Chen Yang's whole body is like coke, but he has vitality inside.

At this time, Chen Yang fell asleep.

Su Zhen in black glances at Chen Yang. When she sees Chen Yang like this, she is heartbroken. At the same time, she was worried. She didn't want to talk to Chen Tianya, but now she couldn't help asking, "how is he?"

Chen Tianya visited Chen Yang, and then said to Suzhen in black, "he's OK, but he's in decline now. Mana is in disorder. All the seals in the brain are gone, but the serious injuries once caused by the enemy are still there. If he wants to take care of him, I'm afraid it will take him a long time. If there is no chance, we may not be able to recover in a hundred years. "

"It's not a problem," she said. "If I practice with him, I can help him get rid of the chaos."

Chen Tianya was slightly stunned.

Suzhen in black has no time to avoid anything at the moment.

After Chen Tianya, he was relieved.

My son is really capable! Even a woman like Suzhen in black was very devoted to him.

Most of his character and temperament are like Chen Ling.

But Isn't Chen Ling who she was?

Chen Tianya took a deep breath, then said: "you help him heal, I'll control Liuguang Tiansuo."

Black Yi Su Zhen some don't worry, say: "can you?"? Now they're all coming. "

Chen Tianya said, "I can do anything you can. What you can't do, I may not be able to

"All right," she said

She and Chen Tianya quickly hand over the baton!

After that, Suzhen in black came to Chen Yang.

She gazed at Chen Yang, looking at Chen Yang's declining appearance, tears suddenly fell down like broken beads.

Black dress Su Zhen does not want to let Chen Tianya and phantom find her fragile, she immediately wipe tears dry.

Later, she helped Chen Yang put on his coat.

Force Chen Yang to sit cross knee, then, the two people face each other, between the palm power huff and puff, her mana quickly invades into Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang's body is like the remnant after the volcanic eruption.

Waste heat is also ferocious!

But for Suzhen in Heiyi, it doesn't matter much.

The magic power penetrates into Chen Yang's brain.

Chen Yang is a very weak person.

Black Su Zhen goes deep into Chen Yang's brain and finally finds his weak consciousness.

"Chen Yang!" Suzhen in black came to an ethereal and dark place. She called out

In the dark, Chen Yang wanders around, unconscious, like a wandering wild ghost.

Suzhen in black stands in front of Chen Yang. She can't catch anything, she can only shout.

Chen Yang is surprised. He finally wakes up and looks at Suzhen in black in front of him.

"Su Su, are you here?" Chen Yang said.

Suzhen nodded and said, "of course I will come. I said I will come."

Chen Yang was distressed and said, "you shouldn't take risks. Everything I do is for myself and my children. What does it have to do with you? Why should I make trouble again and again and pull you into danger? "

Suzhen in black smiles and says, "it's all my debt. When you were still so weak, didn't I pull you into danger again and again? "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He stopped thinking about it, and then asked, "what about him?"

"Your father?" Suzhen road in black.

Chen Yang nodded.

Suzhen said: "we are not out of danger yet. He is controlling Liuguang Tiansuo. Empire Tianzhou sent out a lot of experts in pursuit. Once we are blocked, we are basically dead. So now, I need you to recover quickly. When we both exert Yin and Yang mana, maybe there's still a chance of life. "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

After thinking about it, Suzhen in Black said, "it's just the old grudge. Your father does look like a father now. For you, he didn't frown. "

Chen Yang's face is bitter, said: "if I and his father are kind and filial, how can I be worthy of quanxia's mother?"

Suzhen in black was not a master who would persuade people. She said directly, "let's go!"

The two men's mana finally converged.

No matter how disordered Chen Yang's mana is, Suzhen in black is like a perfect physician, who can directly set things right.

In some places where it is difficult to dissipate, yin and yang are used to breed all things out of nothing.

Chen Yang's scorched skin begins to fade away New skin.

Chen Yang's condition is rapidly beginning to improve.

However, at this time, boom

The front suddenly appeared the magic attack and kill, two body shapes, cut through the void, lightning attack and kill!These two figures are exactly elder Bai Xian and Lord shenpao.

Their fields and mixed holes will cover the streamer in an instant!

At the same time, the two masters together to kill Liuguang Tiansuo violently.

Chen Tianya's heart is bad, but his reaction is also quick. Immediately escape from Liuguang Tiansuo, and hide it in the center of your eyebrows,

Lord shenpao and elder Boxian have the power to reach heaven, and the two masters will kill them together!

Elder Bai Xian's ruined temple directly cuts out a ruined divine light!

God's light envelops all things and everything declines!

The magic weapon of the Lord shenpao is a gold needle!

As soon as the gold needle comes out, it will break all the rules and kill all the gods and evils!

Chen Tianya couldn't escape the attack of Lord shenpao and elder Boxian. At that moment, he turned into shenlei and Shenhuo and absorbed the power around him.

