Father and son finally meet.

Chen Tianya's eyes are a little complicated. For a moment, he can't open his mouth.

At the same time, Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

Relatively silent, speechless.

Chen Tianya takes a deep breath, then reaches out and pats Chen Yang on the shoulder.

It's like comforting Chen Yang, but also doing his best.

Chen Tianya then turned around.

Chen Yang didn't know why, but for a moment, he seemed to understand something.

At that moment, tears suddenly came out.

He felt that his heart was like a knife and he would not give up.

"Father He couldn't help shouting.

After that, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Tianya body suddenly a shock, he did not look back.

He did not dare to look back for fear that Chen Yang would see the tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Smelly boy, I promised Nianci that I would take you back. So, I will do it, too! "

After Chen Tianya finished, he quickly came to Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black is concentrating on controlling Liuguang Tiansuo. She is under great pressure.

"What are you going to do?" Suzhen in black exerts her mana to control Liuguang Tiansuo and asks Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya said in a deep voice: "I want to enter the thunder pool of Tiansuo. At that time, I will lead the magic fire and thunder into it."

Black Yi Su Zhen doubts a way: "is this feasible?"? When it comes to a certain degree, it will be unbearable. "

Chen Tianya said: "Liuguang Tiansuo will explode. When I absorb enough energy, it's time for you to escape. When the energy that I generate explodes, my energy will explode toward the outside, and a vacuum will be created at the core inside. At that time, I will not move. Then, you take this opportunity to take him away with the blood slave. "

Kuroshi Suzhen said: "the general energy explosion, I'm afraid this group of experts can't be scared away."

Chen Tianya said with a faint smile, "how can that be a general energy explosion?"

Black dress Su Zhen see Chen Tianya have a plan, now no longer say what.

Chen Tianya wants Suzhen in black to be ready and wait for orders at any time.

Then, he went into Liuguang Tiansuo.

Chen Yang stands up and comes to Suzhen in black with difficulty. He says in tears: "stop my father, don't Don't... "

Suzhen in black has guessed something.

She said in a deep voice, "I can't stop it. If it goes on like this, we will all die. I don't know if his method works, but it's the only chance and method. "

Chen Yang's heart is like a knife, but at this moment, he can do nothing.

"Why did you come to save me?" He sat down on the ground and murmured.

Suzhen in black tries her best to motivate Liuguang Tiansuo. At the moment, she has no spare energy to comfort Chen Yang.

In that Leichi, Chen Tianya began to absorb shenlei!

In the universe, inexhaustible God thunder and flame particles are all ordered to come!

This is Chen Tianya's skill.

No one can stop it!

Even if the gods set up a border, they couldn't stop the assembly of thunder and fire!

In an instant, the flame rolled around the streamer, and the thunder was everywhere!

The dark void is illuminated!

the energy of Liuguang Tiansuo increases rapidly, faster!

Suzhen in black controls with all her strength!

Elder nabushian and Lord shenpao are in the rear. They are trying their best to locate the wormhole and so on!

Just for a moment, we haven't found the right point.

At this time, seeing the situation ahead, I immediately guessed one or two.

That day Qingge said to lingzun, the master of longweigong and so on: "Chen Tianya has special energy for thunder and fire. No one can stop him from absorbing. At this time, he is pumping thunder and cremation into the minepool of their aircraft. "

Long Weigong is also fully driving the Miluo boat.

Hearing the doubt, he said: "the energy exceeds the bearing capacity of the hull, won't it explode? If he absorbs it like this, their aircraft is doomed to go wrong. Moreover, the speed has reached a certain limit. If we want to speed up, we have no such ability. They don't have that ability, either

Tianqingge said, "maybe what he wants is this explosion! If they go on like this, we will catch up with them sooner or later. They want to break the game now

Long Weigong said, "locate as soon as possible and let them stop each other's aircraft!"

Tianqingge said: "the first elder is trying his best to locate himself, but it still takes time!"

Long Weigong seems a little anxious.

That blood falls to say: "if really is we so many superior to go out together, let the other party run finally, that is really a big joke."

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "Xuan Zhenghao on earth is scheming and scheming. This time, since he dares to fight, I'm afraid he really has a way to help them escape. "He is really not optimistic!

Now he feels more and more that killing Chen Yang as soon as possible is the only chance!

Unfortunately, this opportunity has been missed.

In the flowing light, it is extremely hot!

That array seems to be melting.

All the furnishings in Tiansuo began to melt

From the outside, around Tiansuo, it is like a volcanic eruption.

There are endless flames and thunder around!

The faster Tiansuo flew, the more fire clouds formed around it.

This flame is like a burning planet moving fast

But also because of this, the speed slows down!

The sky is illuminated like day

At this time, elder Bai Xian and Lord shenpao don't need to locate the wormhole. They've intercepted directly in front of the cloud.

Tianqingge and other experts quickly surround and kill up!

This fire is nothing!

Many experts on the scene, how can be afraid of this small scene!

However, this fire gives the experts a sense of crisis.

"Seal up the surroundings, don't give them the chance to escape from the dimension!" Tianqingge, regardless of the superiority and inferiority, yelled: "then kill with all your strength, no need to worry about it!"

The eyes of the experts are bright.

They also have to admire that tianqingge is the most sober and responsive at the critical moment.

So, many masters, no matter 37 or 21, all gathered the strongest strength, mixed holes and magic weapons, and all went to the flame!


Boundless hole!

Boundless mana!

Boundless magic weapon!

Many of the nine masters of creation work together, meaning, law, power!

This kind of power, powerful to the boundless.

Can Chen Tianya bear it?

Of course, he can't bear it!

But that's the moment he's waiting for

At this moment, in the center of the fire

Liuguang Tiansuo has already been reduced to ashes.

Suzhen in black takes Chen Yang to the heart of Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya's primitive kindling and thunder kindling began to expand rapidly as his mind revolted

Fire, lightning, explosion

Lei Zhong also followed the explosion

Chen Tianya's body completely annihilated in this instant.

Fire and thunder can't absorb the energy of many experts, but at this time, fire and thunder explode and spread with a strong destructive power.

A lot of energy around us starts to explode

All the particles explode.

All, all, all mana is exploding!

The attack and killing of the other side collided with this force and exploded

All the attack and kill, mana, all become the nutrients of this explosion.

But at this moment, in the heart of Chen Tianya, it is a piece of peace.

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