge said, "we only do the right things, not the means. If you can, you will not be stingy with your means. "

Chen Tianya said, "that's right!"

He paused and said, "fire and thunder really take me as the host. If not, no one can take it for himself. The reason why I say this is to make a deal with you! "

Long qianjue said, "if your condition is that we release Luo Jun, you can keep your mouth shut. You have to remember that you are our prisoner

Chen Tianya said: "to refine fire and thunder, we need a set of special skills. I can offer It's just that I need to meet my son. I owe him too much in my life. Today, even if he dies, he should know that I have tried my best. I came to the boat and didn't want to go out alive! "

Long qianjue and Tian Qingge look at each other.

Long qianjue was slightly surprised and felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't say what was wrong.

Tianqingge is an extremely cautious man. He said to Chen Tianya, "if you want to see Luo Jun, you can. But Luo Jun is on the side of the Presbyterian Council. It's not very convenient to see him. We can provide you with the door of the void, you chat in the void

"Ridiculous!" Chen Tianya said: "no one can see him. What if you have killed him? What if it's a mirage? I must see myself, otherwise, would I let you kill my son and give you the kindling and thunder seeds? You are dreaming

At this point, Chen Tianya seems very excited.

"Well, I'll see you! All of us will accompany you Long qianjue said: "at that time, the emperor will let his men try the fire and thunder first. If you make a mistake, your son will suffer in front of you. Don't say the Emperor didn't remind you, your son will hate you to the bone, because you brought all this to him. "Chen Tianya took a deep breath and said, "don't worry!"

Long qianjue finally agreed.

He can't refuse!

Because the fire and thunder made him feel uneasy.

Those in power are always full of worry and uneasiness about forces that cannot be controlled.

Long qianjue has been arbitrary!

As a minister, tianqingge can't say anything more at this time.

He can only obey, he can't refute long qianjue in front of the public.

What's more, tianqingge also thinks that in front of the experts, what else can Chen Tianya play?

He felt that he was too cautious!

It's too cautious to say it, for fear of being laughed at!

long qianjue and Tian Qingge summoned long Weigong, xueluo and heipao.

They personally escorted Chen Tianya to see Luo Jun.

In the meantime, the context has also been made clear.

Long qianjue also mentioned the mysterious power of fire and thunder

Long qianjue communicated with elder Bai Xian.

Elder Bai also attached great importance to this matter. He immediately met with the elders.

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