The dilapidated divine light and the golden needle of Gewu cut into his body, the dilapidated life was shrouded, and the spirit of Gewu changed his noumenon.

The two forces of attack and kill are too terrible!

Chen Tianya's body is like a melting pot, and instantly absorbs the divine fire and thunder in the ruined life.

There is also the existence of thunder attribute in Gewu gold needle, which is also absorbed by Chen Tianya.

As a result, these two big killing moves immediately have flaws.

Primitive fire and thunder are the general principles of fire and thunder in the world!

Around Chen Tianya, thunder and fire storm quickly formed.

He also absorbed a lot of looting just now

In this flash of lightning, he cut out two fire needles!

These two fire needles are the concentrated power of robbing fire.

It's burning inside him all the time.

Only Chen Tianya can store these robberies.

Two fire needles and thunder came, and elder Bai Xian and Lord shenpao noticed a bit of crisis.

They can't get out of the way. Once they get out of the way, the chance is gone.

They must stop Chen Tianya, so that as long as some time, the companions behind will come after him.

Therefore, elder Bai Xian opened the dimension with a wave of his hand. Want to rely on the dimension of the two needles into the inhalation, so as to resolve.

But as soon as the dimension came out, the fire needle pierced the dimension!

Chen Tianya is not a rookie now, but also a big owl in the realm of creation.

Just one dimension, can he be baffled?

That's impossible.

The needle of fire robbery contains a lot of fire robbery.

Elder Pai Xian and Lord shenpao had to be careful at this time. They had recognized the needle of robbing fire. They knew that even if they had great accomplishments, it would be a very troublesome thing if they were infected with the needle of robbing fire.

So in an instant, Chen Tianya took the opportunity to escape.

Elder Bai Xian and Lord shenpao travel through the dimensions with lightning to avoid the needle of fire.

For them, this fire robbing needle is like a poison needle. Once it is contaminated, it will be very uncomfortable.

They dodged several times before finally leading them away with great power.

After evading, the fire needle explodes.

The turbulent fire burst out in the dark.

Chen Tianya once again controls the streamer, and the lightning escapes.

In the rear, tianqingge and other experts finally came to join the Lord of shenpao and elder Bai Xian.

"See the first elder!" All the experts saluted Bai Xian.

However, long Weigong and xueluo, the masters of Fengyun Pavilion, are not so good.

Xueluo was very hot. When he saw the situation, he was displeased and said in a cold voice: "in this empire, you are the elder and the God robe. Why can't you keep a face to face with the other party? "

Bai Xianchang was in a bad mood and his face was ugly. When he heard that, he was even more angry and said, "master xueluo, if you think you despise my ability, we can try it."

Xueluo didn't expect that Bai Xian was so rampant. He couldn't help laughing angrily.

"Try it, try it!"

Tianqingge said: "you two, this is not the time for internal strife. If you put it off, it's over. Hurry to locate again and go through the wormhole again

Bai Xian and Xue Luo are both people who know each other well. They look at each other and hum to each other coldly. Then the experts chase them again.

Chen Tianya in the rapid escape, has felt the rear began to encircle the trend is gradually catching up.

Once their encirclement is completed, they will be dead on their own side!

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black are not in good condition either. Just as they are beginning to heal their wounds, foreign enemies attack them and shake them several times, causing damage to them.

You know, this time is not a pure fusion of yin and Yang mana. But Su Zhen in black is healing Chen Yang.

When they are in good condition, they are not afraid of any external force.

But at this time, is completing the fine healing and surgery!

This kind of vibration immediately caused secondary damage to Chen Yang.Chen Yang was forced to stay on the ground. He was burning like a fire in his body. He felt extremely uncomfortable.

Suzhen in black doesn't dare to continue to heal Chen Yang, because the enemy will come after him at any time.

Suzhen in black leaves Chen Yang and comes to Chen Tianya. Her mind was sweeping in all directions. She was hot and refused to be angry. She wants to fight 800 rounds now. Who has she been afraid of in her life!

But when she thought to shoot out, that small temper also immediately pressed back.

Nima, you can't do it!

Chen Tianya asked Suzhen in black, "how is he?"

"Just now I was healing, and it has already worked," she said. But the shock of the outside world hurt Chen Yang instead. It's really not suitable for him to heal at the moment. "

Chen Tianya said: "your dark elements can't work any more. No matter how we escape, we can't escape the breath of time left by them according to the power of the world! "

"If we go on like this, we'll be dead," she said

Chen Tianya said: "that's right! At the moment, we have to resort to the last resort. "

Suzhen in black was slightly stunned and said, "the last way? What can I do? "

Chen Tianya said with a cold smile, "you control Liuguang Tiansuo."

Suzhen in black immediately took over Liuguang Tiansuo.

Chen Tianya turns around and comes to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is on the ground. When he sees Chen Tianya coming, he looks up weakly.

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